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Posts posted by Magic

  1. What if the next December sucks too and Hobbit underperforms (in comparison to some predictions here) and misses 350M?

    LMAO. It's the freakin Hobbit dude. 100M+ copies sold worldwide, coming off the greatest trilogy of all time and a 370M grosser in 2003 and it has native 3D. People have been waiting nearly a decade for this.
  2. But then the question is, why aren't people seeing the holdovers? Apparently Arthur Christmas, The Muppets and Hugo are all brilliant. People should be flocking to them in droves.

    Because they don't have much mainstream appeal.
  3. The more I watched Avatar the more empty it seemed. Once you get past the technical and visual spectacle you start seeing how much better this film could have been if Cameron was at his best, had provided a more mature plot and got someone else to write the damn dialogue.He's made better sequels in the past so hopefully Avatar 2 is better...

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