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Posts posted by WhiteWings

  1. Considering Harley Queen is known as Joker's sidekick you'd imagine the very recent success of "The Joker" would pike GA's interest for a Harley led movie.

    GA rarely looks closely on whether there's actual continuity or not, and Marvel set expectations.


    Granted, if that were/is to be the case you'd find its legs to be unpredictable. The Joker shocked expectations for the better, and this one will..?


    Should be interesting to follow.

  2. 1 hour ago, WittyUsername said:

    Ugh, people are going to blame TRoS underperforming on the movie supposedly giving the finger to TLJ, even though TLJ is technically what got them into this whole mess to begin with, aren’t they?

    They've already blamed TLJ having a bad rep almost entirely on "trolls". So, yes.


    Hard to switch a cemented narrative and suddenly say "trolls" had a point about TLJ leaving the plot dead in the water.

  3. I gave a lot of credit to Disney when they bit the bullet to bring Spider-Man into the MCU by agreeing to a barely profitable deal on their end. It really felt like something done "for the fans".


    Then they took that bullet out of their mouths, ran it through their groin and tried to shove it in Sony's mouth, and Sony spat it out. And now the fans are left biting on that spit slathered, grimy, bullet.

    :gold: Disgusting.

  4. 4 hours ago, 2kt09 said:

    Moreover, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was supposed to be donezo with Natalie Portman. Why bring her back over Sif & Valkyrie to take over for Thor especially when they haven't even gotten to his other known horsefaced suceessor.

    This is the one thing that irks me about it. Portman didn't really seem to like playing Jane Foster and it showed, so it's hard for me to be all happiness and rainbows about her taking over Mighty Thor. The silver lining is that she'll probably not phone it in now that she has a juicier role.

    I think she had become unhappy with the role because of a directorial change? Can't remember.


    To anyone with two brain cells to rub together, it was clear enough that her character could become Mighty Thor eventually, but she sure didn't seem to act like she'd be returning.


    • Astonished 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Talkie said:


    What you're saying doesn't really make sense. Movies are reissued or have their theater counts increased all the time. It's standard industry practice when studios or exhibitors feel that there are more tickets to be sold and more money to be made. Avatar itself was reissued in 2010, after which it earned an additional $30 million. Do you also feel that Fox and Cameron acted in bad faith by putting their movie back in theaters, or is your scorn reserved for Disney and Feige?


    There is not a damn thing wrong with Disney trying to get the all-time box office crown for its most popular franchise. Filmmaking is a business where art and commerce are inextricably linked. Naturally, money and bragging rights are a consideration for all involved. Pretending that there is something newly slimy or underhanded when it's actually business as usual is a bit disingenuous. 

    Oh no, I'm not saying "there is something newly slimy or underhanded". It's business as usual, as you say, just a tad more blatant and transparent than I've gotten used to.


    Though I don't know why people insist to bring up Avatar's re-release so often for comparison when it had an entirely different context and purpose.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Permanent Magnet said:

    you really seem to be butthurt


    the movie became the highest grosser of all time and needed 1 re-release, Avatar also had one (yes it already broke the record at the time) but still, all it took EG is re-expansion to close those 20-25M gap

    I think I'm allowed to both be happy for Endgame to hold the record AND think the re-issue was an unfortunate way to achieve the record that made them lose good faith. (which they have plenty of, so they can afford it, but still)


    Even now I still find their decision on clawing at the #1 a bit puzzling. But they have the best marketing team, so they must know what they're doing.

  7. I'll also throw my hat in for Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It's possibly the best all rounder for an extremely solid anime series, with a solid ending as well.

    Its only fault is that it's a "reboot", so it had to rush some of the early content from the manga as to not be too redundant with the first "incomplete" anime show of the series.


    It's one of those stories where you can tell the author knew exactly what story he wanted to tell, from start to finish. Everything clicks beautifully to great satisfaction.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Sanderson said:

    Despite my best efforts, I never could really get into anime or manga.  I barely know what half of the last two pages are talking about, yet I've loved these last two pages.  This has been pleasant!


    @WhiteWings: I thought the Berserk anime was pretty fun... until about 2/3 of the way through part 3... not what I signed up for man.

    The Berserk anime must not be spoken of. The scars still run deep. :whosad:

    • Sad 2
  9. 5 hours ago, HeadShot said:

    Lol at all these argumentative points while ignoring the 3D aspect which was the reason why Avatars gross is so inflated.  

    Right? It's like people ignoring that Endgame grossed what it did because it's the movie equivalent of a series finale? Relying on over twenty past movies.


    When will some people realize these movies grossed what they did because they're event movies? Avatar was the 3D spectacle, Endgame was a series finale.

    Get it through your head, they're not the best movies, they're event movies.

  10. 1 minute ago, TimmyRiggins said:

    Or they want to maintain a kind of war between the two, and rerelease Avatar later down the road and see who comes on top? Bizarre. I'm not even sure this "rerelease" will add much of anything. It seems that it being mainly one extra post credits scene is making the rounds on Twitter, I doubt most will bother? And it's only domestic isn't it? 

    I guess it might be too early to draw conclusions. But if it truly were a push for #1 I don't get it, I can't see the value of the back and forth. The MCU doesn't really gain from it, and Avatar stands to lose from it, and that matters to them now.

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