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Posts posted by Jeriosnal

  1. 10 minutes ago, Cochofles said:

    If I had to bet, I'd say that Julia Roberts during the very late eighties/most of the nineties was the most successful mid-20s actress in film history. 

    Fair enough.  Roberts' peak stardom and smile are more iconic than J-Law; but J-Law being in multiple big franchises and getting 4 Oscar nominations in less than a decade is pretty much unprecedented for someone her age.  I can look at Teresa Wright or Winslet or whomever's work and understand why they were big successes quite young, but Lawrence feels like a weird perfect storm of hype and declining culture.  

  2. Jennifer Lawrence is a really bad actress at conveying emotion.  She does middle-school drama class level Lifetime-quality emoting during her freakouts.  That "murderer!" in the trailer?  Amateurish; compare that to what Evan Rachel Wood or Leonardo DiCaprio do in heightened scenes.  I think she has spunk and some charisma when she just needs to be energetic onscreen, but every time she's had to convey some complex emotional state or cry or lose it onscreen (at least post-Winter's Bone), I've cringed while watching.  I think she's gonna be embarrassed by Pfeiffer and Bardem, frankly.    

  3. 20 hours ago, marveldcfox said:

    sigh....I was hoping it to at least be 30M. So that it can manage to get a Pacific Rim type opening weekend...but...bombs away. Depressing.


    Stx is trying hard, but it has been a messy marketing. 


    I still don't understand why Luc couldn't hire some known leads. I mean common...dammit. It would be extremely sad if a film made with such passion and love goes completely unnoticed in North America. Frankly, I am not too sure about its prospects in overseas markets. I am thinking 250M OS and 70M dom. Releasing in the same month as Spiderman, Apes 3 and Dunkirk is going to hurt it big time. The audience worldwide can spend only so much in a month. 




    It's so predictable.  Anyone can glance at the trailer and tell that this movie is closer to the genericness of John Carter in terms of writing and world-building than something like Avatar.  Besson's just not a creative enough director/screenwriter, and got enabled by the gross of Lucy.  

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  4. The script is utter garbage, and that's ignoring the plot point that's led to so many pans, which is being inflated and has a very minor part to do with how bad this movie is.  Just on a basic level of dialogue and character and narrative development, the script is an utter fail.  The ending is beyond laughable.  That anyone thinks this was an okay, much less a great script, is mind-boggling.  

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  5. Neither Pratt nor Jennifer Lawrence have ever proven themselves as box-office stars.  Being plopped in a best-selling book franchise adaptation or a Marvel or Jurassic movie that goes on to make money doesn't mean you're a box-office star.  It means you got lucky.  Lawrence has literally been in either O. Russell movies, X-Men movies, or Hunger Games movies for the past 5 years (excepting major fail Serena), how does the success of any of those movies evince her being a box-office star?  It just doesn't make any sense.  O. Russell started making hits with The Fighter, and SLP also featured a surging Bradley Cooper (who proved himself with Limitless).  Is Michael Fassbender suddenly a box-office star because some X-Men and Ridley Scott movies made money?  :redcapes:  

    • Like 3
  6. 31 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

    Leo is the boytoy os the most legendary living director so that helps a bit, he is part of the MSCU IMO.




    What?  Scorsese's box-office grosses were never remotely as high before working with DiCaprio.  Also see Inarritu's "The Revenant".  Also see Tarantino's "Django Unchained".   And even Danny Boyle's "The Beach".  Scorsese's stature as an artist has nothing to do with it.  

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  7. I don't know why it's such a tough concept for some people to get that not everyone shares their opinion of DiCaprio's talents and achievements.  The amount of times some people feel the need to bellow "He's okay but not that good!  Now  ______ is a real actor" is getting rather tiresome.  Acting-wise I'd take his 1993 alone over Rooney Mara's entire career, but you won't see me prodding her fans about it like I'm desperate to correct them. 

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