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Posts posted by carlsalf38

  1. Well, too bad about Christopher Robin. I don't think it will get to 100M at all. That will need a miracle¡

    Ya Veremos will be the highest grossing Mexican movie this year. Don't see anything else doing more than 200M

    And for the new openers, I really want to see The Meg. I love those kind of movies but what will it gross OW? 25-30? Can it get to 35? Have seen a lot of promotion for that one but then I may be biased.


  2. Haven't seen Isle of Dogs, although I really would like to see it soon, I'm just waiting to see it in digital.

    During the weekend I saw "Hasta que la Boda nos Separe" I didn't like it. I laugh like three times during whole movie and really dislike the characters.

    Will have to see "Ya Veremos" specially because it will surely gross more than 200 Million.

    Strange Disney didn't trust Christopher Robin, I really think it looked good. Almost all theaters had it dubbed in Spanish (I don't like watching dubbed movies) so I couldn't find the right time to see it.

  3. 3 hours ago, Carlangonz said:

    Oh! OW I'm expecting $20M-$30M for Ya Veremos but don't know what to expect from Christopher Robin to be honest.


    Now I'm thinking it was a bad idea to release both the same day; Ya Veremos is a feel-good comedy for families, same demo as Christopher Robin, although the later is getting a larger number of grown ups (thanks nostalgia). I hope at the end they don't kill each other for the audience.

    Well yes. I think Christopher Robin will suffer because of Ya Veremos. I can only hope it has some staying power as it does look good (although of course I haven't seen it, definitely planning on going during the weekend)

    This summer has not been that memorable. Other than Avengers, Incredibles or MI:VI I don't think there was anything REALLY exciting (Deadpool 2 was Ok, JW:FK was meh, HT3 was funny but not FUNNY, Ant-Man delivered... didn't see Solo or Skyscrapper and don't plan on seeing Equalizer 2 or Mamma Mia). Not a very memorable time for Blockbusters


  4. 17 hours ago, Carlangonz said:

    Welcome to the forums :D It's great to have more local people around here


    The # of screens for CR is quite low compared to other blockbusters so i don't know why Disney doesn't trust on it, isn't an unknown property. Anything under $5M USD would be disappointing.


    Ya Veremos is following a similar strategy to other Videocine titles: a lot of screens and marketing to build buzz post-opening, can explode to $150M+ or stay in the conservative area of $80M-$100M.

    Well, the numbers were for Opening Weekend¡ So I'm way off with Ya Veremos¡ Hahaha. I have seen that now. Looking at the numbers of screens Ya Veremos is in at least 2 and Christopher Robin only One. I was not planning on seeing Ya Veremos but in the end my familiy will make me see that one. I'm very keen on watching Christopher Robin and next week's The Meg (I love animals-eating people movies¡)

  5. Hello. This is my first post in this forum. How much do you think Christopher Robin will gross in Mexico? I'm going with at least 45 Million Pesos but not sure how to measure interest here (although I know a lot of people who want to see the movie). 

    Ya Veremos is being promoted like it could be a really big hit but haven't not heard much interest. Probably 25 Million?

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