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Posts posted by kells

  1. Not great, but certainly not awful.


    The first Twilight isn't a good comparison, because I'm pretty sure they didn't have 8pm or even 10pm screenings for that one.  In comparison, this really much lower. 


    I think it's sort of been proven though that the earlier "midnight" showings really haven't resulted in higher box office midnights. People just go earlier, but the same number of people seem to go, whether midnights start at 8 or 12:00.


    But, midnights in general weren't as big back in 2008, so Divergent coming in under Twilight isn't the greatest sign.


    Should still go over $50 million, but I was expecting higher.

  2. Wouldn't that make it easier to beat the OD record, with more extra shows and all?


    You would think. When studios first started including even just 10:00 showings in the "midnight" numbers, I assumed we'd have tons of films breaking the midnight/OD records. But the extra showtimes don't really seem to have made any difference. Even BD2, as the only Twilight with early shows, didn't do noticeably better than Eclipse or BD1, which were "real" midnight openings.

  3. Its drops got softer when it started making less than 10m per weekend. THG had soft drops when it was making over 30m per weekend. Twilight still dropped like a rock.


    You can't make that comparison though, because Twilight was making $13M by its 3rd weekend. It was a much smaller film than THG. But it ended up with a 2.77 multiplier and THG ended with a 2.67, so it's just inaccurate to say the first Twilight "dropped like a rock". If that's your criteria, then THG dropped even harder. Fact is both films had surprisingly strong legs.


    Now it just remains to be seen if CF will follow other sequels and be drastically more frontloaded, but I think most agree there's virtually no chance its legs are as bad as the Twilight sequels.

    • Like 2
  4. This ain't happening.



    Meanwhile, Liam Hemsworth's older bro says he hasn't heard anything about doing a sequel to his and Stewart's 2012 Huntsman flick. "I don't know," he dished. "If there's a hunger for another one. I had a great time making the film. I'm not sure what they plan on doing. I'm kind of booked up in Avengers 2, we do Avengers next year and that kind of takes up most of the year. And then press for Thor 2 this year and it just depends when we can squeeze it in. It's getting kind of narrower and narrower."



  5. I don't doubt that there was a lot Cassie Clare had no input on. I think the issue is that she was all too willing to associate herself with the film when she thought it was going to be a hit, but now she's backing off. I tend to think she's actually probably telling the truth now and was lying in the past when she was bragging about how she was involved in every aspect. But it for sure looks tacky when she was there on multiple red carpets, basking in the attention.

  6. Abduction is totally seen as a flop. And while she wasn't headlining it, it was supposed to boost her career/profile. She had her PR relationship with Lautner and everything. But it tanked with critics and massively underperformed. That's not enough to tank a career, but it sure doesn't help. And then headlining two potential blockbusters and having both flop, while not being singled out in the least for her performances, isn't going to have her on the path towards competing for roles with JLaw, Shailene, or the Emmas.

  7. It's ridic to insist that you can't judge a newcomer's career by continued failure to deliver. Depp, Hanks, etc. are obvious exceptions to the rule. Actors disappear all the time. We couldn't even come up with a real list because they're so quickly forgotten. But if you think hype that never materializes through multiple films doesn't affect careers, I would say give Gretchen Mol, Taylor Kitsch, Taylor Lautner, Joseph Fiennes, Chris O'Donnell, Kate Hudson, Heather Graham, Chris Klein, Josh Harnett, or Leelee Sobieski a call and ask if their opportunities diminished when they had a run of films that underwhelmed.


    I'm really speaking just for Collins here. I agree that Hemsworth has at least a few more years due to THG and this being his first real flop. But Collins has Abduction, Mirror Mirror, and now this. With no successes to break up the string of disappointments. I think it's naive to think this won't affect her future offers.

    • Like 3
  8. I think there's a difference in working your way up with a mix of solid performers/bombs, and in being heralded as the next big thing and repeatedly not catching on with the public. Right now I think Liam Hemsworth is in that first category and lily Collins is in the second. It's not that she has this ONE failure. It's that it's been years of trying to make her an IT Girl and no one's buying it. I do think the number of offers she's been getting are about to drop hard.

  9. I don't get acting like if this barely breaks even that's enough of a success to justify a sequel. Did we not just see what happened when Percy Jackson tried that? If audiences aren't buying it now they're not going to buy it in 2 years when the plot probably gets even more convoluted. And this had a monster promo. They had basically Twi/THG level international premieres, mall tours, lots of tv spots. Sony had to have shelled out a lot.

  10. I think this review sums up Paranoia.





    There is nothing entertaining about Paranoia; emptying the contents of your bladder into your pants is more entertaining that this movie. If Liam Hemsworth were to see his own movie, he would actually cry. It would be so dispiriting that he would probably quit acting, and apologize to everyone unfortunate enough to pay for Paranoia. Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman, who are secondary characters in the film, each had only one line that they repeated over and over throughout the film: “Please give me my paycheck now so I can go home. Please give me my paycheck now so I can go home.” I don’t even think Richard Dreyfus knows he’s in the film; I think people just came to his house and filmed him while he was sitting in a lazy chair watching TV and left an envelope in cash in his mailbox on the way out.

    • Like 1
  11. Outside of Hunger Games, Liam has starred in nothing but crap. And you can't be serious about him having more chemistry with Jen. The guy is a blank slate. Hutcherson has talent, hence why he nabbed the juicier role and has transcended being "the little guy." Are you twelve years-old?


    No, but I'm thinking YOU might be to be this defensive over Hutcherson. I'm hardly the only one who thinks he and Jen have zero chemistry. Even critics remarked on it in the first film.

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