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Posts posted by yads

  1. That said, I find it odd that Bruce's return to Gotham is the one many are coming back to. For someone of his ability, getting home and infiltrating his city are the least of his hardships.

    I agree. Characters do this in movies all the time (they go from point a to point b without explanation) - we don't need to see the route he took to get home. Especially when the movie's almost 3 hours long already.
  2. Personally I don't care too much regarding plot holes. People say now that even BB and TDK had huge plot holes.

    People have been mentioning that there aren't any more plot holes in TDKR than TDK. This may well be true, but whether you notice the plot holes I think comes down to how engaged you are by the film.A film is like a spell that's been cast - if you're under it's thrall you'll go along with it, plot holes and all. Unfortunately if you're not under the spell then you start noticing things (and analyzing things like the villain's masterplan) that you otherwise wouldn't.Then you come onto a message board and mention these problems you had with the film, and people accuse you of being a nitpicker.
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  3. Wait a tick...lets not get too hasty....best comic book movie (at least the ones I read as a child) would have to be The Avengers. TDK could certainly be considered the best of some other equally important category, but I don't think of it as a pure comic book film. :)

    I did add a "IMO" to the sentence.Probably best not to get into this subject though. I vaguely recall it being discussed before... once or twice.
  4. FILM CRITIC HULK has chimed in on the film. Another excellent article:http://badassdigest....k-knight-rises/

    I totally agree with HULK. In fact it's like he read my mind, and then plastered my thoughts on the page in all caps.To me, it does feel the least Nolan-like movie. I always (until now) have got the sense that he's telling his stories because there's a theme/philosophy that stimulates him and he wants to talk about it... so he makes a movie about it. With this one there are some half-baked ideas but perhaps his heart wasn't in it (or maybe he thought he was giving the fans what they wanted - always a dangerous thought!), and so in the end he just ditches the ideas and goes for the bombastic third act.
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  5. yads: Bane's whole point was to make Gotham suffer, to descend into anarchy but have the faintest hope they'd get out of it okay. Hence the long, drawn-out affair.

    Yeah, I see that, but the trouble is we never see Gotham suffer during those five months. There should have been palpable suffering... dead bodies on the streets, rats everywhere, the whole nine yards. It should have been horrible - but we don't see any of that.
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