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Joel M

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Posts posted by Joel M

  1. 7 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Since it's a boxoffice forum, a lot of us are interested to see how this movie would do in the boxoffice. Might be the first film to break 2 billion that Disney doesn't have the rights to right now. I'd be more interested in seeing that than FB 3 doing a Dark Phoenix.

    If the Harry Potter story ended before the epilogue I would agree. But that epilogue was placed specifically to take the air out of future sequels. The cast is now at the age that they would already be married with kids. If you wanna do a new movie about Harry, Ron and Ermione having a new life or death epic adventure you 'd have to decanonise the epilogue, which I don't how much it works since everyone has already watched or read how the story ends.


    It's not the same with post-Return of the Jedi which was a blank slate. It's not even the same with the prequels where there was already an intriguing story to tell of what happened before the start of A New Hope.

    • Like 1
  2. I don't see what's so exciting about Harry Potter 9. It'll never happen as long as Rowling has a say. The only reason we got that cringe-fest 19 years later epilogue was because she wanted to completely close the door on the main story and what happens next. And as much as I hated it, it was very smart on her part. A new movie with everyone being boringly married to their highschool sweethearts just wouldn't make sense.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    I heard that even though the FBI agent is the protagonist, the nephew has the best role. I think the book itself probably focuses a lot on both De Niro's character and his nephew. I think the FBI agent still has a larger screen time than DiCaprio and that's why Paramount wasn't so fond of the new script.


    I have heard nothing about the revised screenplay or the book but what I infer from the article is that Paramount got scared when this turned from good guy Leo investigates despicable guys to despicaple guy Leo does despicable things. At most I can see this being a Departed-like ensemble with several characters getting much focus so there isn't a crystal clear lead. I guess we 'll have a better idea when they cast the detective role.


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  4. 2 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Leo's now role sounds much better honestly. The newphew irl was married to one of the Osage people. Could be a really meaty role. Also no wonder Paramount didn't like the new script as much. Probably didn't want a smaller film where the main star plays a supporting role.

    Haven't read the book but I'm pretty sure it's gotta have been reporpused with Leo changing roles. If the lead of the book is the detective I don't think he 'll be the lead of the movie. Doesn't mean Leo has to have Wolf or Revenant levels of screentime here. But I feel even if this is a true ensemble and they even get a big name to play the detective, it will lean more on the civilians than the ivestigators. After all Leo and DeNiro were the two first people cast in this.

  5. 44 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    So basically, it's Hollywood: The Good Version. I guess "alternative look at Classic Hollywood" projects are the new thing in the industry after OUATIH.

    I assume it will fictionalize/dramatize backstage stuff of that era that have only survived as rumours if at all, there's no recorded history of how many orgies Clara Bow took part in. But I doubt it will alter "official" history in a big way like OUATIH or Hollywood did.

    Haven't read the script though, for all we know maybe a fictional Chazelle character becomes the Jazz Singer or something.

  6. On 5/1/2020 at 10:46 PM, WittyUsername said:

    Looking at the box office for the original movie, it occurred to me that it actually made less money in North America than Star Trek: First Contact. With the way the movie is talked about, you would think it was this major 90s cultural event, but even for 1996, the box office wasn’t exactly Earth shattering. 


    Jumanji wasn't either a major event or mega hit in the 90s, nor it was culturally omnipresent before the new movies. Doesn't mean the new one will blow up like Jumanji but it's certainly way more remembered than the Star Trek movie.

  7. TV

    Unbelievable. Really good miniseries, it manages a perfect balance between the investigation and the victims trauma. Merrit Wever and her calming voice pretty much owns this.

    The Last Dance. Very interesting, especially for anyone that didn't live through or was too young to remember the 90s.

    Neon Genesis Evangelion ep1-15. Well it's interesting but maybe it's one of those things that I don't get the appeal. Literally the same thing happens every episode, I'll try to finish it though.

    Hollywood ep1. Nope. It looks terrible even by Ryan Murphy standards.



    Grizzly Man. For some reason I thought this was about someone having a "bear farm" or having domesticated them somehow. But it's about a guy that lived in the wild with bears. The entire movie I just couldn't fathom how crazy this guy is. It spoils the ending very early but still the footage is so insane it made me anxious all the way through.

    The Girl with Dragon Tattoo. Might not be top tier Fincher but everytime I watch it I get a little sad they didn't get to make the sequels. 



    Titanfall 2 still. I played the campaign a second time, this game is awesome.


    • Like 1
  8. Same here.


    First time I saw it thought it's just a really well made, beautifully photographed and acted period piece. Second time I was amazed by how purposeful the cross cutting in timelines is, how vibrant the look of the movie is, how perfectly it comes all together narratively and emotionally.


    This movie proved to me more than anything that Greta is the real deal. Not because Lady Bird is bad, it's great, but in this one she's so much in control of every aspect of the project it's very impressive. It feels like someone's 13th movie not the third. 

    • Like 1
  9. Before theaters closed, the highest-grossing of those titles, the horror reboot “The Invisible Man,” had collected about $64 million in the U.S. and Canada. The other three movies had made a combined $16 million. Their digital performances are the equivalent of a combined $96 million in box-office grosses.


    The article is a bit confusing. It seems to me that he's comparing DOM box-office with worldwide Premium VOD grosses. That's a bit misleading.

  10. Movies


    Howl's Moving Castle. might not be the best Miyazaki but still love it.

    Memories of Murder. still a masterpiece

    Eftyhia. Greek historical drama that became a huge hit this year. It was decent.

    Burning. Watched it twice this week and I'm officially obsessed with this movie.




    Community season 4-6

    The seasons I've never seen before despite being a huge fan of the show back in its glory days. It definately wasn't as bad as I feared. Even season 4 (that is pretty much a bust in many ways) has its moments, and after Harmon came back the show got a lot better. But still the constant cast reshuffling and dragging this for #sixseasonsandamovie makes it feel more like a decent spin-off than a continuation of a brilliant show. It's fine but I don't think I 'll ever need to watch it again aside from a few standout episodes. The best way this could have gone was Harmon-Chevy Chase-NBC waiting another year to kill each other and the show being 4 seasons and no movie going out on a high. But it wasn't meant to be. 

    And since I've got nothing but time for lists, here's my personal top episodes


    1. 3x04 – Remedial Chaos Theory

    2. 2x09 – Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design

    3. 1x23 – Modern Warfare

    4. 2x14 – Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

    5. 2x19 – Critical Film Studies

    6. 2x11 – Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas

    7. 1x17 – Physical Education

    8. 3x14 – Pillows and Blankets

    9. 2x21 – Paradigms of Human Memory

    10. 3x19 – Curriculum Unavailable

    11. 1x09 – Debate 109

    12. 2x16 – Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking

    13. 3x20 – Digital Estate Planning

    14. 2x10 – Mixology Certification

    15. 1x07 – Introduction to Statistics

    16. 3x10 – Regional Holiday Music

    17. 1x25 – Pascal's Triangle Revisited

    18. 2x08 – Cooperative Caligraphy

    19. 3x16 – Virtual System Analysis

    20. 5x05 – Geothermal Escapism


    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, RealLyre said:

    but this is a list of the most popular movies on LBD not the highest rated so that defeats the point. this is like picking the top 10 highest grossing movies at the box office and claiming those are the best movies domestically because more people watched them.




    their rules for entry into the "official" top 250 is at least 1000 views by movie. which is a bit fair considering LBD is a smaller community than say IMDB (the latter requires a movie to have 25k views before being entered into the top 250).




    I didn't say the popularity is perfect but at least it takes into account more than one metric to level a bit the field between a movie with 500.000 votes and a movie with 50.000. As for imdb they have an algorithm that weights in how many people voted for a certain movie that makes it easier to compare the Godfather that has a million votes and a Bergman movie that has 1/10th of that.


    Letterboxd doesn't have that and whether they have a 1.000 or 10.000 or 25.000 vote threshold it's still arbitrary. If they had an official vote with users making their own lists like we did here the results would 've been representative even if only just a part of their userbase engaged in the vote. As it is X movie with 30.000 votes has 0.1 better rating than Y movie with 300.000 votes, therefore is higher on the list makes no sense, at least to me.

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  12. The letterboxd list looks very iffy to me, and not really representative of the community. They don't weight at all popularity they just go just with avg. rating and many obscure movies with 10k viewers that don't have the one sentence hot take reviews are popping up really high giving the impression that La Flor for example is all the rage in letterboxd. If you go by popularity (most seen, listed and liked) their top10 looks:




    3.Get Out

    4.Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

    5.Into the spiderverse

    6.Lady Bird

    7.La La Land

    8.Infinity War


    10.Fury Road


    It's still not perfect but closer to the "truth"

    • Like 4
  13. 13 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:

    Never Let Me Go and Boy A were the reasons I boarded the flaming TASM train. I forgot NLMG was a 2010 movie. Misremembered it as coming out in 2009. Would have included it in my Top 100 (not that it would have mattered much as it seems to have slipped most people's radar).

    I don't think he is great in everything but his filmography is surprising stellar, maybe it's because he doesn't do that many movies. His early UK tv stuff Boy A and Red Riding are pretty good, the aborted Spidey franchise is not very good but it ain't terrible or embarrasing either and his other movies (TSN, Never let me go, 99 homes, hacksaw, silence, silver lake) range from decent to masterpiece and are very diverse. The only one I haven't seen is Breathe, which looks really bad but still. Very strong resume for someone who's only in the buisness for a decade.

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