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Eric Prime

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Posts posted by Eric Prime

  1. 26 minutes ago, BoxOfficeFangrl said:

    It's so absurd. You have these people online who hate loudly musicals because of the lack of "realism". If they were all about stuff like Mike Leigh and Kelly Reichardt films, okay. But you know they're just stanning every other CGI-fest action/superhero/fantasy movie.


    And their definition of the genre is pretty narrow. "Musicals" to them are sung-through, or only target female audiences, and all the Disney animated classics don't count as musicals in their minds for...reasons. Their definition conveniently excludes any musical movie they actually might have liked. They just really want the world to know they hate that "theatre kid" crap.


    Also, if Harley and Joker are fantasizing anyway, then why wouldn't they imagine themselves having good/great voices? Maybe because the lack of polish will seem more "real" to the anti-musical bros: "It's not a musical, it's a drama with occasional expressive singing!" "Come see the mansical (it won't lower your T-levels, we promise)!"

    Wish I could like this twice. Gotta suck to be too insecure in your masculinity and hate musicals.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Arlborn said:

    The biggest problem with this is that it goes very much against your earlier post; TV is the only way I can see them exploring stuff outside the Skywalker era.


    If Star Wars goes the way of movies only then I am pretty sure we’ll be stuck with Skywalker stuff for the rest of our lives.


    That was always going to happen. People claim they want to "move on" or see new eras and timelines and never see the Skywalker era again. But that's a lie. Star Wars fans, and general audiences for that matter, just want to see nostalgia slop. Stuff to point at the screen and go "OMG IT IS THING FROM CHILDHOOD"


    Literally every time one of these shows has trended, it's because they bring back some old legacy character that makes the fans go crazy. Nobody cared about Ahoska until Anakin popped up. When weird creepy deepfake Luke popped up in Mandalorian, looking as plastic as the action figures he was based on, Star Wars nerds were hooting and hollering that it was the return to the old Luke they knew and loved. Hell, even Grogu only got big because he was Baby Yoda. If he wasn't based off Yoda, nobody would give a shit about him.


    And this isn't just a Star Wars thing. Audiences largely just want nostalgia slop for anything and everything. There's a reason why RDJ as Doctor Doom trended as hard as it did. And alas, there's nothing we can do to stop it. Because audiences refuse to enjoy anything unless it's got member berries. Ah well.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, baumer said:


    I never heard of her before civil war but I'm definitely going to try to find some more of her work. She definitely has a presence and I thought she was just perfect for Romulus.

    I was introduced to her in last year's Priscilla, the only Elvis movie that matters. Amazing movie right there, and I knew from her performance she was gonna go somewhere. I guess I was right!

    • Like 1
  4. Quorum Updates

    Killer's Game T-25: 20.98% Awareness, 44.69% Interest

    Speak No Evil T-25: 29.51% Awareness, 50.37% Interest

    White Bird T-46: 15.62% Awareness, 37.78% Interest


    Blink Twice T-4: 34.38% Awareness, 46.73% Interest

    Final Awareness: 41% chance of 10M

    Low Awareness: 29% chance of 10M

    Final Interest: 48% chance of 10M

    Low Interest: 34% chance of 10M


    The Crow T-4: 44.22% Awareness, 49.77% Interest

    Final Awareness: 78% chance of 10M

    Low Awareness: 60% chance of 10M

    Final Interest: 48% chance of 10M

    Low Interest: 34% chance of 10M


    The Forge T-4: 20.08% Awareness, 40.08% Interest

    Final Awareness: 19% chance of 10M

    Low Awareness: 14% chance of 10M

    Final Interest: 48% chance of 10M

    Low Interest: 34% chance of 10M


    1992 T-11: 21.48% Awareness, 44.31% Interest

    Final Awareness: 19% chance of 10M

    Low Awareness: 14% chance of 10M

    Final Interest: 48% chance of 10M

    Low Interest: 34% chance of 10M


    Afraid T-11: 23.01% Awareness, 47.28% Interest

    Final Awareness: 19% chance of 10M

    Horror Awareness: 33% chance of 10M

    Final Interest: 48% chance of 10M

    Horror Interest: 43% chance of 10M


    Never Let Go T-32: 25.18% Awareness, 47.96% Interest

    T-30 Awareness: 54% chance of 10M

    Horror Awareness: 63% chance of 10M

    T-30 Interest: 59% chance of 10M

    Horror Interest: 68% chance of 10M


    Flight Risk T-60: 28% Awareness, 48.36% Interest

    T-60 Awareness: 60% chance of 10M

    Low Awareness: 38% chance of 10M

    T-60 Interest: 61% chance of 10M

    Low Interest: 32% chance of 10M

    • Like 3
  5. Really liked this, but the Ian Holm stuff is genuinely some of the most infuriating stuff ever. Does anybody actually, unironically like this whole "deepfake a dead actor to life" thing movies are now doing? Or even just this whole "deepfake somebody to look younger" in general, like they're doing with Mark Hamill? Like from what I can gather, everybody hates it, it costs a fortune to do...why can't you just do a recast? And in this case, you didn't even need Ian Holm since he's just an android and not the character from the first movie. It's so stupid.

    • Like 2
  6. Moderation


    Okay, after this post comes up, I'm re-opening the thread. Now I got a couple things to say before I open stuff up. Some points apply to everybody, others for specific people. But either way, I hope everybody takes what I say to heart, or else more warning points will come towards certain users' way. And if anybody has an issue with the post I am making, please talk to me privately. We are done with this discussion publicly.


    1. It is very valid to bring up the issues many POC projects do in fact face when it comes to box office potential, harassment campaigns, etc. However, that doesn't mean people can't still be negative on a film's prospects nor does that automatically mean they are above criticism. @Spidey Freak there was no need to make some sort of accusations of racism because people think Cap 4 might not do well at the box office.


    2. This applies to those who love to mock, denigrate, and attack Zatt. I understand that Zatt and his posts are not everybody's cup of tea. And yes, he deserves to be held accountable for his actions. Believe me. But fighting fire with fire and insulting him back, making posts that directly mock him, and simply trying to reason with somebody who very clearly does not have any interest in being reasoned with does not help this situation at all. I suggest next time, to everybody, that the next time Zatt or any user you dislike is damaging or derailing the forum, please just hit the Report button. Or better yet, @ me or another mod specifically when they start to misbehave. It's certainly better than dunking on somebody unfairly.


    3. Now, here's my big spiel. @ZattMurdock I understand it can be frustrating to see people be negative and pessimistic on movies you love and are looking forward to. I think it's something we all can relate to. And I understand that maybe some people should reconfigure their expectations on certain Marvel productions. However, you have gone way too far these past couple weeks. You have derailed threads many a time whenever people are even the slightest bit critical of Marvel and superhero movies. You repeat ad nauseum that people are out to get Marvel and set these unfair expectations against them, but then act holier than thou against many other franchises and figures who do not like Marvel. You claim that it's okay for certain Marvel projects to not hit a billion, but then constantly fight other people who say that a Marvel movie may potentially not hit certain thresholds or numbers. And just this past weekend, you accused not one, but two different users of being racist, in a very patronizing and condescending tone. It's pretty egregious too, as Wattage's posts in particular indicate that they are also Black. And yet here you are saying they don't understand the importance of a Black Captain America. How ironic indeed.


    People are very frustrated with your posts, and for good reason. People don't like it when a user refuses to accept a different opinion. People don't like it when you start fights for no reason. Are people being negative on Marvel movies really such an injustice? Is the $32 billion juggernaut franchise that has made more money than anybody here will ever make in their lifetimes really something you have to posit as some scrappy underdog? Do you have to create strawmans or go after users because they "don't get" a franchise or character's popularity? No. So why do it?

    And in fact, you have constantly gone on, over and over and over and over again, about how much you hate BOT. How much you think this community doesn't understand Marvel and its box office. How this place is basically just another 4chan. How you have expressed many a time that you are leaving this place forever because of the community. So, and this is a rhetorical question...why are you here? If you hate what this place has become and don't like most of the users, why hang out in a place you hate? We're not the only place on the Internet where you can talk about Marvel, so why stick around in an area that you don't care for? It's like a vegetarian walking into a steakhouse. What's the goal here?


    I'm not saying you deserve to leave or that you don't bring value to this place. But I'm just asking you to please, please, please try to be mindful of what you post here. Try to put certain users on your ignore list. Don't start some whole "can you believe people are being so mean about Marvel when they are keeping theaters alive" rhetoric. And sometimes, if you see a post you disagree with, just...ignore it. I can assure you that the universe is not going to explode into a million pieces because you didn't respond to a user who said Thunderbolts might not be a hit. And if you think people are totally 100% wrong? Well...let people be wrong. I'm not expecting you to be perfect, but I just want you to try. It's okay for people to be negative on Marvel, and it's okay to just...let it be.


    As I said before, we are done with this whole conversation and fighting. If anybody wants to talk with me about the post I made, please talk to me privately. If you don't, you will see a threadban. Thank you. That is all.

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