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Posts posted by Jeight

  1. 1 hour ago, thajdikt said:

    This right here is spot on. NWH had the hype, MoM did, I would argue Thor also did. But given 2 of those 3 didn´t deliver in the eyes of the audience and Ant-Man 3 also arguably being the worst MCU movie the hype seems dead in the fandom aswell. Besides Deadpool 3 I don´t think there´s any real hype right now. Which is why Vol 3 is so important. Marvel will never reach Phase 3 levels consistently again, but if they want to earn good money consistently on every movies this movie needs to deliver big time. This all slowing down from Marvel is good but it might be to late if they don´t deliver on those projects that´s already filmed.


    It´s Gunn´s movie to save the future of the MCU and the genre in general. Don´t think enough emphasis have been made on the horrible year of 2022 the genre had. We had 6 CBM´s and only 2 of them got good reviews and audience score. Ofc some movies will always have hype, say a Spider-Man etc but this genre desperately needs good movies the audiences really like. We are at the point where more movies are made in the genre but the quality has fallen hard.

    Lol, the doom and gloom is hilarious. Marvel is t gonba reach phase 3 consistency? How about phase 2 or phase 1. Marvel has been delivering for 15 years and they only have 2-3 movies with bad reviews and box office.


    Based purely on track record your comment makes no sense. The overall trend of movies is going down and audience preferences have changed. That affects the genre as well but acting like mcu movies are in danger of continuously flopping is ridiculous. Only ant man flopped, be real. Underperforming is the trend.

  2. It's hilarious that some of you equate humorous and light with she hulk and love and thunder as if those projects were panned or derided or something. 


    Do you believe that twitter which decides months before a movie comes out what it's quality is gonna be is indicative of a consensus?  Love and thunder got OK reviews.  So it's not a black Adam,  shazam 2 or a dark phoenix scenario

  3. 15 minutes ago, thajdikt said:

    Personally don´t agree with this. Critics aren´t jaded towards CBM the quality has just declined very much. TSS, Shang-Chi and NWH all got 90+ on RT. Also the audiences response have been pretty similar to the critcs on these movies so it suggest more that quality is down rather then critics beeing more jaded . In fact I would argue that a movie like MoM got a stronger RT rating then it should have had based on response from audiences.


    I haven´t watched Shazam yet but this sounds like a classic movie that tries to go bigger and then loses what worked for the first one. Excited to catch it tomorrow to see if I feel that way or end up loving it.

    The quality is more or less the same that it was 5-6 years ago.  You mean to tell me that Multiverse of madness is that much worse than far from home or ant man and the wasp or captain marvel?  All of those are in the 80s range. 


    The quality is about the same.  The critics are much more fed up with the genre

    • Knock It Off 1
  4. 51 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

    If reviews keep trending this way the odds of over performing it's tracking are very slim.


    I don't get how this couldn't pull together when the first one was so great and was received much, much better.


    Because critics are much more jaded towards cbms these days than they were 4-5 years.  They are tired and they want the genre to take a backseat. The batman would have scored 90+ in 2018 and so would Wakanda forever.  Multiverse of Madness would be at the 80 if it was released in 2019. That's how it is.  I really don't think the actual quality gap between shazam movies warrants a 40% difference. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, SpiderByte said:

    Why should I leave?

    You shouldnt abd there is nothing wrong with your stance.


    People here actually try to gaslight other people that love and thunder didnt get ok reviews just cause they hate the movie.


    People have been itching for the mcu to decline since 2019. Its clear what they are up to

    • Haha 1
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  6. On 1/14/2023 at 5:50 PM, THUNDER BIRD said:

    MCU movies having Bs in Cinemascore in Infinity Saga - 1 


    MCU movies having Cinemascore in Bs since Endgame - 3


    The audience is speaking.

    Then i guess they spoke highly for the majority of phase 4 since most movies didnt get Bs. Thats of course if you are only taking cinemascore into account which is hilarious

    • Knock It Off 2
  7. On 1/14/2023 at 4:33 PM, JustLurking said:

    ...you do realise MOM and Thor4 have quite literally the exact same cinemascore as black adam and ww84, with both of them having worse rt than black adam as well


    I actually even like MOM myself, but this hill you are trying to die on is weird as fuck. Just move on already.


    Anyway not sure how much I trust the China release thing but would certainly be good to be back to have fairly consistent china releases, not just for ant-man but films in general

    First class has the same cibemascore as ww84.


    Using cibemascore as the hill to die on is weird as fuck. Both movies have better audiebce scores than the majority of the movies i mentioned everywhere from letterboxd, rt, imdb etc. I will "move on" once a specific narrative here dies

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  8. Bad quality of product? Accordibf to who? Again some of you are DESPERATE to frame MOM and THOR 4 as this blsck adam/ww84/bvs situation and it shows again how out of touch you are.


    Did Thor 2 damage the mcu in 2013? Did iron man 2 while widely seen as disappointment over the first?


    If you honestly think that a 15 year old goodwill built over dozens of well received movies is thrown intot he trash cause of mom or love and thunder then you are biased as hell. No two ways about it.

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  9. 58 minutes ago, Liiviig 1998 said:

    3 BCS in a streak of 4 movies when the whole the infinity saga had 1 in 23 movies.



    The stats above tell this has been a clear decline in audience enthusiasm from phase 3 and you can't deny.


    Don't know why bringing in 30 MCU movies.  


    What is being discussed here is phase 4 particularly (7) movies . 


    MCU is not collapsing but after last year ,think we all learned it ain't as critic proof . Every movie will live and die on its reception. Yeah all movies this year are making profit but all came below pre release expectations and yeah shitty legs after OW.


    If this trend continues it will start having major box office drawback(certified flops)though I doubt that will happen.


    Don't get me started on those tv shows. Even the weak films of the infinity saga are lot better than those shows which are just there to pad up the service for subscription and just dilute and oversacurate the brand.









    It ain't critic proof?  The only MCU movies to lose money are those released in covid and only barely.  Shang Chi and be broke even,  only eternal lost money.  The last MCU movie to lose money before that was tih. The MCU released well received movies that range in the 700-900 in the box office.  That was the case for phase 2 and phase 3 as well.  Nothing has changed. Absolutely nothing. In 2017 all 3 MCU movie were in the 850 range with China.  The same average applies in 2022 WITHOUT China. If anything,  there is growth 

  10. 1 hour ago, JustLurking said:

    In the last phase you had Thor and Eternals getting shit reception everywhere, doctor strange being divisive to bad reception, and shang-chi and black panther while getting good reception domestically had poor reception in places (asia liked neither film for example).


    The only film that had truly strong reception everywhere out of the entire phase was No Way Home.


    Now don't get me wrong, the MCU is not doomed, but acting like nothing went wrong and there isn't a need to course correct is just as foolish.

    Multiverse of madness is well received.  period.  so are black widow,  Shang Chi,  Nwh, Wakanda forever.  So most of phase 4. A d so are most of the shows.  Saying that only nwh had truly strong reception everywhere is extremely dicey.  No way home isn't the bar,  it's an outline. 

    • Knock It Off 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, YM! said:

    Because the GA surely loved Eternals right?


    I do agree that some of the predictions of utter collapse are ridiculous but I do feel we’re in the diminishing returns era. Yes, the MCU is still very popular and with a new phase, especially once after the Infinity Saga acting as a closer for some, they’re bound to lose some membersThis, of course doesn’t mean every project is doomed or every project will underperform, but some projects may not be as big as hoped. Like it act more so as Phase 2 rather than 3 for this phase but if it sticks the landing, 6 could be be a swing upwards but not as big as 3 though.

    The fact that from the 30 mcu movies you struggle to name me more than one that hasn't connected with audiences proves my point.


    The audience doesnt have to LOVE everything. Not every movie needs to be a 9/10. A 7/10 is still good. How many mcu has the GA outright rejected. And ,nl im not talking about twitter, no gives a shit about that.

  12. 50 minutes ago, Mr Terrific said:

    GA, or analysis of GA, has been schizophrenic on these movies. 
    After AOU, “Oh gosh, it’s too complicated.”

    After IW and EG, “Of course, MCU has advantage of epic saga to pull people in.”


    Some people wanted to jump off after ebdgame and now they are desperate to project their fatigue through "general audience" and they dont have the spine to admit its purr bias. The reality is that most mcu movies without china will gross 700-900 million, numbers that most blockbusters would kill for. Unless you think Avatar is the norm and even that wont outgross ebdgame 

    • Knock It Off 1
  13. They have not lost audience and the shows are mostly well received and have introduced fan favourites 


    Some of tou are completely incapable of separating your wishful thinking from reality. If you honestly believe Marvel wont make every movie audiebce friendly through exposition you are out of touch.

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  14. 4 hours ago, Verrows said:

    Boyfriend said it best.


    "Finally, a Marvel movie that looks like it means something again".


    Wakanda Forever was meaningful but in its own contained way. And I know people were getting tired of Marvel movies being ads for the next ones but lately Marvel really has been missing that - the weight and stakes of an over arching story.


    Looks great! Sticking with my $110M 3-day predict. I don't know if people are already factoring in the inflated Sunday factor due to a Monday holiday with their under $100M predicts but I think that's what'll make the difference.

    So, people just dont know waht they want. Got it. I just hope marvel ignores every take they see online since it seems most of you have the decisiveness of a cat

  15. On 1/6/2023 at 9:33 PM, Verrows said:

    Ugh....words cannot describe how stupid and juvenile that movie was. I hope Marvel isn't wondering why a chunk of the audience is checking out. 

    Where is the evidence of that? Cauze thor 4 would have putgrossed ragnarok with china and russia easily.


    Some of you are projecting and you have zero attachment to reality. Also, comics are juvenile. They have been for 60 years

  16. On 12/31/2022 at 7:22 PM, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    The former tends to lead into the latter. Just take a look at what happened to the original Transformers films.

    I'm not expecting much from The Flash either to be honest. Audiences are smart enough to spot storytelling dead ends as proven by Dark Phoenix's utter collapse back in 2019, and pretty much all of DC's movies for the coming year are.


    I do agree about Kang. His only appearance is in a TV show not everyone might have seen, and that wasn't even the actual guy. He's still a niche character.


    Note that none of my comments about this movie's financial prospects actually reflect my opinion on the movie itself. It honestly looks refreshingly great and harkens back to the stories we used to get in Phase 3. I just think the average whoever is starting to get tired of these movies.

    The stories we used to get in phase 3? What stories were that? Cause phaae 4 had the same stories

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