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Status Updates posted by ashtonelijah

  1. RT @KeithWa03224582: @HillaryClinton @ashtonpittman Hilary is the people's president.. she is my president. DJT isn't the only person who…

  2. RT @adamjohnsonNYC: please god can pundits stop calling for a centrist third party, we have a centrist party it's called the Democrats http…

  3. RT @janeosanders: Must be - there was no other agreement. @BernieSanders openly pledged to run a campaign on issues, not personal attacks.…

  4. RT @kellwoohoo: Several NC counties cut polling places up to 94% from '12 & not surprisingly these counties have high AA populations https:…

  5. You make the journalistic profession proud. I would've already lost all my ish on somebody if I was in your place. #ImWithTur @KatyTurNBC

  6. RT @CNN: Trump congratulates Newt Gingrich on “amazing interview” after epic clash with Megyn Kelly https://t.co/7VJ8dcd34L https://t.co/P4…

  7. RT @kylegriffin1: Inbox: Hillary Clinton to campaign in Florida on Tuesday, October 25 and Wednesday, October 26. https://t.co/Pp1JaQGzFD

  8. RT @bimmerella: I want to give Steve Schmidt a hug! His emotional response Obama: 'I'd invite Mr. Trump to stop whining' https://t.co/2dxl…

  9. Aww, did the tyrant-coddling, anti-Semitic, Neo-Nazi sympathizing rapist get his Internet cut? Boo hoo. #FreeJulian

  10. RT @asymmetricinfo: It is almost an ironclad rule: if you are writing a very long piece, the start of the second section of your first draf…

  11. RT @neontaster: I will not call Paul Ryan bad I will not trash a Gold Star dad I will not sue the NY Times I will not speak of Russia's cri…

  12. RT @pollreport: Feelings toward Hillary Clinton: Positive 40% Neutral 10% Negative 50% (NBC/WSJ Poll, RV, 10/8-9) Details: https://t.co/k6X…

  13. .@jmccl68 @HerMillennials @KirstenPowers No, most of us in fact don't proudly talk about committing sexual assault.

  14. RT @TheRickWilson: TBD but likely https://t.co/21YyCTv5SD

  15. RT @ThePlumLineGS: New NBC/Survey Monkey poll of likely voters nationally: Clinton 46 Trump 40 Johnson 9 Stein 3 https://t.co/zqoZZNVER2

  16. RT @evanasmith: On @cnn Rudy Giuliani said @nytimes failed to mention until 26th paragraph @realdonaldtrump not paying taxes was legal. Her…

  17. RT @MichaelRWear: CNN focus group. Reporter: "Why did you laugh when Trump said he has a great temperament?" Voter: "Uhhhh because his temp…

  18. RT @Salon: The lie of white “economic insecurity”: Race, class and the rise of Donald Trump https://t.co/so1onbMFEh

  19. RT @BBCNewsnight: Protesters in #Charlotte "hate white people" - North Carolina Congressman Pittenger tells #newsnight https://t.co/q6ELYD…

  20. RT @TeaPainUSA: Don King: "Every white woman in American should vote for Trump." If anybody knows about women's safety, its Mike Tyson's f…

  21. RT @DesmondTutuPF: Friends, Archbishop Tutu is alive and feeling much better. Thank you for your continued prayers and well wishes. https:/…

  22. #LOVETrumpsHate @HillaryClinton @FLOTUS

  23. RT @HillaryClinton: America is one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Not just for people who look or worship…

  24. RT @DavidAFrench: Those of us who've been on the receiving end of racist hate from online Trump are not inclined to offer character testimo…

  25. People who warned Obama would institute FEMA camps & death panels are now criticizing him for NOT acting like a dictator. @AG_Conservative

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