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Straight-to-DVD (2/10)



  1. Action looks too choreographed and unnatural to me, don't find kamala cute the way they clearly want me to, music choice is horrific. Reminds me of that scene in the first one where they played I'm just a girl or whatever it's called. Just doesn't fit the scene for me.
  2. Well i guess it's time to accept that this movie isn't for me. Good luck to it i guess lol
  3. I do not understand how those two things are connected. Social media reactions are almost always about a week earlier than critic reviews, and they are almost always hyperbolic in their positivity. So much that seeing anything slightly negative in them is a sign that reception will be even worse for normal people.
  4. People talking about the review embargo miss very crucial distinction. The critic embargo lift is meaningless, that's always right before release. What is a red flag is the social media embargo. It's very unusual for studios trying to target geeks to tell their most fervent fans to stay quiet until a couple days before release. You have screenings for the movie with the group most likely to eat up whatever slop you give them, and you won't use that for advertising? Odd.
  5. It seems from other projects that trying to play the representation game doesn't really work as well in other countries, so this would track with my suspicion that they are going for a very specifically targeted ad push dependent on demographics, based on data mining. Rather than trying to get the word out as wide as possible, inundate particular areas and demos. Focus on areas with high percentage of women and online spaces that women occupy more. Idk what those spaces are but I know I'm not in them. Hence never really seeing much advertising for the movie.
  6. How exactly does one get ticket information? Do you write scripts to scrape, are there APIs, do you do it manually? I assume it isn't manually due to the high totals but I'm not sure. What are the regions of the US we have tracking for here?
  7. Really? That makes the pre sales even more troubling. Means people know about it but they're not interested. Which is backed up by the data I mentioned before on the quorum. Among people who are interested, a low number want to see it in theaters, or pay for it if they do
  8. Of course we have to consider the possibility that this is including whatever veteran's day effect, and that it would normally be even worse
  9. I knew that it was tracking like the flash in some areas but damn. Any number in that range is a straight up disaster. Maybe certain people would have to accept that a billion for the first movie was not on its own merits...
  10. Now THIS is the kind of poster that'll put butts in seats. It's like 7 animorphs covers in one.
  11. Yeah and of all the complaints I've heard about that movie/character, that moment of the movie is not one of them. Nobody talks about that guy at all, actually. If the issue was truly just hating strong women, surely it'd be more talked about? But because it tracks with how strong she is established to be, nobody takes issue with that moment. It wouldn't make any sense if she didn't just blast his ass right away. With how willing they are to call Rey in star wars a mary sue, I think it would come up more often if they hated that specific scene. I know possibly my favorite moment in wandavision was the scene when she outsmarts Agatha and says "thanks for the lesson...but I don't need you to tell me who I am." Would that moment work so well for me if I had a categorical rejection of strong women? And yet, I still don't care about captain marvel and find Brie Larson very grating for some reason.
  12. I don't know that I've seen any proof her castmates don't like her, but I do think it's interesting that some people mention how few marvel people defended her but never wonder if they didn't defend her because they don't like her... in any case, I don't think it matters because some people deliberately are quite distant from their coworkers. And at the end of the day that's what they are. I did recently see that one clip of her asking if anyone wants her back and the interviewer seemed quite uncomfortable.
  13. The misunderstanding here (which is my fault for not saying more explicitly) is that I actually don't even think it would be the difference between 60 and 80. I think it would have nearly no effect, and that lack of cast promotion is not why the sales are as low as they are. Lot of people seem to think it would make a noticeable difference, and I don't.
  14. Idk why so many people are so sure that not being able to go on talk shows and interviews is holding this movie back. There are thirty-two MCU movies at this point, it's not like it's some indie studio that nobody knows what/when their movies are.
  15. Not good for whoever was in here arguing that they aren't trying to angle her as leader of the avengers. I don't think that's definitive proof, but it sure doesn't help. I'm really curious if they've hired someone new recently because I don't know how they're suddenly so out of touch with their viewers. If I'm in charge at marketing, there's no way I'm using a theme that is now iconic to try to manipulate people into giving a shit about a character they actively dislike...
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