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Posts posted by Essem

  1. DCU just needs to buckle down and make good movies. The box office wont be all that at the start, but putting out good movies after good movies,, which will hopefully make more poeple to go the cinema to see them. And if they are planning some big event movies down the line and with enough good movies under the belt maybe it could be something great at the bo.

    I'm just scared that if Superman Legacy and Brave and the Bold dont make enough money they will scrap the whole thing, even if the movies themselves are good. I just dont see the DCU is going to be given enough time before its scrapped.

  2. I was looking forward to this. I loved the first film. But WW84 is a major letdown. VERY cheap plot. Uninteresting action, specially the final fight with cheetah. Cheetah looks fine CGI wise, but the whole scene and surroundings smells of greenscreen. And the lack of action, its just a whole lot of talking about the search for this magical plot device.

    This would have done poorly at the box office under normal circumstances, but now they have an excuse for it doing poorly at least.

    • Like 1
  3. Is this a one off movie like the Joker or a part of a trilogy? It will be the exact same as the Nolan trilogy just a different take i guess.

    I would have preferred that this was in some kind of larger universe, it doesnt need cameos or references at all, but just knowing that it takes place in the DCEU.

    Although, a different earth isnt something the Flash cant fix. As we have seen on CW.

  4. I think BoP is the type of CBM that needs a proper shared universe with an overarching story. Unknown characters except for Harley. Low budget, trailers that didnt impress many at all. On it's own it just doesnt have the draw. It has a "B" movie feeling over it.

    I think many CBM fans just feels like they can miss this one without missing anything important. This is where MCU films are so good, even a "small" MCU film would drive the overarching story forward and people felt like they cant miss out on it.

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  5. So i'm not the most knowledgeable in X-Men lore. But whats the deal with the Phoenix force. So we know from Apocalypse that Jean already has the Phoenix force in her.

    What was the thing that went into Jean in this movie? Was it supposed to be Dark Phoenix? Are they 2 different entities? Or did they just retcon apocalypse and she just now got the Phoenix force. And if so, why is it inherently a bad/hostile thing.

    From my understanding Dark Phoenix is the Phoenix force that has been twisted somehow.

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