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Posts posted by Jussslic

  1. No Archer thread??? Fine, I'll start it myself! :DI just watched the first two seasons on Netflix instant. I'm floored. This is one of the funniest shows I've seen in years. The writing is so frickin sharp and the voicework is off the charts.Man between this, Louie, and Sunny, FX cannot be beaten right now.

  2. These opening weekend predictions are far too low. If this film opens on a Friday it will hit 200mil+Anyone who says it can't because it's December isn't looking at the big picture. This will be the sequel to the biggest film of all time, how many times has that happened? If the trailers are good people will rush to see this OW. If Alice in wonderland made 115 m OW then i don't see how this can only open to 150 especially with inflation.

    Just curious, what is the biggest opening of all time in terms of ticket sales and what does it adjust to? I think Avatar 2 will have as much lead-up hype as just about any film in history but I really wonder whether it's even logistically possible for this film to do any more than 160 - 170 OW. First you have the fact that it will run close to three hours, which will cut down the number of showings, BUT you also have to consider the fact that if it's anything like its predecessor 70-80% of the audience will want to see it in 3D.There are only so many 3D screens, and if there's any film that will make people "wait" for a 3D showing rather than settling for the 2D it's this one. Don't get me wrong, it's going to open huge, but I'm not so sure this is the first 200M opener.
  3. Tonights episode was really great. I felt it was a big improve over last years documentary episode (I enjoyed last years too) Plus it was great to see a different side of the Dean. Also Jeff dressd as the Dean was just halirious.

    Yeah, Jeff was great as the Dean, but I think my favorite bit of the night was Stockholm Syndrome Annie. Honestly, I'll be so disappointed if NBC doesn't order a fourth season, but I think there's still a pretty decent chance it'll get renewed. Sony is apparently pushing pretty hard for the 88 episode mark so that they can get it into syndication.Did you really send paintballs?
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