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Posts posted by cookieleeann

  1. Honestly if I had my own family, the sad unfortunate truth is I don't think I would go to the movies frequently at all. It's just too expensive and streaming has made it easier for families to wait for a film at home rather than spend loads of money on a single IMAX ticket that cost almost $20 each In my city. 


    I recently found some old ticket stubs from 2012 & a 2D ticket was like $8 at one of my local theaters. Now it's $15 for 2D & $18 for IMAX .That really adds up. I just can't blame people for being picky these days. Growing up in the 90s tickets were just so cheap, we were heading to the movies every weekend for family time. Now everyone I know barely goes unless it's some event type thing like Barbenheimer or Dune. 


    I'll always prefer the theater experience but again, I understand why others don't. 

    • Like 2
  2. Just got out of it. My 3:30pm Dolby showing was completely sold out. Showings at one of my major theaters are sold out up until Sunday.


    Loved the film. 8.5/10. I think it could have legs. It's a cheerful movie(although I don't think it will land with some as I can see some people saying it's too preachy). But it's very good overall. Happy for Greta, Margot and loved Ryan in this. 

    • Like 5
  3. 3 hours ago, MotionPictured said:

    The idea that nobody takes Jennifer seriously as an actress is hilarious. She is legit the only actress to get a lead role opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in like over a decade and she was cast in that movie before he was. He said one reason he signed on was because he wanted to work with her for a long time. Margot had like one line in Once Upon a Time and little screentime. Jonah Hill was more of a main character than Margot in Wolf of Wall Street. Lily Gladstone is supporting in Killers of the Flower Moon and according to people who watched it isn't even on screen for a whole two hours. Leo basically never works with actresses in leading roles anymore. He went out of his way to work with her and he called her the Meryl Streep of her generation.


    Even if you do not like her or completely disagree with that, which is your right, that is a sign that she is extremely well respected. It's not like Leo is hurting for work.


    JLaw is also the first actor or actress born in the 90s to get an Oscar. Ariana Debose just recently became the 2nd with her win for Westside Story. I can understand why people don't like her but she has accomplished a lot. I don't see her career being over either. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Pinacolada said:

    I maintain that Dungeons and Dragons as a brand is still perceived negatively, even in this era where "nerd shit" like Marvel and Star Wars and Video games dominate. DnD is too niche. A big niche, but still. A big video game or something (that actually had Dungeons and Dragons in the title) a few years ago could've helped "normalize" it. It's kinda difficult to recommend this movie to my friend's bc everytime I have, they've kinda scoffed at it in a "Dungeons and Dragons? That shit's lame af I thought" type way


    Could it also be suffering from the Satanic Panic propaganda of the 80s?. I still know a lot of people who don't like D&D at all due to their church preaching against it & it being demonized and branded one of the faces of the Satanic Panic movement. Even before the film released I saw people I know on Facebook saying they won't be watching that "demonic sh*t". It's unfortunate but I think the stigma is still out there especially among older demographics.

  5. Just now, Flopped said:

    None of the Marvel or Star Wars movies (the ones after 1983) come close to Titanic. If you want to, you can avoid a Marvel movie, no matter how huge. You could run, you could hide, but you could not avoid Titanic for a good 4-6 months. 


    I agree with this. I was pretty young when Titanic came out but I remember it being an absolute phenomenon and being everywhere. This was before the internet and social media. It's success is totally organic and the true definition of WOM. 


    I think Titanic Is the last big blockbuster that reached a very diverse wide audience. Not everyone likes superheros or LOTRs. Everyone I know has either heard or seen the film multiple times. I can't say the same for other blockbusters I like like The Avengers or Star Wars prequels & sequels.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Maggie said:

    Whitney was also a black woman. I don't know about her trials and tribulations, didn't enter mainstream media like say Britney Spears. Was Whitney's life front page news? I don't remember it that way


    From my memory yes. There were SNL and Madtv skits about her drug problem. Almost everyone in the media called her a crack head. She was a walking joke. I remember coverage of her like this 



    And then her infamous interview with Diane Sawyer about her drug use. She made a comeback in 2008/2009-ish though and seemed to be doing better.

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  7. This makes me wonder how the MJ movie will do. It almost feels unadaptable. I think it's too soon and MJ was very controversial starting in the BAD era. Also his drug problems with repeated allegations of pedophilia. How do you make an MJ film and skip over all of that? A much more controversial figure than some of his peers(& some of them had their own problems to deal with). 

  8. I went to CVS last night to pick up some snacks and one of the workers there noticed my Hobbit bag and started up a convo with me about the show. Long story short, they started ranting about the show and everything they disliked about it. From the way the Elves look to the storylines. Didn't seem to be that much of a fan of the show at all despite being a big LOTR fan. 


    Yeah, the disdain for this show is just not an online thing like some people think, it's definitely a real life thing. 


    They will have to bring their A-game for season 2 because between the lack of amazing reception among fans and even the most positive reviews being ho-hum, the buzz going into season 2 worries me. 

    • Like 1
  9. I don't understand the criticism about the story being paper thin. I mean yes Jim obviously wanted to show off the VFX & it's a cinematic achievement but I actually liked the story in this one better than the first. I also think this one has a more memorable character arc than the first one. I don't think this film will be forgotten for it's characters like some people think. Everyone was just much more compelling to me here, the kids, the Sully's as a whole, the new tribe, etc.  


    I was expecting to go into this being disappointed by the story just based on some reviews and I came out the theater very pleased with what I saw.

    • Like 5
  10. I don't know about Oscars yet(though for right now I'm predicting Cameron to take best director there again) but I think this has a legit shot at taking Best Director AND Picture at the Globes. They gave the first one Director & Picture at the Globes in 2010. So idk why they won't repeat that. The movie will still be on everyone's mind by the time January rolls around so that bodes well for it's GG chances. 



  11. Do you all think Hollywood will have to adjust budgets in the future because of streaming, theatrical model getting disrupted and physical movie media not doing the gangbusters it used to do?


    Even some indie movies have large budgets these days. 200 million seems to be the floor for almost every blockbuster. Remember when the press made a huge deal about Titanic's budget in 1997? 

  12. 33 minutes ago, XXR Tulkun Rider said:

    Question of the Day


    The last movie to sell at least 80 million tickets domestically was Avengers: Endgame. Will we ever see another film sell that many tickets, domestically?


    This is a good question. For now I will say No. 


    This also raises another question.. will anything beat Endgame's per theater average for a wide release? It was able to get the record from Return of the Jedi (which held it for 36 years..very impressive!)

  13. While I do think the actors who play Galadriel and Halbrand have really great chemistry, some of their scenes straight up reminded me of Reylo. No wonder the ao3 fanfics of them exploded after episode 8 lmao. I honestly would not have mind if they did bone. Maybe it would've brought even more buzz to the show? Because for some reason this thing has a very low social media presence. Maybe a little bit of chaos would've did the job idk lol

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