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Posts posted by MrGamer

  1. Repost

    On 7/21/2017 at 4:32 PM, MrGamer2558 said:

    Holy shit, where do I begin. First, I can understand some of the complaints about the story structure. Once I saw what Nolan was doing, I was all in. 


    Definitely one of the most technically impressive movies I've seen in a theater. Nolan out did himself. If you can, see this on the biggest screen possible. Even on the standard screens, it still looked amazing. The cast was great as well. Even tho the characters weren't super fleshed out, I was still invested enough in them. Zimmer's music was fantastic and almost a character itself. 


    One of the best films of the year, period. 9.5/10


  2. Repost 


    On 7/13/2017 at 0:30 AM, MrGamer2558 said:

    Welp, whatever feels I had left after seeing Logan are now gone after watching War for the Planet of the Apes. Such a great movie and a great finish to Caesar's story. It's as dark as advertised. Like Logan, there are very few "feel good" moments in the movie, though it didn't feel as bleak as Logan did. Whatever doubt I had left in Reeves directing Batman disappeared while watching this. I give it a 9.5.


  3. Repost


    On 7/8/2017 at 4:40 PM, MrGamer2558 said:

    Saw it a couple of hours ago and I enjoyed it a lot. Don't know if it's my favorite Spider-Man movie, but I will say it's in my Top 5 MCU movies. Holland and Keaton make it special. The little things make it stand out a lot more than most Marvel films. I wasn't as high on it as I was with Wonder Woman (just some nitpicky things), but I'll still give it a 9/10. 


  4. Reposting from the main thread:


    On 6/3/2017 at 4:41 PM, MrGamer2558 said:

    Finished seeing it an hour ago. It lived up to the hype. It was a little long and I can see some of the complaints people had (the slo mo overload was killing me), but it was so fucking good. Def a Top 5 comic book movie for me. The No Man's Land scene is up there with the airport scene in Civil War in terms of awesomeness. Going to see it again when I can. Strong 9/10. I was floored. 


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