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Posts posted by glassfairy

  1. I thought India did a good job in Underworld. Looking at The Secret Life of the American Teenager you'd think both her and Shailene were the worst actresses to walk this earth and then you see them in outside projects and they're no worse than anyone else.

  2. A+. Perfection. The movie that comes closest to encapsulating childhood. Ralphie is of a different era and a different gender but pretty much everything that goes through his head went through mine as a child.There is no character I can more closely identify with in the whole of cinema. A matter of fact if you were to mix Ralphie and Angelica from Rugrats you'd have kiddie glassfairy.

  3. 1. Drive ???

    2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 B

    3. 50/50 ???

    4. Hugo ???

    5. Rise of the Planet of the Apes D

    6. X-Men: First Class ???

    7. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo B

    8. Mission Impossible- Ghost Protocol B+

    9. Warrior A-

    10. The Descendants A-

    11. Rango B

    12. Super 8 ???

    13. Moneyball ???

    14. The Muppets A+

    15. The Artist ???

    Boy is it evident there are a lot of 18-34 males here.

  4. Best Supporting Actress

    Want: Jessica Chastain

    Will: Octavia Spencer

    Best Supporting Actor

    Want: Christopher Plummer

    Will: Christopher Plummer

    Best Actress

    Want: Viola Davis

    Will: Meryl Streep

    Best Actor

    Want: Jean Dujardin

    Will: Jean Dujardin

    Best Director

    Want: Michel Hazanavicius

    Will: Martin Scorsese

    Best Original Screenplay

    Want: Michel Hazanavicius – The Artist

    Will: Annie Mumolo and Kristen Wiig– Bridesmaids

    Best Adapted Screenplay

    Want: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

    Will: The Decendants

    Foreign Language Film

    Want : A Separation

    Will: A Seperation


    Want: A Cat in Paris

    Will: A Cat in Paris

    Best Picture

    Want: The Artist

    Will: The Artist

  5. B-The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo book would make my top 10 list of books written in the past 50 years so from the start this movie had a lot to live up to for me. It started off slow but then so did the book. I was glad i'd had a nap before I went to see this because i'm pretty sure I would have fallen asleep otherwise. But the thing with the book was even though it was slow to draw me in, once it did I was hooked on the Harriet mystery. I loved Kalle Blomkvist. I can't pretend I ever came to like Lisbeth throughout the entire series but I did root for her/feel for her. I can't pretend the movie made me feel anything of the sort. Reading the book I was second guessing everyone (seriously, I had EVERYONE on my suspect list at some point) and the mystery drew me in as much as any mystery has ever done in literature. In the movie, I couldn't really care less. I never felt involved.I love Daniel Craig but I wasn't feeling him as Blomkvist. It's a mystery to me how Rooney Mara could have gotten an Oscar nod for that performance. It was average at best. To think that heifer will turn up at the Oscars (no doubt looking sullen in a black Givenchy couture dress, mark my words) instead of Elizabeth Olsen (who would have rocked vintage Chanel and been a breathe of fresh air on the red carpet, i'm sure) is a tragedy. Casting gets 50% of the blame from me and David Fincher gets the rest. I have never liked his direction and this movie didn't change my mind at all.All in all like most books I like I feel like this one can only work as a mini series. You cannot make this into a movie without sacrificing characterization. Here's hoping somewhere down the line the BBC does a mini series. They are the only hope for this being done right.

  6. Picture

    1. The Artist

    2. The Descendents

    3. Hugo

    4. The Help

    5. Midnight in Paris

    6. Moneyball

    7. Tree of Life

    8. War Horse

    9. Extremely Loud and Close


    1. Martin Scorsese

    2. Alexander Payne

    3. Woody Allen

    4. Michel Hazanavicius

    5. Terrence Malick


    1. Jean Dujardin

    2. George Clooney

    3. Gary Oldman

    4. Brad Pitt

    5. Demián Bichir for A Better Life


    1. Meryl Streep

    2. Viola Davis

    3. Glenn Close

    4. Rooney Mara

    5. Michelle Williams

    Supporting Actor

    1. Christopher Plummer

    2. Max Von Sydow

    3. Nick Nolte

    4. Kenneth Branagh

    5. Jonah Hill

    Supporting Actress

    1. Octavia Spencer

    2. Bérénice Bejo

    3. Melissa McCarthy

    4. Jessica Chastain

    5. Janet McTeer

    Original Screenplay

    1. Midnight in Paris

    2. Bridesmaids

    3. Margin Call

    4. A Separation

    5. The Artist

    Adapted Screenplay

    1. Hugo

    2. Moneyball

    3. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

    4. The Descendents

    5. The Ides of March

    Film Editing

    1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    2. The Artist

    3. Hugo

    4. The Descendents

    5. Moneyball


    1. The Tree of Life

    2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    3. War Horse

    4. Hugo

    5. The Artist

    Art Direction

    1. Hugo

    2. War Horse

    3. The Artist

    4. Midnight in Paris

    5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2


    1. The Artist

    2. W.E.

    3. Hugo

    4. Anonymous

    5. Jane Eyre


    1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

    2. The Iron Lady

    3. Albert Nobbs

    Animated Feature

    1. A Cat in Paris

    2. Chico and Rita

    3. Kung Fu Panda 2

    4. Puss in Boots

    5. Rango


    1. War Horse

    2. Hugo

    3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    4. Transfomers: Dark of the Moon

    5. Moneyball

    Sound Editing

    1. War Horse

    2. Hugo

    3. Transformers: Dark of the Moon

    4. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    5. Drive

    Visual Effects

    1. Rise of the Planet of the Apes

    2. Hugo

    3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

    4. Transformers: Dark of the Moon

    5. Real Steel


    1. Man or Muppet

    2. Real in Rio


    1. War Horse

    2. The Artist

    3. Hugo

    4. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

    5. The Adventures of Tintin

    Foreign Language Film

    1. A Separation

    2. In Darkness

    3. Bullhead

    4. Footnote

    5. Monsieur Lazhar

    Documentary Feature

    1. Undefeated

    2. Pina

    3. If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front

    4. Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory

    5. Hell and Back Again

    Documentary Short

    1. Saving Face

    2. The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement

    3. The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom

    4. God is the Bigger Elvis

    5.Incident in New Baghdad

    Animated Short Film

    1. Dimanche/Sunday

    2. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

    3. La Luna

    4. A Morning Stroll

    5. Wild Life

    Live Action Short Film

    1. Raju

    2. The Shore

    3. Time Freak

    4. Tuba Atlantic

    5. Pentecost

  7. January 23 - The Devil Inside - 10/10. Lol, I have rarely been so perfectly trolled in my life. The thing is the movie really was creepy/well done imo and then the ending came and everyone was wtf-ing and lol-ing and I was dying laughing. Ahahaha. Trolling when done right is an art form and the makers of this deserve only praise. I really don't get why anyone would be mad or disappointed at the ending. People take movies way too seriously.

  8. Batman

    Batman 89': ? I honestly don't remember seeing this. Maybe when I was younger but idk.

    Batman Returns: B . But I only vaguely remember seeing this.

    Batman Forever: C +

    Batman and Robin: B. I've never gotten the hate. But then my favorite Batman is still the Adam West tv show version so that says everything about me.

    Batman Begins: B-

    The Dark Knight: ? Still haven't seen it to the chagrin of every male I know. I'll see it before the next one which I already have been told i'll be dragged to.


    Godfather: A

    Godfather Part II: A+

    Godfather Part III: ? The trouble here was I saw the first two back to back and was then too tired to see the third. And then I never got around to it.

    Indiana Jones:

    Raiders of the Lost Ark: A

    Temple of Doom: A+

    Last Crusade: A-

    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: B

    James Bond:

    Dr. No: B+

    From Russia with Love: C

    Goldfinger: A+

    Thunderball: C

    You Only Live Twice: A+

    On Her Majesties Secret Service: ?

    Diamonds are Forever: B

    Live and Let Die: B+

    The Man with the Golden Gun: B-

    The Spy Who Loved Me: B

    Moonraker: ?

    For Your Eyes Only: B-

    Octopussy: B-

    Never Say Never Again: B-

    A View to a Kill: B

    The Living Day Lights: ?

    License to Kill: B

    Goldeneye: C

    Tomorrow Never Dies: B

    The World is Not Enough: C-

    Die Another Day: C

    Casino Royale: A+

    Quantum of Solace: ? I'll catch up before the next one.

  9. Posted Image

    I think this is my favorite thread on BOT :D . And even though it made me laugh I get where everyone is coming from. I'm somewhat surprised it's not even getting nominated. I don't think any of the movies have been award winning quality and the series on a whole hasn't been consistent enough to get rewarded as one work. However, the quality of the series as a whole is at least good enough to get the recognition of a nomination. And the last movie was well received. Plus I don't think the movie field is so strong this year than Harry Potter can't weasel at least a Golden Globe nomination for best drama.

  10. Harry Potter

    Philosopher's Stone: B+

    Chamber of Secrets: A

    Prisoner of Azkaban: C+

    Goblet of Fire: A-

    Order of the Phoenix: B

    Half-Blood Prince: B+

    Deathly Hallows 1: B

    Deathly Hallows 2: B+

    Lord of the Rings:

    Fellowship of the Ring: A+

    The Two Towers: A

    Return of the King: A+

    Star Wars

    A New Hope: B+

    Empire Strikes Back: B+

    Return of the Jedi: A

    The Phantom Menace: C-

    Attack of the Clones: C

    Revenge of the Sith: D

    Pirates of the Caribbean:

    Curse of the Black Pearl: B+

    Dead Man's Chest: B+

    At World's End: C

    On Stranger Tides: D



    Posted Image


    Transformers: ?

    Revenge of the Fallen: ?

    Dark of the Moon: C+


    Spider-Man: A

    Spider-Man 2: A

    Spider-Man 3: B


    1. Hugo

    2. War Horse

    3. The Descendants

    4. The Help

    5. Moneyball

    6. The Ides of March


    1. The Artist

    2. Bridesmaids

    3. Midnight in Paris

    4. My Week with Marilyn

    5. 50/50


    1. Alexander Payne, The Descendants

    2. Martin Scorsese, Hugo

    3. George Clooney, The Ides of March

    4. Woody Allen, Midnight In Paris

    5. Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist


    1. Brad Pitt, Moneyball

    2. George Clooney, The Descendants

    3. Ryan Gosling, The Ides of March

    4. Leonardo DiCaprio, J Edgar

    5. Michael Fassbender, Shame


    1. Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady

    2. Tilda Swinton, We Need to Talk About Kevin

    3. Viola Davis, The Help

    4. Glenn Close, Albert Nobbs

    5. Rooney Mara, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


    1. Jean Dujardin, The Artist

    2. Ryan Gosling, Crazy Stupid Love

    3. Owen Wilson, Midnight in Paris

    4. Joseph Gordon Levitt, 50/50

    5. Brendan Gleeson, The Guard


    1. Kristen Wiig, Bridesmaids

    2. Charlize Theron, Young Adult

    3. Kate Winslet, Carnage

    4. Michelle WIlliams, My Week With Marilyn

    5. Jodie Foster, Carnage


    1. Christopher Plummer, Beginners

    2. Kenneth Branagh, My Week with Marilyn

    3. Albert Brooks, Drive

    4. Viggo Mortensen, A Dangerous Method

    5. Jonah Hill, Moneyball


    1. Octavia Spencer, The Help

    2. Berenice Bejo, The Artist

    3. Shailene Woodley, The Descendants

    4. Jessica Chastain , The Help

    5. Janet McTeer, Albert Nobbs


    1. The Descendants

    2. Midnight in Paris

    3. The Artist

    4. The Ides of March

    5. Moneyball


    1. The Adventures of Tintin

    2. Arthur Christmas

    3. Cars 2

    4. Rango

    5. Puss in Boots


    1. The Flowers of War

    2. A Separation

    3. In The Land of Blood and Honey

    4. The Skin I Live In

    5. The Kid WIth The Bike


    1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

    2. The Artist, Ludovic Bource

    3. War Horse, John Williams

    4. Hugo, Howard Shore

    5. W.E., Abel Korzeniowski


"Masterpiece," W.E.

"Hello Hello," Gnomeo and Juliet

"The Living Proof," The Help

    4. "The Keeper," Machine Gun Preacher

    5. "Lay Your Head Down," Albert Nobbs

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