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Posts posted by Jeight

  1. 12 minutes ago, YM! said:

    Shazam and SpiderVerse (especially the latter as that’s my favorite) are probably amongst the best CBMs and both are pretty lighthearted and humorous but highly deliver on emotional moments and arcs. Tbh humor apart from LaT hasn’t bugged me this phase, the problem lays in pacing and poor screenwriting.

    I havebt seen any consistent poir screenwriting apart from a couple of movies. And the pacing has been good to great

  2. 1 hour ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    Did we watch the same trailer? It's far more serious than not only those two movies, but also the previous Ant-Man movies. The compositing also looks far better than Thor 4 and Dr. Strange 2.

    Ant man us NOT going to be serious. Its an antman movie with Modok as a secondary villain. Fricking MODOK. Anyone expecting seripusness in this movie is setting themselves up.


    And im gonna shout it from the rooftops. Some people here would NOT put the same energy into critisizing the tone of some movies if said tobe was dark and heavy. The pitchforks come out for the humor only. Its laughable.

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  3. 39 minutes ago, Gavin Feng said:


    This is one of the few reactions that make me start to believe Marvel may make their first good movie of phase 4.

    I guess you havent seen he majority of phase 4 movies yet.


    Also for people demonizing humor again. Which movie brainwashed you that a serious tone is better? Was it Dark Knight or was it Logan? Cause it did more harm than good. 

    • Thanks 1
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  4. 2 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

    Not really. This movie has reportedly had some of the best responses from test screenings of any DC movie since Christopher Nolan’s Batman films. 

    Which Nolan Batman film? Cause if its getting better scores than TDK thats might impressive.


    Rises? Not so much 

  5. 40 minutes ago, jedijake said:

    For social reactions, I guess we look for key words to figure out the overall feeling.


    Words like "visually stunning" and "different from other films" or "lots of humor" or "darker than I'd expect" and of course "that's not necessarily a bad thing" are red flags usually. Also, words like "competent" and "I applaud the effort based on the obstacles" can be warning signs. And of course there's the dreaded " very dense plot" or "lots to unpack" and not good signs. If things like these are mentioned, they can often equate rough reviews. Look at reviews for Eternals, Love and Thunder and even MoM and Black Widow to see what social reactions for movies with mediocre-to-bad reviews look like. (that's when the mentioned are the highlights of the reactions). This is not even discussing Venom LTBC or Morbius.


    Meanwhile, "the best MCU of phase 4" or "this delivers big time" or "emotionally stirring" can mean it will also have strong reviews. Look back at the reviews for Infinity War, Endgame, Black Panther 1, No Way Home, and Shang Chi for examples. You'd think the world was saved through these movies!

    Of all the films you mentioned in your first paragraph only one movies had bad reviews. Eternals.


    Multiverse of madness is at 75, bw is at 79% abd lat is at 64%. Ok maybe thor also has mediocre reviews 


    The truth that some of you don't want to admit is that the majority of this phase is well received on various levels. Every phase has at least one film in the 60s. The only outlier is eternals. Thats it



    • Haha 5
  6. 16 minutes ago, YM! said:

    Yes, MoM did get solid reception at 70%+ RT however it also is one of the more divisive CBMs amongst the GA this year as seen with PostTrak scores and CinemaScore being one of Marvel’s worse. It did have mixed reception amongst the GA even though in grand scheme of things it’s positive in the vague sense. I say that as someone who likes MoM.

    The only aspect that would support the "divisiveness" is the cibemascore and thats it. Letterboxd , postrak, rt are positive. A posttrak at the 80s isnt bad at all

  7. I don't think it will be different.  We have already seen a black panther movie from the exact same writing/directing team.  That doesn't mean that the movie can't be great. I have heard from some people in the industry that the movie is great.  I won't give an mcu ranking that they did cause I don't want to overhype things or create false expectations. But they said in the ringer podcast that people in the industry believe that the movie deliver. 


    That said I don't think it will be something we haven't seen.  It's still Coogler/ludwig/ Joe Robert cole

  8. Are you guys seripusly ask why? There is not a aingle character moment in any of the trailers worth investing for.


    Its just yhe Rock looking badass and throwing cool one liners like he does in every movie. Why would the audience care?


    He is the strongest, unfazed, badass, wittier and awesomest guy in the room!!!! Thats not a xharacter, thats male fantasy....

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, excel1 said:

    A mid 50s or better RT score a popcorn crowd pleaser wannabe Michael Bay film is actually pretty damn good, no bullshit. MOS was a wannabe Chris Nolan film and it ended in same territory.


    55% at 64 reviews is not concerning. 

    Its very likely that it will fall far below the 50%. Movies rarely go up once they atart in the 50-60 range

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