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Posts posted by AJ2k

  1. 23 hours ago, Eastwood47 said:

    Even some of the esthetics fail, such as the flashback scenes. Myers house CLEARLY reads like a set piece (very much in the same vein as Resurrection). But of course they got his mask right, especially in the flashback scenes. So I imagine this will ultimately be what allot of fans grade this film on to forgive the rest. But from the directors chair, this reads like a fan made film with a Hollywood budget. Self aware, unoriginal, and full of winks to other entries to cover up the fact it can't move the needle on the story. This is a trilogy made as a cash grab, not because there were three films worth of story to tell. If the third film moves the needle at all, you can just skip right over this one and watch the last entry. 



    The flashback scene had a continuity error that bugged me almost immediately because it was something so simple that shouldn't have been missed. .



    Michael was supposedly shot 6 times by Loomis prior to when we see him in the flashback but his coveralls look like he just walked straight out of the cleaners. No bullet holes, no blood stains, nothing. He just looked too clean. A guy that's been shot 6 times should leave a blood trail. When the cops are in Michael's house looking for him one of them sees footprints on the floor. Instead of footprints he should have seen a pool of blood. It was a glaring error and a really dumb mistake unless they just retconned Loomis shooting Michael in the first place.


  2. On 12/5/2019 at 3:02 PM, captainwondyful said:

    OMG.  The Knives Out Twitter Account is now called “The Chris Evans Sweater Stan Account” and it is just filled with thirst posts about Evans in the sweater. 







    This just reminded me during the movie I commented to my wife "I want that coat" during one of Evans' scenes lol.  It was a brown 3/4 quarter length coat that caught my attention immediately since I'm such a coat fiend. Now I have to go look for it.

  3. 29 minutes ago, xiazhi said:

    Annabelle Comes Home is pretty disappointing. Better than the first but I guess people have lost interest in Annabelle franchise. That's why it'll make only half of the first two.

    It was alright. The leads were likeable and the movie overall had some pretty good moments. It just got really hokey in the final act after a really good build-up.

  4. 44 minutes ago, John Marston said:



    seems the people that hated Godzilla 2014 love KOTM, while the people that liked Godzilla 2014 hate it


    Or there are some like me that was really disappointed with both movies. Both were one and done for me.  I'm a character-driven viewer. You get me on board with the character(s) of your movie and I'll sit back and enjoy the ride no matter how stupid your story is lol. If the story is a good one that's just gravy. Both Godzilla movies absolutely FAILED in the character department. KOTM failed in just about every aspect. Couldn't even get the action scenes right.

  5. 8 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

    I'd argue Into The Spider-Verse was just as cinematically astounding, if not more. Yeah, it's animation, but 95% of all animated movies don't aim for cinematic appeal.


    Live-action wise...... Mission: Impossible, Fallout is the only thing I'd put at the same level (or above) Godzilla '14 as far as pure craft goes. Gareth Edwards would be a Nolan 2.0 if he had good scripts to direct. The man is an absolute craftsmanship machine. Sadly, he doesn't get those good scripts to balance out his technical competence (between Godzilla and Rogue One.... yeah, neither had exactly killer screenplays).

    Edwards is Nolan 2.0 where his sterile lifeless characters are as interesting as watching paint dry.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Menor said:

    Robin Hood Prince of Thieves is a good soundtrack but legendary? Most people haven't heard of it

    That Bryan Adams song is permanently seared in my mind thanks to MTV playing it so much lol. Back in the 90's they used to have movie music videos that played on MTV constantly. It was basically a free commercial for the the movie playing every hour.  Just a few off the top of my head that will never leave my mind are the aforementioned Titanic/Celine Dion, Bodyguard/Whitney Houston, Robin Hood/Bryan Adams and my favorite at the time  Batman Forever (Seal - Kiss From a Rose and U2's Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss me) videos. Those movie music videos also inspired me into editing my own videos which has become a hobby that's stuck with me lol.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Warhorse said:

    I am hardly a fan of Titanic. I do prefer End Game over Titanic, but, I will admit that Titanic is the superior film in terms of quality and did earn it's accolades. Titanic, most dominating movie of it's time, and also had the most dominating soundtrack of it's time.  End Game is a good movie, but it's soundtrack will be no where near the legendary status of Titanic, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves or Bodyguard were

    Cmon lol. Of course no soundtrack is going to be bigger than those mentioned. This is a different era. Point out the cable channel that plays a song 20 times a day like MTV did in the 90s lol.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

    Just got out of my 2nd viewing and come back to this glorious insanity!! 




    So did I. I already loved it on the first experience but the 2nd viewing really cemented it. I really can't believe this movie is 3 hours long because it just flies by. The first act starts out with a slow burn of character building which I love and from the 2nd act on it just doesn't let up. I think the 2nd act just may very well be my favorite of the movie and the 3rd act is just gravy.  Then I come back to hear this thing is breaking records like this and it puts a smile on my face. And I'm not shocked because that theater was so packed I don't think anyone in Pittsburgh is working today.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Box Office Freak said:

    Am I the only one who thought Endgame was miles better than Infinity War ?


    Infinity War 7.7/10


    Endgame 10/10

    Nah, they both delivered and gave me awesome experiences. I still need to digest EG. I'm about to see it again in less than 2 hours and it'll probably get better since I'll catch the stuff I missed last night from all the laughing and cheering. These movies will most likely flip between 1a and 1b depending on my mood.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


    Endgame is tomorrow at 1PM on XD-I even went on Fandango and bought a ticket, which I like never do. Then if I like it, see it again in IMAX.  But tonight...NFL Draft Day One.


    Also Imperator: Rome just came out by Paradox. SO MANY THINGS HITTING ME AT ONCE.


    You should have reversed that lol. IMAX2D is the way to see this movie.  I saw Infinity War the first 2 times in XD and the 3rd time watching it in IMAX2D was a completely different experience. The picture looked so much better it was ridiculous. I'm not even wasting a ticket on XD this time around lol.

  11. 35 minutes ago, excel1 said:

    No clue what happened to him, but he's a marvel die hard, I remember him from HULK 2003 flopping...I hope he is enjoying his shining moment 

    I was on the old forum for that. He took a drubbing over Ang Lee's Hulk. Hard to believe that was 16 years ago!! I feel old.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Heat Vision said:

    Only person in the theatre right now.

    We only had about 20-30 people in our theater. Granted it's a work day but I think this movie is going to need GREAT word of mouth to get big $$$. I've already told my brother it's a must-see movie. He's always hesitant to go to movies these days because he has so many kids and doesn't want to waste the money on shit films lol.

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  13. This gorgeous movie gave me chills and thrills, especially



    when Miles takes the leap of faith.


    At many points during the movie I caught myself watching my kid all wide-eyed and it made me smile.



    Spider-man dying in the beginning did bum him out severely though.


    I'm so glad I avoided all of the clips and stuff that Sony put out. I've been looking at all of the clips online and I just think how much some of those scenes would have been ruined seeing them out of context without the build up.

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  14. Great movie. The tonal shift in the end I think really caught people off guard and left an impact. Haven't heard a theater that silent since Infinity War and many people stayed in their seats through the credits. I had no idea that was Denzel's kid and now it makes sense that his voice and some of his expressions had such a familiarity to it that it was bugging me throughout the movie. I thought it was just the Spike Lee effect lol.  I definitely recognized some musical cues from Inside Man. And was it just me or was that a re-mixed version of Shawshank's prison theme when Stallworth was going into the police station for the first time? 

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  15. After my experience today I'm avoiding any times where there could be young children. I really liked the movie from what I saw of it but the children in my theater really ruined the experience for me. I don't know what the hell those parents were doing but they basically just let their kids yell and sometimes scream throughout. They couldn't keep quiet for more than 2-3 minutes at a time and there were loud sounds like someone was constantly kicking the seat a couple of rows behind me. I took my boy of course but other than a few questions he had during the movie he was just mesmerized by the movie and was a freakin angel compared to the rest of the rugrats in there today. Next time I see I2 it's going to be at a 10PM show. 

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