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Posts posted by BOOYAH SUCKAS

  1. This is without a doubt one of the weirdest fucking movies i have ever seen. The first few minutes start out normal enough, liam neeson is introduced his son dies yada ya ya. He almost decides to kill himself over his sons death, but changes his mind once somebody tells him about the drug lord. His wife leaves and is never heard from again, its a wonder why she even existed in the first place. He then attempts to go on a killing rampage(and his depression is never brought up again) but can only go so far up the chain. A shit ton of pointless characters are introduced and given way too much screen time. Do we really need to know that the drug lord viking is super health conscious? Do we really need to get a backstory for every single one of his henchmen? One of them even goes into detail about how he tries to seduce maids to have sex with for him $20. 


    In another movie it might be funny but its just awkward, does nothing to advance the plot and just pads the screentime. 

    2 cops are brought in but they never do anything that affects the plot and neither of them are very interesting. We also have to listen them talk about their love lives and they’re views on drug enforcement. 


    Then as if that wasnt enough the movie decides to introduce some mative americans who take up even more screentime and serve no purpose drag the plot out. Seriously at one point the movie shows 50 year old natives playing in the snow. For several minutes. For fucking serious. For no reason. The movie also trys to extract some humor from the natives but most of it falls flat and comes off as cringy.


    Liam Neesons character is nowhere to be seen for large portions of the movie and has very little dialogue in the scenes where he does up. This wouldnt be such a huge problem if the movie wasnt advertised as a one man show. Liam Neesons name is front and center on the poster and he was the focal point of most of the tv ads.  

    Instead we get an ensemble movie with a bunch of nobodies that ultimately amounts to nothing. 

    One more thing, the actor who played Viking, the main drug lord is seriously one of the most fucking annoying actors ive ever seen. He wasn’t funny, he wasnt threatening, and he sure as hell wasn’t captivating. Why the movie decided to spend so much time with him and his son and his ex wife is beyond me. 


    I cant say its the worst movie i’ve ever seen in theaters, Lucy and Transformers 2&4 take the cake for me, but this was certainly the strangest movie ive paid to see. How it got generally positive reviews on rottentomatoes astounds me. 



  2. While it's not as offensive as say revenge of the fallen or age of extinction it's still a piss poor movie in comparison to The Mummy and even Returns. Changing the setting was just about the worst idea of all time for this series. Why not just make up a new Egyptian Mummy? 

    Most of the old cast is gone, no Rachel Weisz, no Arnold Vosloo, no Ardeth Bay. 


    Brendan Fraser and John Hannah were the only bright spots in this but they couldn't save this. Say what you will about the previous two movies but at least they tried to be fun, this one didn't even give negative fucks. 


  3. I honestly enjoy this movie more than raiders of the lost ark. I'll concede that Raiders is the better made movie, but this one is just so much fun. This is the type of movie(along with predator) that sounds really dumb on paper and really should not have worked. But the cast is excellent and they are largely what makes this work. Seriously Brendan Fraser is amazing in this and plays the hero part perfectly. Rachel Weisz is obviously very good looking but she also has decent amount of depth. John Hannah and the guy who played benny make for great comic relief and finally Arnold Vosloo is excellent as the villain. 


    Blockbusters like this are in short supply these days, it combines great action, comedy and horror. Sure it is a little cheesy at parts but it's just such a joy to watch that it is easily forgiven. 

    This is undoubtedly one of my favorite movies. 

  4. Although my Deadpool club predicted a total that was far too low (250m) the fundamental reasons for it were sound. 

    Too much competition, and lack of novelty prevented it from reaching the same numbers the first one did.

    it really should have opened the first weekend of August and then it could have possibly matched the first one.  

    Al in all it's a very impressive opening and it proves that the franchise is a real contender, but the r rating has definitely put a ceiling on this.

  5. After 15 years it still holds the record for the highest OW for a live action original comedy. Proof that Jim Carrey was by far the biggest comedy star of the 2000's and how far a great concept can take you. 


    It was the 5th highest grossing movie WW in 2003 which is unimaginable these days for a comedy to achieve. Really remarkable run that seemingly gets overlooked. 

    • Like 3
  6. Broke the OW record by a fairly large margin but had dissapointing legs that saw it lose the summer to Men in Black. 


    While it was a technically well made movie it lacked a lot of the magic of the first movie and that is why it declined so much. 


    I was only 2 when this movie came out and I'm wondering if people from around that time can tell me about the hype for the movie. 

    What were the expectations for it before the mixed response? 

  7. Easily the most overrated movie of all time in my opinion. Having seen most of the other movies in IMDB's top 20 this is easily the worst one I've seen. I enjoyed Django Unchained so I know that Tarantino has talent but this was just all over the place. Sure there's some great dialogue sprinkled throughout the movie but nothing worth masturbating to like so many of his fanboys think there is. Samuel L Jackson is by far the best thing in the movie and the film is almost borderline unwatchable when he's not in it. I liked Travolta in Face/off but he was not good in this, seemed really awkward. 


    Overall the film film lacks a real plot, there's a bunch of stuff that happens but a lot of it doesn't really tie into each other. Mostly the Bruce Willis storyline which could have been cut from the movie completely and then the dinner scene between Travoltas and Thurman's characters. 


    The whole rape scene was a big what the fuck, came totally out of nowhere for no reason and comes off as really self indulgent on Quentin Tarantino part. 


    It's not a bad movie, but compared to the way people talk about it like it's the greatest movie ever made just boggles my mind. The Samuel l Jackson parts were worth watching, everything else can be skipped over. 

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, HeyItsMoses said:

    i was really hoping for snoke to be the big bad villain in the final entry, but they just killed him off. such a waste of potential. wasn't he supposed to have this giant story arc? 


    so now we got kylo and rey as the only jedi left, and we're gonna see them dual? that's pretty fuckin lame.


    best part of the movie, visually, was when the ship went lightspeed into the other ship. absolutely stunning!

    The hyperspace into the imperial ship looked like something out of an anime to me, I could have sworn I heard people in my theater laughing at the scene. 

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  9. As the 8th film in the star wars franchise it has to walk a fine line between not straying too far from what star wars unique in the first place, but it also can't just go through the motions and repeat what the previous movies otherwise you end up with a movie like TFA. It is a very fine line to walk on and one I dont think disney is going to be successful with. 


    At this point i think its time for Star Wars to end, the movies are just never going to live up to the hype. A lot of these franchises have huge budgets but they fail to really do anything interesting with them. So much feels manufactured, instead of organic. First there was too much stupid disney/marvel humor in the movie. Some of the stuff with the porgs was fine, but leia making the joke about luke asking about her hair just flat out took me out of the movie. 

    Secondly Leia dying and then coming back to life was incredibly stupid, apparently she has the force? But it never really came up before and only comes up again later when luke says something to leia. 

    Thirdly I cannot believe that Disney would go out of their way to insinuate that Snoke was going to be the overarching enemy of the trilogy and then they just killed him off like he was nobody. 


    Of course I could keep going and on but i think the point has been made. Theres some good stuff like the performances and the music but considering what it could have I can't help but feel dissapointed. At this point I think that rogue one is the best star wars film that disney has made, but even that one had a lot of problems.



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  10. Its well made but at times feels like two different movies put together. Chan and Brosnan are both terrific and I have to give props to Brosnan for doing a good Irish accent. But there comes a point in the film where there are just too many subplots, like the nephew sleeping with brosnan's wife that really detract from the main focus of the film. I really wish that the film had given Jackie Chan more screentime, he's basically a supporting character in his own movie. Its awesome that he does his own stunts, but I cant shake the feeling that somebody thought "hey we have a great thriller on our hands, now we just need to add some action, oh wait lets add jackie chan!". Not sure why so many critics complained its completely humourous, Brosnan's character had a lot of funny bits(in a good way, not unintentionally).


    I'll give it a B, definitely could have been better but I don't regret seeing it. 

  11. Marginally better than the complete dullness of Thor:The Dark World, but it lacks any sort of emotional weight that the first Thor gave us. First of all these movies are just getting to meta and self referential for their own good. It starts off with Thor breaking the 4th wall, repeats the joke about the chain spinning three times and then he conveniently escapes to kick some random dudes ass who looks cartoony as hell. I did like the addition of Karl Urban in this movie, but his character doesn't serve much purpose in this movie. 


    What made the first Thor pretty good was that Loki actually felt like an intelligent character, here he just seems like a cliche and of course he becomes good again so everybody can be reunited and theres a happy ending. Seriously, the guy tried to invade earth, killed thousands of innocent people and everybody just forgives him for no reason. This is becoming a major pet peeve of mine in the movies. Star Wars the Force Awakens was also a propagator of this stupid plot point. 


    Perhaps the biggest problem with the movie is that it seems to suffer from the screenwriters attempt to throw as much at the wall as possible in a hope that a lot it will stick. Theres an absolutely great cast in this movie that is largely wasted. There was no need to have both Jeff Goldblum's and Cate Blanchett's character in the movie, neither get enough backstory or time to really flesh out their characters. Also I had no idea that was Cate Blanchett in the movie until the credits rolled.  


    There is some fun action, but it gets bogged down by some really lame jokes and lack of any real stakes. The rock guy is just about the worst comic relief character ever put to film. The jokes about the devils anus and the orgies in the grandmaster's ship were completely unnecessary and not in the least bit funny. 


    Overall I am getting less and less excited for Marvel as time goes on, Age of Ultron was a step down from the first, Civil War was solid but rather mundane and Doctor Strange was a complete waste of time. Additionally can I say that Doctor Strange's character was a complete waste of screen time in this movie. 


    Apparently Asgard built some huge empire, but their entire planet(?) only has a couple thousand people on it. How the hell does that work? 


    I'll give it a C, some parts of it are fun to watch but it never coalesces into an organic feeling film. 



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  12. In my opinion Cast Away is probably the 3rd most impressive star vehicle of all time, behind only beverly hills cop and I am Legend. Nobody else in the title role could have even brought in anywhere near as much. Tom Hanks is certainly the biggest movie star of the modern era, beating out Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, and Will Smith. 

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