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Posts posted by Sckathian

  1. Just now, ZattMurdock said:

    Can we all just agree that if the film gets good reviews and people dig it, people will stop with this shit and credit her for her work. Call me absolutely insane, but I do think that this film has a strong shot of being good. Great even, for what it actually is. That’s all I ask. Feel free to blame Marvel and Feige if it’s trash. DaCosta has already proved herself with Candyman, if she delivers with The Marvels, she deserves the acknowledgment.

    Candyman is well shot but it’s a mess of a film but that is a separate issue.


    With the MCU we know for a fact it’s extremely top down. It’s just a different beast, and that’s s problem if people involved are then not out talking about the film.

    I would like a more creative lead MCU but everything we know that does not exist.

  2. 2 hours ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

    So, is Nia DaCosta proud of her work in The Marvels? Because the movie gets released in 8 days and she has barely talked about it.


    Once the movie gets released, is she gonna tweet anything about having a better version 1 year ago? I've read that before. Can't wait for it.



    I think the issue is what of her actual creative skill will be seen on film and what will be just Marvel doctrine. For their output Marvel have a shit director relationship, I think cynically they are going for people ticking social boxes (they are good directors and I will get to this) but we know the film is half built by the time many are onboarded.


    Increasingly Marvel are targeting directors who are young and up/coming, but who have they actually kept on for a follow up film? Spoke earlier about being a Doctor Who film and I can’t say impress how important a director can be. ]


    These are good directors but I think they are also fresh and Marvel are slightly using them. They make a good product but Marvel bring them in just to make the film they already have a storyboard and have started CG on. 

    Like with their TV, I think Marvel need to change their approach to organisation of the films and give more unique creative voices. This is not hard. GotG already provides it, and proves that you can still tie it to the general MCU.


    I don’t think a director show runner is an insane idea to build for several franchises and then have a head show runner for the Avenger films.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

    People who have made the MCU their whole identity are in shambles right now. When Variety wrote articles about the DCU troubles every word was true but when it is about Marvel one time, none of it is true. Nothing to see here folks, shows over. 

    My issue with these people has always been that the success of MCU is part of their identity. Not just enjoying the shows. I am a Doctor Who fan, all I want is more Doctor Who and I understand that success will jump up and down throughout the years.


    The problem I think is MCU has so much content but actually its in a weird spot where its not got stuff for fans or general audiences. Its all a bit muddled (though fixable).

    • Like 1
  4. I don't know why some are assuming that a writer of an article basically taking the higher ups lines and printing them, suggests anything other than them probably doing this again. Clearly some lines coming from within Marvel to try to burn the connections with The Marvels and sell their future plans as the priority.


    Could have just called it Captain Marvel 2. No acceptance this was an issue as far as I can see. They must have seen signs this was a mistake earlier in the year (unless they plan to burn this and make a future film CM2?).

  5. 42 minutes ago, DInky said:

    I think losing Majors (Disney already removed his upcoming movie from their release schedule) will hurt The Kang Dynasty. They've now used two seasons of Loki and Quantumania to build up the character and it's not even going to be the same actor in the Avengers movie.

    It really can't be that difficulty to just ditch Kang at this point and replace him with another multiverse character. Stick that evil Strange in and your done.


    13 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

    Shang-Chi 2 was greenlit shortly after the first one and...not really. It ends on a sequel hook but it's absolutely not a cliffhanger the way say Infinity War was.


    Strange 3 is reportedly one of the "untitled" phase 6 dates. Will that change due to the strike? No idea. But also those movies released 2 and 1 year ago, respectively. It was 6 years (would have been 5 without COVID) for Strange to get it's first sequel.


    Strange is a lead in Avengers and Spider-Man. So the gap is not that odd. The cliffhangers are sequel bait but the point in sequel bait is to see what happens.

    if MCU is going to be pre announcing their film slates they should probably include their planned sequels to keep people caring. Right now there is zero sign these threads will be built on until the next Avengers.


    Compare to phase 1-3 and the three leads have a major title every two years including Avengers films. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, PlatnumRoyce said:

    Shang-Chi really did very well despite having terrible covid timing but that still means not a massive number of people saw Shang-Chi in theaters and he's been completely absent from later MCU films (and tv). There's a real chance Marvel just squanders most of the upside they gained from their only real new hit. 

    This is what I number one most don’t understand about the current MCU. 

    Where is Shang Chi 2? It ends on a cliffhanger.

    Where is Doctor Strange 3? It ends on a cliffhanger.

    Why is there not s film called Captain Marvel 2?


    Like build on your shit. No one reads the comics. Literally less than 5% (and I am being extremely fair) reads the comics and knows who the illumanti are.

    • Like 3
  8. 42 minutes ago, TheFlatLannister said:

    I’m still not sure why people are using The Marvels as a benchmark for “is the MCU dead”. The writing has been on the wall for months now. If Deadpool is well received and does less than both previous installments, then we can start declaring the death of the MCU. 

    Deadpool is a franchise which is literally about mocking the MCU and parodying it heavily. Not every film linked to the MCU is popular because it’s connected to the MCU.


    Anywya on the wider discussion I just want to say if you think this is bombing because Brie can’t go on TV then wtf are you doing ignoring that Captain Marvel (a billion dollar franchise) 2 is called ‘The Marvels’ featuring a team up with TV actors.

  9. I can’t stand Iger wankery. The guy literally kept his office. All decisions around D+ stem from him. Iger not Chapek did not decide how the MCU TV shows would be run. They did not decide the bizzare cutting and choosing of how non-MCU properties would be treated.


    Iger and Chapek wanted to churn their content out for D+ to succeed when in reality D+ succeeded off families wanting to get their kids free access to the marvellous Disney back catalogue.


    Iger fucking chose Chapek as his successor. Kept his office. And replaced him. How people can be non sushi cal about that astounds me. 

    Disneys corporate side is a total shambles.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, SpiderByte said:

    I really don't see how people think new heroes will cause fatigue but only ever doing hard reboots somehow 

    I actually agree with this but only because Doctor Strange and Iron Man were not really known by general audiences until they made their debut. The point though is not every superhero is interesting.


    Games show this very very well. Why do Spidermen games do this so well? Because we want to swing like Spider-Man. It’s the entire draw. It’s movement/momentum is more interesting than Superman moving in a straight line through the air. So they do gangbusters.


    So you will always have a limit of interesting heroes. The point is to build on those and make franchises. The MCU has arguably changed the Thor name forever with it likely making audiences think of the MCU character rather than the true folklore God.


    But the MCU by being continuous is an obstacle to just churning out stories with these characters. I still think DCs wire ‘let’s have multiple Batman’s’ will fail but it’s going to be super interesting how that performs and is probably going to be the most influential thing in the industry for many years to come.

  11. I will add I think Marvel fans are way over estimating the excitement the Fantastic 4 will draw in, I just don’t see audiences getting over the bad taste of the prior films.


    Though I do think it’s Marvels best unused asset right now. They really need a Guardians 1 situation of a slam dunk film but I do worry they will instead trend towards random cameos/other Avengers being in the film.

    • Like 2
  12. 55 minutes ago, HummingLemon496 said:

    Yes, Blue Beetle disproves this "it's not superhero fatigue, it's only BAD superhero movie fatigue" thingy that people kept on parroting after GOTG 3/ATSV were hits.

    The problem is fatigue is caused by the breakdown down of audience expectations. Blue Beetle could have been a 5 star Oscar worthy film, but if people don’t engage with the product because it’s ‘another super hero film’ then they won’t see it. We are in western territory and that’s really not Marvels fault, but there’s just been too much rubbish out there for too long.


    GOTG3 I maintain is not a super hero film which explains its success but ATSV shows that if you are different enough (and have one of the ‘core’ superhero’s) then you can do well.


    I think there is an arguement the MCU will hold Marvel back over time when really we should have a new Iron Man already and be set for a new trilogy of Iron Man films. 

    They are trying to do that with Captain America but they have had to go with a poorer actor because that’s what the MCU behemoth demands.

  13. FUCK I figured it out. This is really just a remake of Beauty and the Beast.



    The Dwarves are actually Gnomes which are actually people turned into Gnomes by the Witch. Snow White on her quest frees them probably by making the witch feel like a good person or some Disney trope.


    The set pic is at the end of the film as Snow White heads off for a new adventure.

    • Haha 2
  14. Some people are going to be shook that a white woman looks white.


    Who knows at this point what they are doing with the dwarves, I think it’s both possible this is being reworked but also entirely possible the ‘dwarves’ in this picture are separate from the gang we also have seen in set pics.

  15. 7 hours ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

    The way people talk about Love and Thunder's mixed reviews as if they are great is funny to me. People who hate the film are like, I can't believe Love and Thunder got such great reviews. Meanwhile It's RT score is 63% for all critics and 51% for top critics with a 6.4 and 6.3 grade respectively. The Metacritic score is 57. Not terrible ratings and a chunk of critics did love it driving the overall score up but the reviews are not great overall. They are very mixed. 

    People don’t seem to understand what a RT score actually is for some reason.

    • Like 3
  16. 23 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

    2 billion

    You can add Logan and DP2 together and they don’t reach this, and I am entirely ignoring the fact there is significant crossover between the two. Your talking about doubling the highest ever grossing R rated film and being in the top 5 highest grossing of all time because…Hugh Jackman is in it.

    Logan made under 700M.

    Days of Future Past under 800M.

    DP1/2 under 800M.


    But magically DP3 is hitting 2 bill. 

  17. 3 hours ago, Hatebox said:

    As much as I hate that Jackman sold out and didn’t let Logan be his last wolverine outing it’s hard to deny that, from a purely cynical business POV, the timing feels right. No, x-men wasn’t the biggest franchise but it was a totem of the genre back when it ruled the zeitgeist, and unless the film is shit it’s hard not to see deadpool blowing up with Jackman aboard. 

    It’s a series which each instalment makes just under 800M. It’s already blown up. When people talk about blowing up what do they actually mean here?

  18. 7 hours ago, TheFlatLannister said:


    You aren't being serious...You really expect a movie with Hugh Jackman and Deadpool (who are finally in the MCU) to make the same amount as Thor Love and thunder? The FOX X-men in the MCU is a huge deal, that's why MoM made $450M OW without China because people expected X-men cameos (Charles Xavier etc) 

    MoM made its money by being led by two very popular characters. Not because of 30 second cameos. X Men films have a ceiling and I don’t know why people pretend they are the most popular CBMs out there.


    DP2 did very well, it’s sequels hitting similar numbers is also very good. Jackman Wolverine and DP fans already have significant crossover 

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