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Man of Steelbook

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  1. You do an amazing job I look forward to each year! Love the trip down memory lane, reminiscing about the first time I saw each film whether it was by rental , VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray (I was late to the game for a bunch of the movies mentioned) and where I was. It's like when a song comes on and you get taken back to a certain place and time , this is like that for me!
  2. Finally caught up wow great work @Stutterng baumer Denbrough ! Have you considered turning this thread into a coffee table book? I know I would buy a copy and I bet I'm not alone! Just wanted to add to There's Something About Mary "hair gel" joke. Kevin Smith said he had something similar planned for Mallrats but the studio said that American wasn't ready for that joke and he agreed and took it out. He mentioned he saw the poster for TSAM and being shocked that they were using that joke in their marketing material.
  3. Sorry just catching up. 1997 great work!! I love Chasing Amy! I actually just bought it on Blu-Ray yesterday. Hercules is also my favorite Disney animated movie just so good.
  4. At my local theatre they showed Nightmare on Elm Street and it was like that. People laughing, yelling things it was one of the best experiences I have had at a movie ever!
  5. One of my favorite movies of 1996 was Mars Attacks! It's ironic that it came out the same year as Independence Day which I think hurt its box office. Not as well done as Independence Day for sure but had it come out in 1995 I believe it would have preformed better. I found it to be a fun comedy with a great cast including Jack Nicholson, Glenn Close, Annette Bening, Pierce Brosnan, Danny DeVito, Michael J. Fox & Sarah Jessica Parker and directed by Tim Burton. This film also features football legend Jim Brown. With a budget of $80 Million & an extra $20 Million for marketing the film flopped upon its December 1996 release taking in only $9.38 Million opening weekend and eventually getting to a total of $37.77 Million in the US and $101.4 Million world wide. I believe the story is based on trading cards from the 80s. @Stutterng baumer Denbrough would you be able to cover Blade in 1998? Love that movie and is I believe the 2nd movie to be released in theatres based on a Marvel character after Howard the Duck in the 80s.
  6. Thanks so much for doing this I have been following along. I recently lost my father unexpectedly and reading each year is like a trip down memory lane. Most of the films we watched together either on VHS or at the theatre. Back to 1993 and Cool Runnings is a personal favorite of mine as filming took place in my city Calgary where the 88 Olympics took place. If you visit Canada Olympic Park in Calgary you can see the Jamaican bobsleigh used in the film.
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