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Posts posted by whoot

  1. Might not beat Cars 2? How do you figure?

    I'm going pessimistic with the numbers, but Brave has got a lot of comp coming up, I don't see the "stabilization" as a sure thing. If it keeps dropping over 45% every weekend, regardless of how strong the weekdays are, it's toast.

    IA4 is not going to help at all.

  2. Won't get into another Cars 2 pissing match here, but I'll just say I disagree (and I did qualify it with "in my mind"). If you're interested in getting into this more, let's take it to the Pixar Club, but for now I'll assume nobody cares enough about that (especially after last year's debates) and leave it at that.

  3. And I'm glad we all agree about Cars 2 - not only was it bad on its own, compared to the first it was an absolute train wreck.

    I'm one of the few who loved Cars, so I think I was a lot more angry about Cars 2 than those who didn't care for it as much because I felt it ruined the first one's legacy (in my mind at least).

    And those who know me know that I absolutely just despise franchising, especially if Pixar decides to go down that route with most of their movies... But after thinking about it a bit, I think I actually would like to see a Brave sequel. :blink: That would interest me almost as much as an Incredibles sequel would (which I've said is the only sequel from Pixar I've ever wanted to see)...

    One of the complaints about Brave was from people who expected there to be a more epic than it was because of the world they presented. I don't agree, but that's probably the only criticism I can understand (and it's not about the movie, but more about expectations). Brave 2 could easily fix that disappointment by exploring the world they created more. There were some characters in there that given more time could be very interesting characters if fleshed out.

    So it's 2012, the Mayans were right. I'm pining for a sequel from Pixar.

  4. What kinda drop is expected this weekend?

    I don't know, but sounds like the new movies coming out, even though rated R, are drawing a lot of interest. Not sure if that helps or hurts Brave's drop ("Here kids, you guys go here while we watch Magic Mike"), but i'm not so sure that Brave ends up #1 again.

  5. Next week Spiderman opens mid-week (and spiderman is a very family-friendly flick). Instead of 2 full weeks to its own, Brave only has about a week and a half...

    Much better than Ratatouille, which had 0 days to itself (DH4 2 days before it, then HP? The following Wednesday). As long as this is received better than Cars 2, this should at least make $206m.

  6. I don't think that having Merida and the king turning into bears being a sad ending. I sort of imagined that it would be like they would go off into the forest and live happily ever after as a family there.Oh, and those wisps are a total rip-off of Princess Mononoke. lol

    Pixar's been known to borrow heavily from Miyazaki films so they could have.That said, I've seen wisps before Princess Mononoke. And they mentioned it's part of Scottish legend, so Miyazaki might have borrowed from Scotland. :)
  7. Wait, you wanted a sad ending? :mellow:

    Same as when I thought it would have been incredibly tragic but awesome had WALL-E

    not gotten his memory back.

    That said, I really can't argue with the dissents much on this because it really just sounds like they wanted a different movie, whereas I was perfectly satisfied with it... In that case, it's just "my opinion is better than yours." I guess I understand people wanting it to be more grounded in reality; but I don't agree with it. Especially when they set it up in the beginning as being a magical world already with the wisps.I guess if I had to pick at it right now, I could say that I kinda hoped for a more epic story in terms of scope. Like Pixar's LOTR. But I'm not going to penalize them for not making it one.

  8. Dreamworks already has something else planned for fall 2014, though. And I think Unkrich has enough clout now to say "I'm getting this made, dammit"

    It's going to be done with Reel FX, not DWA, if I'm not mistaken.
  9. If the Dia de los Muertos name doesn't changed, yeah, it is doomed.

    I'd be more worried about Guillermo del Toro's movie with Reel FX also based on the Day of the Dead than I would be about the title. When is this supposed to be released? Del Toro's is in 2014. I'd hate another Newt situation here.
  10. Ah makes sense. Yeah, the whole time I thought, what's the best way for them to put the PP truck in without "cheating" and just hiding it because having one be so obvious would make no sense. A wood carving makes sense.

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