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Status Updates posted by doinkies

  1. @amazingjr87 That guy's a troll, I remember he was doing "CW sucked" tweets and his "spoilers" for it were all obvs fake

  2. @mrsundaymovies @AgeOfMyself lol it's the same doink that did that Foodfight movie :P

  3. @weepingangel013 Otherwise they wouldn't have put the name on that sign, just like how they didn't call the h○○ic○○○○er by that name :P

  4. RT @76do__: UK「ちょっと待ったー!」 世界「えええ?」 UK 「私...United Kingdomは...EUを卒業します!」 世界「えええええええ?!」

  5. @AgeOfMyself I wonder if those doinks saw the GoTG blooper reel with everyone dancing and thought that was the actual scene

  6. @ohgodbenny They're clearly 2 different characters

  7. RT @daredviIs: rest in peace anton yelchin, you were an amazing chekov, my heart is broken https://t.co/4iHbgPP9UC

  8. RT @TheNerdCloset: Wow thanks Squareenix. Just what i always wanted...... to play as Prompto.

  9. @abittles16 @buckyplumsotp it's either that or endless articles about "OMG CAP CAST WANTS X-MEN IN MCU IS IT RLY HAPPENING?!?!" :P

  10. @abittles16 @raspberrykiss19 they completely missed that the rumor is he's playing an OC

  11. @ohgodbenny more like Singer fatigue

  12. @abittles16 @buckyplumsotp @jonlyanna maybe Thor will finally wear his helmet again after his hair gets cut off XD

  13. @amazingjr87 @AgeOfMyself does whatever a soider can...:p

  14. @buckyplumsotp re: that question https://t.co/eiZRWhQgCl

  15. RT @pKjd: Cardcaptor Sakura new anime project announced! https://t.co/hy6BngqiOe https://t.co/u5XFFzubTD

  16. @lemelodychan I guess everyone will be trying to get jpopsuki accounts now

  17. @abittles16 @buckyplumsotp I had some hope for Beyond but after seeing the 1st trailer and lack of marketing after that...noooope

  18. @amazingjr87 wowwwwwwwww that is so doinktastic

  19. @ohgodbenny That's only the Friday-to-Friday drop not the total weekend drop...

  20. @abittles16 and it's a huge increase over TWS's opening too

  21. RT @KeliraTelian: Minako just hangs out in this arcade festooned with Sailor V posters and no one notices a thing #SailorMoonCrystal https:…

  22. @amazingjr87 yeah...I'm not even a PR fan but feeling sorry for them rn because this is probably going to be really doinky

  23. @abittles16 I've pretty much given up on 99.9% of MCU fics tbh

  24. @amazingjr87 @IsotopeRose ...and went through a lot of drama but it still got made

  25. @amazingjr87 @Sean_Huckel27 like I say every time news about this show comes up...Who cares about Superman's grandpa?!?!?

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