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Posts posted by Caboose

  1. I swear reading comprehension is dead.


    It was invalidated because he was wrong and buying in to the latest latest PC Police poutrage that has been suffocating social media for months. I don't care what anyone says, it's simply classless to publicly trash another artist's work and even accuse it of bigotry, and when it's not even out yet. I don't care who he is and what movie he was talking about. The movie then making more than his project is just enjoyable karma.


    You are literally just going HIS OPINION IS WRONG SO FUCK HIM! I mean, you get that, right?

  2. Good to see that drop for Ultron. I hope it crashes and burns quickly at the box office in terms of legs. Given what a disappointing film it is, it deserves it.


    I'm a fool for being fooled so many times by Marvel. From here on out, I will absolutely refuse to watch any Marvel film unless I have a guarantee that it's a great film. For all future Marvel films I'll wait weeks, months if I have to, for very thorough word of mouth and audience reaction before heading out.


    Call me an cranky old man, but I'm tired of Marvel's generic and lazy efforts on most of their films.


    Old man yells at cloud.

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  3. Disney executive came out to announce Avengers 2 box office was 44% over Avengers 1 and 24% over Iron Man 3. That smells like impulse purchase marketing to push the opening weekend up by $100 million to $200 million to me. I am not buying that. The movie has a 20 week run. If the movie is good, it will be good after 10 weeks as well. I will wait for 10 weeks for the impulse purchase marketing effect to wane and if the movie is still good at that time, I will go and see it.



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