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  1. Madonna other than being the person with most Razzie nominations ever, she has never been nominated at SAG, BAFTA and Oscar, Lady Gaga will always remains a best actress Oscar nominee, NYFCC and NBR best actress winner, no matter the box office performance of this movie, if anything she has been praised for this performance despite not having the right space in the movie as reviews pointed out.
  2. The first rumors were claiming that violent direction in the script, it was suggested by worldofreel that occasionally has infos that it would have been ‘A Clockwork Orange’ kind of movie, then Grace Randolph was the first anticipating the musical thing months later, I’m sure lot of changes have been done with the script including during the filming with Joaquin rewriting scenes at the last minute (confirmed by Gaga in the Vogue interview).
  3. Majority of her stans weren’t fan of the first, that’s for sure, but there still was excitement for this sequel and role, like I said earlier majority are stile going to support this movie but they are not in urge to buy tickets so much in advance like for a concert, that’s the feedback coming from inside the Haus.
  4. Those two albums are duets with Toni Bennett of old covers, the first debuted #1 on the Billboard and the second in top10, they did decently well for the kind of genre, but most important her Jazz Vegas Residency grossed +100 million dollars out of her singing ‘Sinatra covers’, so there’s clearly an audience for that. I don’t think the kind of music is the problem in this movie, nobody from the reviews complained and the general audience is not even aware, I doubt people are expecting her to sing ‘Bad Romance’ kind of songs in this movie, old classics have always made more sense.
  5. Lot of Gaga stans are now disappointed after finding out that Gaga has a small role in this when we were all sure she would have been co-lead for how they marketed everything, lot of reviews have been pointed out how they wasted her despite her performance being good, Philips cut several scenes with her, even one that is on the trailer. This is turning off lot of Gaga fans but the majority are still going to support the movie, but this is not a concert for us where people have to buy immediately in advance otherwise they finish, lot are going to buy tickets at the last minute or close to release.
  6. The Italian and International press rated this #6 between all the movies in the competition, I guess it can't be that bad in order to get that result, for instance it has a similar score of 'The Brutalist' that is 89 on Metacritic or higher than Nicole Kidman's movie that is in the 80s as well on MC, so far the reactions have been all over the place and totally divisive, which was expected for this kind of movie, there are people reviews who liked this better than the first, I think the audience at the end will still want to check on this based on curiosity-hype from the first one and make a judgement for themselves.
  7. Thank you, just wanted to clarify mines weren't "personal attack" to the member I quoted that I don't even know but to the post-thought-argument, if I call a logic used in an argument dumb, I'm not saying the user is dumb, it's referred to the reasoning used in such post or if I say to 'stop trolling' because it's blatant from the kind of post. That's fine for me, but supporting all women should be apply also when certain posts are purposely made with the intent to downplay the achievements of a female artist saying that everyone could have had the same result in her place, when we all know things don't work automatically this way in the entertaining industry (and not only), so I couldn't stay silent over such superficial and silly takes.
  8. Last time Beyoncé was on screen (Obsessed movie) she was straighfully panned and ended up with a Razzie nomination who prevented her to act on screen since then, let's not even mention when in 'Dreamgirls' she has been outshined by the supporting actress Hudson who ended up winning the awards that year (meanwhile Beyoncé couldn't even get in SAG or BAFTA) or should I mention when for the same movie the Oscars rejected her candidature in 'Original Song' song category because she didn't contribute enough to the lyrics of the song (since she notoriusly uses thousands of writers and ghostwriters for her songs). So no, not everybody would have worked the same for ASIB, not everybody could have getting an acting Oscar nomination like Gaga did or compose 'Shallow' and the rest of the soundtrack.
  9. As if it's an easy feat, Meghan Trainor and Paris Hilton could have done it easily as well right. Let's not forget Gaga composed 'Shallow' and majority of the ASIB soundtrack, people who said that everybody starring on it would have given the same success, they're extremely delusional.
  10. What kind of dumb logic is this, a remake of a good movie doesn't automatically be good as well, tones of remakes have been panned or a flop, Bradley Cooper was the first time directing a movie and Gaga debuting in a movie, majority of people were saying it would have been a Razzie festival like it happened to majority of popstars transitioning into acting the past decades, now suddenly the success was automatic because of the previous remakes. Please be serious.
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