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Posts posted by friendofnarnia

  1. Let me just start by saying, I am in no way the target demographic for this film unless a 25 year old male is who they were aiming this at. Having said that, this is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. The team that put this together showed us that you don't have to have a particularly deep plot to tell a profound story. Sometimes the simple stories are the most difficult to pull off, but the immensely rewarding when they do.


    Everything worked here. The acting, directing, costumes, effects, music. Everything. It was the perfect Fairy Tale. Light years ahead of the animated version. I don't think this story could have been told much better. Kenneth Branagh is a genius.


    Anyway, it's an A+ for me.

    • Like 2
  2. now that you wrote about it I started to contemplate that yeah gold was quite important :lol:

    seriously though I feel like the satisfaction from the film's character arcs depend on what/who you personally prefer

    I care for Thorin/Bilbo/Lego/Thranduil the most so I felt the movie pretty much was complete (more Balin would have been better)

    & the loose ends of other characters & the battle outcome just werent that crucial to ruin the experience

    Super pumped for the SEE as well ofc

    especially after that interview & the pic of the funerals :worthy:

    If you care about the story how could you not care about the outcome of the battle? The only reason I know the answer to many of my questions is because I've read the book.

    One other not so important note. Where did the mountain goats come from? It's like they just magically appeared.

    So is there an interview about what will be in the extended edition?

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  3. The Hobbit is ultimately just about Bilbo's journey, so none of that really matters enough to be perfectly wrapped up on screen. Would I have liked it to, yeah, but it didn't bother me much that it wasn't.

    The Hobbit book? Yes. But this final movie was about so much more than Bilbo. The main plot points were left hanging. I think the worst is not letting us know what happened with the gold since that was the whole conflict of the first half of the film. Did people get their share of the gold? Was the sickness that was over the goal magically gone?

    • Like 1
  4. I quite enjoyed the movie, but the ending was poorly done. Almost nothing was resolved. We are just left to assume the eagles finished everything off, but the battle never really felt like it ended. Who has the Arkenetone? Is Bard just keep it? Who ended up King under the mountain? Did the elves, dwarves, and men ever reconcile things? Did the Elf King ever get what he wanted? What happened to Tauriel?

    They should have at least shown a resolution between the different races of some kind, and shown us who would be the new King under the mountain. It just wasn't a very satisfying ending.

  5. The Hanging Tree sequence is almost reason enough to give it 5 stars. (Just kidding, but seriously it is such an awesome scene and the highlight of the movie to me.

    The movie as a whole wasn't bad, it just was too drawn out. It became increasingly clear that this should have not been split up. I think when part 2 comes out I'm going to edit a version for myself that condenses part 1 and combines the two parts into one film. I did the same thing with the first 2 Hobbit films and it worked great!

    Overall I think I'd give the film a 7/10.

    • Like 2
  6. Well, it is understandable that she would say something like that on Woman's Hour, and considering her focus on such issues I can see how she could say she was aware of the metaphor. That doesn't mean it was the directors goal for the scene. And even if it was, I think they pulled it off well, thanks primarily to Jolie's performance.

  7. So what are you doing? Just looking at the polls? It actually doesn't take that much longer because the only time you have to read a review is if it is unclear whether it is rotten or not.


    And are you trying to do this for every movie?

  8. I think anything that is 6 or under should be rotten unless the review seems to be more positive than negative. Pretty much every review on this forum that is 6 or less reads like a rotten.

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