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Posts posted by whoot

  1. I'm in the Acceptance phase now.

    F&ck them all, I'm excited for this and will love it. If I can like movies that people bash like A Bee Movie and Cars, I will like this no problem.

    Points for passion and originality. The artists put their all into this during a transition stage at the studio. It's better reward this than merchandise grabs.

  2. He's still doing pretty well with Disney Animation, to be fair. Think too much of his focus has drifted over there?

    That too. Actually Lasseter's struck me more as an inspirational manager than an actual story writer who does the heavy lifting; probably why WDAS is faring much better than Pixar nowadays? They're inspired while Pixar just gets Lasseter's story notes?

    Chris Sanders, Dean Deblois, and now Glen Keane were all lost on Lasseter's watch though... Not really a good thing, but given the studio's latest output, forgivable...

  3. You know what I mean. She hadn't done any solo directing yet. And neither had Mark Andrews. Of course you need some experience in other areas before you're given a full-fledged directing gig (which Andrews did have, as well)

    Plus he was brought on before Cars 2 was released. Obviously that wasn't a liability on Lasseter's part yet.

    Chapman was a longtime member of the brain trust though, and was an important player in Lion King, co-directed Prince of Egypt... I think she deserved a bit more slack than she got.

    Again, nothing against Andrews. I actually want to see him direct his own film, something he developed from the start. Dude is a Brad Bird disciple I believe. I don't fault him.

    Lasseter needs a vacation IMO.

  4. Even if it was because of "political bullshit", they brought in a guy who was just as inexperienced as she was to take over. And another inexperienced filmmaker was brought on as co-director.

    I wouldn't call Brenda Chapman inexperienced at all. If they were just going to flounder around for the story, Lasseter should have kept her in charge of her own movie. And in fact, after Cars 2, should Lasseter even have that much clout over story issues nowadays?

    Edit: nothing against Mark Andrews directing, I think that it's important for new artists to direct... I just think this is more a management issue than anything.

  5. Maybe, what you said a few days ago isn't such a far out idea anymore. If for anything else, just to stir things up a little. The big question will be, what does Catmull/Lasseter think about it?

    Yeah seriously, screw what they think at this point. Bring Jeffrey back.


  6. If this ends up with a worse RT score than Mad 3, that's two years in a row DWA has beaten Pixar critic-wise on RT. And Pixar barely beat HTTYD with TS3 (epic animation year).

    That should turn everything on its head the next couple of years. It feels like we loonies really can't say much about quality against DWA until Pixar rights this ship.

    Mad 3 beating a Pixar original. Unreal. The Mayans were right.

  7. I've seen it, and I'm willing to answer any questions. A few thoughts-

    - Please don't fear, this is a good movie. It's just.. different.. for Pixar. Different from Tangled and HTTYD too (which this movie will inevitably be compared to). I'm still processing it. Not the studio's best, but it definitely ranks with their filmography minus the Cars franchise.

    - The visuals are dazzling (obviously) and the score/songs are beautiful and feel authentic.

    - It definitely felt like a movie of two creative visions, with Chapman's revolving around the emotional mother/daughter relationship and Andrews's with the silly Scottish humor. That's not a real problem, though.

    - The first half hour, which the marketing highlights, works perfectly. And then it turns into something I wasn't really anticipating. Doesn't mean it isn't good... it's intimate, but it's also disjointed in areas. Like it knows what it has to do but doesn't quite know how to pull it off. It works best when it's at its darkest but it tends to pull back sometimes, before arriving at a relatively satisfying finale.

    - Word of mouth will be good (probably as strong as any Pixar movie among families), but based on the sheer amount of people who turned up at the screening tonight (800 or so), I'm expecting a strong opening next week.

    - They showed a Monsters University teaser. It's really just one joke, which still got a great response. I can already feel how unnecessary the movie is. At least Wreck It Ralph also got a great response.

    - I adored La Luna.

    - Grade: B+. Expect to hear 'problematic... for a Pixar film' a lot next week. But I definitely want to see it again.

    Nice, thanks Gopher.

    It sounds like it needed just more time. I bet they'd have resolved a lot of these issues about being "disjointed" (which some of the RT reviews also say) if they had a couple more months. Oh well... It also sounds like Mark Andrews didn't exactly solve the story issues Chapman was facing perfectly, so it sucks that Pixar had to take her off the helm and will now possibly lose her.

    Confused at this part - you say WOM will probably be good, but we'll hear "problematic... for a Pixar movie" a lot as well? How does that work?

  8. I know, but this is all clearly setting and building it up for a TS4. It's obvious at this point, all that's left is the official announcement.

    I'm actually happy with these announcements because it sounds like they're doing everything in their power not to make TS4.

    Iger: John, Cars 2 really didn't do all that well and Brave is getting sub par reviews. We really need to start Toy Story 4 pronto, before I leave this company and run for the U.S. Senate.

    Lasseter: NO WAIT, how about another short? In front of Monster's University?

    Iger: Yeah that was cute but no thanks. Obviously didn't help Cars 2.

    Lasseter: Okay how about TWO more shorts?

    Iger: Eh.


    Iger: Look John, I'll take you up on it but WE STILL NEED A MOVIE.

    Lasseter: Okay, how about a TV special?? That's like a movie, right?

    Iger: Hmmm. Maybe. I'll talk to the board and...

    Lasseter: TWO TV SPECIALS?? Look Bob I'm getting killed out there on the blogosphere as it is and...

    Iger: Fine fine. Do what you guys want. I'll be gone by then anyway.

    • Like 1
  9. In theory it would be nice, but there's the matter of the Disney stockholders.

    Well I'm a Disney stockholder (though not a big enough one to make a difference, obviously). I'd love it if Pixar killed the Cars franchise now. As is, I'm bracing for Cars 3. Need to keep Cars Land viable I suppose. *sigh*

  10. Haha, totally forgot about Cars 2 for a moment.

    So if Cars 2 is Pocahontas, then Brave will be The Hunchback of Notre Dame?

    HA! The redhead in Brave has three annoying brothers just like there were three gargoyles in Hunchback!

    I actually buy Brave = Pocahontas. Pocahontas wasn't terrible from what I remember. Just not as epic as LK.

    Cars 2 is more like Gigli.

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