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Posts posted by Rogerio

  1. Maybe we'll have one more just because Warner would not want Rowling angry (?)


    But I'm sure we won't have 5 movies 


    If they do one more, just give it to Yates.. everything is ruined 


    But if we have more projects on the WW, I'm sure we won't have Yates anymore

    And I'm happy that MEDIOCRE director won't do anything more with this incredible world

    • Disbelief 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, MrPink said:


    It's entirely possible the first film if re-evaluated today would not get the same kind of reviews as it did in 2016. The best of the franchise may not necessarily mean it has the same kind of standard the first one did. A mid 50s wouldn't be entirely surprising but we'll see, the reactions here seem positive enough that it can squeak by fresh.

    That's True, but just because people watch those movies prepared to hate it


    That didn't happen with FB1

  3. 1 hour ago, Lucas said:

    17 of them are available, though most were not on RT so it's just what they thought of the movie.


    Rendy Jones - Fresh "blown away" 7/10 (lmao)
    Rick Marshall - Fresh "lives up to the promise of its title."
    Sean Chandler - Rotten "huge disappointment"
    Douglas Laman - Rotten "lackluster return"
    Grace Randolph - Fresh
    David Gonzalez - Fresh 3/4
    Rachel Wagner - Rotten 4/10
    Tessa Smith - Fresh
    Preston Barta - Fresh "bit of a mess but I liked it"
    John Rocha - Fresh "I absolutely LOVED it!"
    Carson Timar - Rotten
    Eric Goldman - Fresh
    Griffin Schiller - Fresh "This is how you do a prequel"
    Perri Nemiroff - Fresh "LOVED everything with the 4 main characters & beasts. Some of the other characters/storylines not as much."
    Ian Sandwell - Fresh "A magic amount of fun"
    Dave Lee - Fresh "Great adventure. Don't understand the mixed reception upon release." 7th best of the series (CoG included)
    Ben Rolph - Fresh


    Rendy Jones and Preston Barta went from a fresh to a rotten, Rachel Wagner went from rotten to fresh. The rest are the same, equaling to 13 positives and 4 negatives for both films out of this batch of 17 critics. The individual reviews however leaned a lot more positive about the first.

    Well, not a very good sign, but definitely not bad


    60% is not impossible 

  4. 9 minutes ago, clockwork said:




    Yeah the news about David Yates working on another project came out in August of last year. It definitely feels like WB is going to wait and see how this third film does before they decide to do part 4 and 5. They may decide to either cancel the series or get a new creative team on board; personally I hope its the latter because god damn they need to get somebody new to make Potter content.


    Yates has been in this franchise for a while and I'd be surprised if he's not at least a little tired of Potter by now. Even if the money's good at a certain point any director would be like "I have to do something else". 



    He's a mediocre director...

    Don't think he will get much jobs..

    That's why he prefers to keep filming FB

  5. 2 hours ago, Lucas said:

    Oh out of these critics, like 19 negatives lol. Ben Rolph being the only positive with a 5/5 (as I said before, he'll like anything lol). It's possible David Gonzalez is also fresh but he hasn't really said. The publication he's at gave it a positive review but it wasn't from him, though he did share it on twitter. Tessa Smith is also an easy mark so she may have liked it but there's no info on that, but at the very least 17 negatives out of these 20 lol.

    Well, that is definitely something


    Does somebody know what are their grades for FB1?

  6. 8 minutes ago, ViewerAnon said:


    Yes, but I think that would have more to do with critics dunking on Rowling than the movie itself. The overwhelming response I heard from screenings is “It’s OK”. I think fans will like it fine but it won’t be anyone’s favorite.


    And no, JRDC, I haven’t heard anything about it since… December maybe?

    Imagined that 


    I mean.. from what I've read from the plot, it doesn't seem to be a bad movie (although I hate that thing about Aurelius..)


    But I really believe it wil do really bad on RT 

  7. 12 hours ago, clockwork said:

     It was a mess. There was a plot leak a few months ago for this movie and as someone who read it I can say that this one definitely is an improvement over the 2nd movie, how much of an improvement the final product will be remains to be seen. 

    Yes, definitely


    I just wish the third action had more action (without any spoilers, of course)

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