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Posts posted by Sckathian

  1. The fact Gunn delivered their only major hit just highlights how much Iger fucked up in firing him (though I notice Iger now blames his other execs for this). 


    Likewise burning their bridges with Lord and Miller.


    On the animation side Disney has a creative problem, on the Marvel side Disney have a creative problem and on the Fox side they have a crutch - Apes is one to look to next year and how it performs.


    All starts with the exec team. Until they have a cultural change I don't see things improving for them. I feel like a lot of people just don't want to work with Disney.


    I mean look at the burn rate Star Wars has for creative teams.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, TwoMisfits said:


    Does the 4th Apes actually require you to know what happened in the earlier trilogy?  B/c if it does, mark that one down as another probable miss for 2024.  The under 25 set is gonna pass, and there's not enough over 25 to make the movie go that high...

    They are selling it as a new trilogy and most of the films can be enjoyed as stand alone so suspect it will be fine but there are characters/story lines which go throughout.

  3. 18 minutes ago, HummingLemon496 said:

    Doctor Strange is popular. . .but he's not "$187M opening weekend" level popular. Cameo hype shot it into the stratosphere. A normal Doctor Strange sequel post-Endgame would open to like $120-130M maybe idk

    Him and Wanda are coming off:


    Infinity War - 2Bn

    End Game - 2.8Bn

    No Way Home - 1.9Bn


    No one gave a fuck that there might be a Fantastic Four cameo other than 5% of the audience. 

  4. The big question for Apes is does it retain its existing audience which I think is a big ask considering the time between films but also the third simply failed to achieve that.


    The tone can be all the more audience friendly as they like but the numbers are pretty tight from 3 already. I think they will have a mountain to climb due to fan response to the third one - you’ve got to knock out a banger to get them onboard for an additional trilogy.

  5. 2 hours ago, HummingLemon496 said:

    The GA goes fucking insane over multiverse cameos.

    This is simply untrue. The only time this has happened was for a Spider Man crossover and the main contention at release was ‘are they even in it, is it just cameos, or are they a major element’.


    It was a celebration of Spider-Man across generation.


    Random cameos will not save the MCU but kill it. Audiences want character interactions. Variants don’t provide this unless you are promising long term variants or pulling a Wanda in Doctor Strange.


    GA don’t give a fuck about the comics and just want a fun time with a story they care about. They cared about Spider-Man because the multiverse angle ties entirely into Peter’s story emotionally. They cared because they have watched these generations of Spider-Man across the generations.


    If the GA have a fuck about cameos then The Flash would be on par with Spider-Man.

    • Like 3
  6. 15 minutes ago, emoviefan said:

    And yet the Venom movies so far have been just as badly hacked up studio mandated messes as The Marvels and other recent MCU movies.People and their selectivity with this stuff.

    Audiences like Venom and Tom Hardy, they make people laugh. Thats its draw and its still surprising to me people can't accept theres different reasons films do well. Venom 3 will likely tie further into Spider-Man with a potential cross over for Spiderman 4. It will do well.

    • Like 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Daxtreme said:

    I know this isn't a Marvel vs DC thread but DC can't possibly be happy with The Marvels flopping like this?


    I mean, outside of fans of course. DC fans are probably over the moon. But DC as a studio are probably worried by this. 


    This is a bad omen for the genre, and for them by extension. A rising tide rises all ships and all that.

    Its a massive problem for everyone. I think only Sony can really feel good right now as clearly Spider-Man is still a draw and even if it struggles in the theatre its pumping huge profits for Playstation by having exclusive rights.


    DC made some right calls though. Pulled the plug on existing Superman/Wonder Woman (both not easy decisions imo) and obviously killing off things like Batgirl. Gunn has talked about a lot of things but I don't think its as set in stone as you might expect. 


    The 'additional' Batman is something that needs cut though. Just use Reeves as the Batman series, it did fairly well especially when you look at how other films have been performing. I would instead create a Superman universe so have Superman and Supergirl interreacting and put other characters like Wonder Woman into that.


    Leave Batman cross over until Reeves is done. It was dumb to want two franchises at once (and frankly insulting to Pattinson) even when things looked rosy but now it just looks extra dumb.

    Below is actually a super (wink wink) slate if you do that:


    - Joker 2

    - Superman: Legacy [Rework this title though]

    - The Batman 2

    - Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow [Rework this title though]


    Can anyone really tell me that a connected universe would help this slate? 


    Only commission the sequels when the results come in. Have the TV shows interact with themselves with only Daredevil esque cameos to the films. Job done.


    A problem for Marvel and DC is that their own quality will make a difference but actually the quality of the wider superhero market will impact them. If Marvel keep shitting the bed then DC will be hit and if DC fail at launch it will hit Marvel.

  8. 52 minutes ago, emoviefan said:

    Okay. Jurassic World is a great popcorn movie and Fallen Kingdom is so underated. The second half playing as a  haunted house movie. JA Bayona knocked it out of the Park no pun intended and the set up that Colin just completely shit the bed with in Dominion just ugh.

    Second half is amazing and I love the fact it’s a ducking auction but the first half is very bad. I still can’t work out if this was the original intention or significant reshoots and if so which one was added later?


    Second half is literally just a Doctor Who episode and when you chuck in Toby Jones you’ve got a success.

  9. 5 hours ago, SpiderByte said:

    Probably the most annoying thing about this nonsense is it'll be years for the movies to come out and prove the cynics wrong, since even already people are saying "well obviously Deadpool 3 doesn't count"

    The delay might be quite a problem honestly. And no Deadpool 3 doesn’t really count, it’s a comedy that parodies these movies. A whole year without a mainline entry isn’t great.


    if Deadpool ends up as a true MCU movie rather than a pisstake it’ll be extremely disappointing.


    The fact your relying in films years away is not a positive.

  10. 4 hours ago, HummingLemon496 said:

    BadOlCatSylvester is up there with BobTrain and Relevation as some of the most correct users in this entire forum. He said "a year ago Marvel was a force to be reckoned with. Now they're a laughingstock." What he said was 100% accurate. Just compare how absolutely insane a B-list solo movie like MoM did to how horrible Marvels is doing

    Strange is no longer a B list he’s their A list. That’s been due to good exposure and development. This is why the next slate is going to be so rough for them, they got arrogant and just thought they could slap on the Marvel logo to get success.

    Conceptually their current slate really poor. I don’t see how Feige and other leadership don’t take the L for The Marvels. It’s problems were foreseeable in pre production.


    I think those users were right but one issue now is with The Marvels debacle the MCU is an even bigger joke to how it was before. These things to feed into culture and you can see the conversation change around the MCU more broadly.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Mojoguy said:

    No director wants to be responsible for directing the first Avengers flop. Would be a career killer. So many are wisely passing on the project.

    For directors I think the bigger issue is the Marvel machine. It’s become quite toxic but yes as you say the director holds the bomb if it flopps despite it mostly being some intern in the Disney offices who happened to be really into comic books when the industry nearly died.

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