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Posts posted by Jeriosnal

  1. Red Sparrow will make some money, but it won't enhance Lawrence's career.  She has enough generic blockbusters on her resume as is.  Either she needs to do big movies that have some cultural presence like Will Smith and Tom Cruise's bigger movies back in the day, or more prestige pictures with top directors.  The Spielberg thing would be good, but will that ever happen?  Likewise, is she in the Tarantino Manson movie or not?  Those are the films that enhance careers, not Red Sparrow.  

  2. 16 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

    I'm definitely interested to see the movie, but the kind of stuff that tends to get labelled as a 'misunderstood masterpiece' years down the line are films that are met with a general shrug upon release, — eg. Blade Runner, Shining, etc — and no-one's greeting this film with a shrug, whatever their feelings on it.

    Not the same thing.  People found those and stuff like TTOL boring/dull, not outrageously bad and nonsensical.  No way to spin this.

  3. 4 minutes ago, trifle said:

    This posture pretending you are insufferable fan might swing people against her more efficiently if you hadn't trashed her in all your previous posts.  And your detailed knowledge demonstrating the effort you go to just to be able to say bad things about her ..... doesn't reflect well. Time to create another sock puppet, really.

    Admit you laughed.  

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  4. 1 minute ago, Noctis said:


    Shut the fuck up, you insufferable clit. 

    There's no reason for that kind of inflammatory language.  Clearly you don't respect strong women like Jennifer, and can't acknowledge her supreme talent, starpower, and industry clout.  I'll be laughing when she wins her next Oscar for mother! despite all of the efforts of the alt-right and anti-art trolls like yourself to discredit her work.  She'll win Oscar #3 for the Manson film by Tarantino, hopefully in lead given that she's a bigger star than Brad Pitt and deserves to win in lead, but she'll also probably win Oscar #4 with Steven Spielberg.  All of that prep time for It's What I Do is amazing and exactly what one would expect from the most talented screen actress currently working in the English language.  

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  5. I heard from a very reliable Oscar pundit that most people walking out of mother! were doing so because Jennifer Lawrence redefined screen acting with her performance, and it's made so many figures in the industry jealous and resentful.  They think storming out of her newest hit smash will encourage Academy members to refrain from voting for the prodigious talent.  

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    • Haha 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


    Chris Pratt isn't even a proven draw.  Magnificent Seven made less than The Equalizer (both Denzel starring roles).  If Pratt were really a draw, M7 would've gone above and beyond and grossed more than The Equalizer.  Also, Passengers did 303M WW.


    Blake ain't the reason the movie succeeded, bud.  It was a PG-13 shark thriller released in the summer and had good reviews.  People just wanted to watch a decent thriller.

    Yet many people want to give Jennifer Lawrence credit for Hunger Games grosses, nevermind the films had good reviews and were based on international-bestselling books that were hugely popular before she was even cast.  

  7. 10 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    I'm actually starting to think that American Assassin will open higher by a couple of million dollars than this. I doubt it goes as low as Detroit/Steve Jobs, but this is clearly gonna be a niche affair (and we're bound to see annoying hyperbolic headlines like "New Jennifer Lawrence Movie Flops at Box Office" and other variations by Monday morning).

    Why would that be hyperbolic?  A film marketed as a horror film by "the biggest star in the world" opening to 10-12 million isn't a flop?  

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  8. 47 minutes ago, Cochofles said:

    People are convinced that this film is going to turn off audiences...but...what if the whole thing becomes an Inception-type buzz machine precisely because of its puzzle-like qualities? What if it becomes a watercooler-conversation type of phenomenon? 

    Not saying that this is going to gross 292 million, obviously, but what if it does a mini-Inception ?

    :winona2:  :rofl:  

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