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Mikasa Ackerman

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Posts posted by Mikasa Ackerman

  1. On 5/13/2016 at 9:07 AM, 4815162342 said:

    For the sequel (because I assume this will be good enough to warrant another adventure) I hope Shane brings in RDJ as a rival detective or a conniving villain to match wits and one-liners against Gosling/Crowe


    I'd prefer Tom Cruise, doing some combination of his Collateral and Tropic Thunder characters.

  2. - I really enjoyed it. Some scenes straight up made me giddy, and I had a grin on my face for a lot of it. I've disagreed with critics plenty of times before, and this is another one to add to the list.


    - The cast is great all around. Cavill puts in an improved performance from MoS, Affleck is one of the best live action Batmans ever, Gadot as Diana is a stand-out and I really wish she was in it more, and Eiseinberg's Lex Luthor is a lot of fun. Luthor's portrayal was interesting, and I think a lot of people won't be expecting it, but for me it got better and better as the movie went on. I really liked his last few scenes. I could see people not liking it because he hams it up sometimes, but I found him thoroughly entertaining.


    - There's actually less action than I thought. Of course the final hour ramps it up big time with Batman vs Superman, followed by the trinity vs Doomsday (Wonder Woman is brilliant in that fight by the way), but before that the action is kinda sparse; or at least sparse for what I was expecting. Still, there's a mint chase sequence of the Batmobile tearing through Gotham chasing a truck with kryptonite.


    - That scene in the beginning of the final trailer, where Batman beats the shit out of the dudes in the warehouse? Yeah it's a lot longer in the film, and it is glorious to behold.


    - I've read people complain about the CGI, but honestly to me the CGI was good. It was about the same as any other big comic book movie CGI like Age Of Ultron or Days Of Future Past etc.


    - Not a fan of the Doomsday design. He gets spikier, but still not nearly as many as the comic book spikes.


    - Some of my favourite moments were the ones where they made the difference in philosophies clear. There are other reasons that they fight, but the best dramatic moments came from how they perceived each other, and how they each define what a hero should do.


    - I really don't give a shit that Batman mows people down. He's killed people in pretty much all the previous movies, and I'm not one of those "thats not what MY Batman would do!" type of people. I can dig an angry jaded paranoid violent Batman. Although by the end he realized that he has to change, so this will be as brutal as we'll see him.


    - Superman's arc was great in this movie. I'd heard rumours that Wonder Woman killed Doomsday, but I'm glad that it was Clark sacrificing himself to kill Doomsday. And the final shot of his coffin was great. Instead of just going for the sound of a heartbeat to let us know he was alive, it was a nice visual of the dirt starting to hover slightly. Nice touch.


    - I didn't like the Knightmare sequence, it was really random. People criticized the editing, and the knightmare sequence is where they absolutely have a fair point. It kinda comes out of nowhere and is never explained properly, and cuts to and from it are pretty jarring. Plus it's really just set-up for the future. Adds nothing to this movie.


    - In saying that, I like The Flash's cameo, loved Aquaman's one, and was fine with Cyborg's.


    - Dan Amboyer wasn't in the film. Or, if he was, I did not notice him. He is a master troll that guy, love it.


    I give it a 4/5, and voted B.

    • Like 6
  3. This was quite good. I'm glad I first saw it before it blew up, because my expectations being low made for a very pleasant surprise. Low expectations were mainly attributed to it being a found footage film, a subgenre I've come to despise. In saying that I rewatched it again this year and it's still as good as I remember.


    The chemistry between the three leads might be my favourite aspect of the film; I don't know whether it's down to the script, or the actors, or the direction, but the chemistry makes every character interaction feel natural, and makes the darkness of Andrew's heel turn resonate fully. For a movie about kids with superpowers, the action was sparse, and that serves the film well. The lack of big set pieces allows the friction tension of the film to build slowly (juxtaposed beautifully by Andrew's camera getting more steady), giving more weight to the final fight. Them using their powers for pranks (and learning how to fly) is also just a lot of fun to watch.


    My only real complaint is the final scene. I like the idea of Matt taking the camera to Tibet, but I wasn't a fan of the "I'm gonna try be good now" monologue. I think just flying there and setting the camera down then flying away would have made the scene more effective right.



  4. 8 hours ago, Kalo said:

    Wow, people are having civilized discussions about power, corruption morality, and the human will to do good over evil. and not belittling and insulting one another and starting flame wars. beautiful. 


    Something tells me this thread will quickly descend into madness once both films are out. Then again I was sure it would descend straight away, maybe this is just a better forum than other ones that I frequent.

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, RandomJC said:

    One. I'm surprised how civil this all is.

    Two. At the end of the day, why I don't like MoS, will always come down to Pa Kent. That Clarks morals come from not the Kent's but Jor El. Having not read a lot of Super Man comics outside of Death and Return, having only bits of the 90s animated and Richard Donner as sources, this feels jarring. The Pa Kent I know never seemed like the man who would say, let people die.


    The comparison I can put this to is like ASM movies. Where Uncle Ben's Death is a foot note. As a life long Spider-Man fan, that is frustrating since the death is so pivotal to his character. I know that as creators the people making an ASM (or MoS) may want to tell and change things because that is good storytelling. No one wants to tell the same story over and over again. But at times when I see small things, like the focus of both these movies shifting to our main characters biological parants, seem jarring to me. And I'd suspect a wider audience who only really knows them from previous films or TV.


    Thought I'd throw my opinions of MoS in here. I've loved reading everyone's so far.


    I could see where you're coming from with the Pa Kent thing, but honestly they would only need to tweak one scene, the infamous "...maybe" one. Because there are couple of other great Pa Kent/Clark moments right. For example, the conversation with "why I can't I keep pretending to be your son?", and the later one where Clark talks about wanting to hit the other kid are both great examples of classic comic book Pa Kent that most people don't have a problem with. They now go unnoticed, which is a shame, they were decent scenes.

  6. 2 minutes ago, MaxRoad said:

    Well.I think so too,especially "MCU version"Civil War.Because their copyright is not complete.This made the "WAR" looks like a street punk fight.


    I wasn't apprehensive because of scale or character rights, I just don't like the story. It's got a lot of people doing things that feel out of character, and an ending that feels really anticlimactic. Registration stories have been done better (mostly by X-Men), hero vs hero stories have been done better (Kingdom Come for example), and the death of the main character at the end (I won't spoil here in case others haven't read it) was really stupid.

  7. Saw this last week, wasn't too bad. The things I really liked about it (the cartoonishly violent action, Ryan Reynolds in the role, Colossus and Negasonic) were offset by the cons (generic plot, fourth wall breaking meta humour which got really old for me by the first half hour).


    A lot of the jokes land, so there's definitely a some laughter to be had; hell, he made that Sinead O'Connor reference twice, and I still laughed both times. I preferred those jokes to the ones like the "McAvoy or Stewart" line. People seem to dig the latter, but self referential humour really isn't my thing. There were basically only two action set pieces, and if you've seen the trailers, you've seen most of one of them (the highway parts). Also was disappointed we didn't get any sweet topless Morena Baccarin action. Cursing and violence are fine, but I like a little nudity with my R movies too thank you very much.


    Overall a C is about right. I enjoyed it at the time right; not enough to get it on blu ray, but definitely enough to look forward to a sequel.

  8. Late but who cares, I just signed up to this forum, might as well start here


    1. The Martian
    2. Kingsman
    3. Room
    4. Creed
    5. Fury Road
    6. Star Wars VII
    7. The End Of The Tour
    8. The Big Short
    9. Paddington
    10. Results


    Also quite liked:

    - Tomorrowland

    - Sicario

    - The Hateful Eight

    - Age Of Ultron

    - Dope

    - Bridge Of Spies

    - Cinderella


    Didn't mind:

    - Straight Outta Compton

    - Furious 7

    - Ex Machina

    - Inside Out

    - The Revenant

    - Rogue Nation

    - The Intern


    Didn't like:

    - Jurassic World

    - Spotlight

    - Legend

    - Joy

    - Ant-Man 


    Fell asleep during:

    - Carol

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