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Posts posted by rcalcagn

  1. Oh wow 10 million for Sin City?  Have no words to explain why or how this happened.


    Simple really: nine years was way too late, the hyper-stylized look is no longer fresh, Robert Rodriguez isn't a draw anymore, and even Frank Miller himself isn't a draw among the comic book community because of his hackneyed output and his polarizing borderline fascist political views.

    • Like 5
  2. Damn, Bad grandpa increasing almost 250%. What the hell?

    I know; it's potentially looking at a sub-40% drop which is not only impressive for an R-rated comedy, but one in a franchise that typically has short legs.  Maybe people really are desperate for a comedy; not to mention I've heard that the film actually has a bit of a heart...

  3. Paramount would be dumb to NOT make a Paranormal Activity 5; even if the next one makes $25M or so for its opening weekend, that's STILL five times the budget. Easiest $10M+ in three days. It's surprising that it had a little bit more of a dropoff than most of us anticipated, but considering that a well-reviewed (although not well-received) horror film the week before took its thunder, it did pretty fine.

  4. I think Burton is the first man in history whose reputation got WORSE after making a billion dollar movie. Stop motions a hard sell definitely but it should've at least matched Corpse Bride, especially with the IMAX 3D and all.Color me shocked about Taken 2, I was one of the major downplayers but I keep forgetting this was an action film that had a six-multiplier which is INSANE. I expect a pretty big drop next week though with the poor reviews and Argo.

  5. I'm curious what the viewing numbers are for The Looney Tunes Show; the second season starts next month. I haven't cared much for the show so this seems more like they just want to make a Looney Tunes film to make some money back rather than having a great script to back it up.Is there really no one better than a TV actress that wants to create the ultimate Looney Tunes feature?

  6. Universal should be very happy with that result; but the big question IS the legs. If people are just going for action, they're have Expendables 2 to go to.Great result for The Campaign; I went to a screening of it with Jay Roach as a guest and he even admitted and acknowledged that political-themed movies have been box office suicide. So a result like this, especially since it was apparently really cheap to make (Roach stated it was about $30M!).

  7. A franchise just inevitably hits that plateau. Nothing wrong with that, just it really should've been a factor.I always pegged Dark Knight Rises for a $450M-$470M finish, which is still pretty extraordinary. That means it would still be on par or more than the adjusted total for the original Batman.Bt other than Batman, what does everyone think will be the final totals for the other films? Just throwing that out there

  8. This has to be one of the more surprising runs of the films this summer; I was almost positive that this would be a big dropoff but somehow some way that damn circus afro song did the trick.So is it possible that the Penguins spinoff could do just as well? They've always been the more popular characters, not to mention having their own TV series.

  9. I just don't understand why Paramount, who not only no longer has Marvel Studios and Dreamworks Pictures, but a number of in-house projects that have either been delayed or going through a lot of trouble, won't just stick with DWA considering they've been the only bit of positive news for them lately.Obviously I know it's just a bit of tension between Katzenberg and Paramount but you'd think they'd just stick it out...

  10. I think since it's such an obscure property the studio can go nuts with the inherent concept.Think about it: Japan's greatest heroes and archetypes joining forces. Think Avengers except with mechs, giant monsters, robots, ninjas, galactic princesses, sentai warriors...the international appeal is through the roof. And since it's animated it can be one big homage to anime, manga and Japanese cinema.

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  11. Bingo. A lot of people genuinely hate her as an actress. I wonder how another young actress would have fared in the role. Kirsten probably helped bring in the Twilight crowd but also polarized others who would see it if she wasn't in it.

    Precisely; she's definitely one of the more polarizing actresses out there. No one I knew was like "Kristen Stewarts in this; I gotta see it!"; if anything, quite the opposite. My favorite gem was "I'd want to see Snow White if I didn't have to see Kristen Stewart use one expression for two hours".
  12. I still remember people were trying to claim Watchmen's legs were mostly down to the hard R rating, and not ridiculously bad WOM. Then Green Lantern came along and basically duplicated its run

    The difference I always felt wasn't quite its hard R rating as much the kind of R rating it was. To me at least it seemed like the majority of people's complaints about the movie had to do with Dr Manhatten's radioactive junk. Seriously, anyone I knew who was told that about the movie and hadn't read the comic previously was immediately turned off by the movie.
  13. how come people think MIB3 will have horrible legs? Isn't the WOM mostly positive?

    I would say "lukewarm". It still definitely seems like a walk-up kind of film and if those people end up deciding to try out Snow White or Prometheus...welll...I saw the film yesterday and did enjoy it but I think in the last forty minutes there were maybe two minutes that had, you know, ACTUAL ALIENS. I mean you got Rick Baker to make these delightful retro alien creatures and you BARELY do anything with them. I cannot under any circumstance see how this movie couldn't have been done for half the supposed cost.
  14. the same thing happened to Mission Impossible. the second one sucked, the third one underperformed (by studio standards/expectations)

    I think Mission Impossible III had to do with being Tom's first big blockbuster after his crazy loony summer of '05 (couch jumping, Lauer fight, the whole TomKat frenzy) so he had become a very polarizing figure in a very short amount of time.
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