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Posts posted by The GOAT

  1. Guesstimated Tickets Sold for Hollywood Blockbusters

    Barbie                              ~  6.7M 

    Transformers: ROTB         ~ 17M  

    Across the Spider-Verse  ~ 10M 

    The Flash                         ~ 5M

    Elemental                        ~ 3M

    Indiana Jones                  ~ 622k

    GOTG 3                            ~ 16.35M

  2. 18 minutes ago, Celedhring said:


    You're not wrong, but just wanted to point out that in the 1990s and 2000s many movies - even big ones - were released with the expectation that money wouldn't be made until the film went through all the release windows. But stuff like home video or broadcasting rights brought in significant amounts back then.

    This is back when physical media sales were still strong, when television was at its peak, and things like Blockbusters were still a viable business. 
    Shawshank Redemption was Massive hit in that regard, despite bombing out in theaters.

  3. 32 minutes ago, Eric the Turtle said:

    I marathoned through all the Fast and Furious, Mission Impossible, and Indiana Jones movies this past summer, and it's been very fascinating to see how all the older movies function compared to the new ones. The older films have their problems, but they all got pretty solid pacing at around two hours. F&F movies were typically 100 minutes in fact. But minus Crystal Skull, which I attribute to it being Crystal Skull, the movies that were around 2 hours all run at a good time where nothing feels rushed, nothing feels padded, and you got what you wanted without too much of a fuss.


    Then all the new franchise entries that came out this summer all feel like they force in 2-3 setpieces you could have easily cut and go on forever. Even the new M:I, which is good and I like, felt too damn long. When we got to the climax, I was thinking we had like 15 or 20 minutes left to go, but we still had like 30 minutes or something, and like...whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

    Writers used to know how to write dialogue for actual human beings instead of a social media addict. 

    Directors used to let the music/silence and scenery sink in first, instead of moving the movie along to get the plot moving. 

    Youtube "Critics" like Cinemasins have also created a negative effect on movies.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Algebra said:

    Yeah, 2022 and 2023 showed the power of a great marketing campgain. Not the lazy 'let's get influencers to shill on TikTok' stuff Paramount used for DR1.


    Also 2023 emphasises the importance of talk show hosts. Their absence has severely hindered the prospects of adult-driven movies

    It's like Every Barbie Tiktok reel (?) has 1M+ likes and probably Millions more view. Hard to Beat Unless you're Mario.


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