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Posts posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. well it took me half the episode to realize 2s maker is will wheaton from star trek TNG ensign wesley crusher !


    his eyes tipped me off so he's not a looker anymore but when he was young i thought he was super cute on TNG ...



    as for the finale , did not see that coming , kinda disappointed its the black guy who seems to be a traitot but i hope there's an explanation for his actions and he sticks with the crew , i don't see why he can't be the good guy , already on continuum he was a bad guy 

  2. yeah i'm a bit confused at how slowly the virus is spreading which is weird , i wonder what's the timeline between this premiere and twd 's 


    mostly i'm dissappointed because clearly we still won't know what the fuck happened or how this started , these characters we've met aren't doctors/scientists ! oh well i'll watch but really 2 shows in same zombie verse dunno hope it don't get stale because of ho hum mystery


    only difference i'm seeing right now is small town vs big city outbreak , in a city of millions maybe it seem to take more time to spread or be noticed  , oh and zombies don't much look like zombie maybe an LA thing or maybe since they're newly minted Zs they haven't been around the block a couple times lollll

  3. i'm not as excited as you but i do like the show , i tend to watch it in burst i finally caught up and watched 6-11 back to back 


    things are definitely getting interesting , one reveal was interesting , two being jealous of the helpful android attention to one lol


    i'm disappointed in the ship's android though , being taken down once by surprise shame on them but being taken down a 2nd time in same scenario albeit different weapon shame on her ,do android experience deja vu because i got such a deja vu feeling i thought for sure she'd be like no way josé i'm not falling for that trick again so then i thought maybe she faked losing consciousness and somehow helped two when she got spaced out but nope two story is even cooler this way ....


    i wonder how many episodes there will be things are just getting good !

    • Like 1
  4. well that's a wrap folks !


    i cried my eye balls out when bill and sookie had their last scene together and they staked him together , i esp loved she got to hear his thoughts near the end aww , jessica and hoyt started my waterworks really from then it was a matter of minute before i cracked !


    ehh now i can pretend that end didnt happen, i did get a sweet tooth for sarah newland fate karma at the hands of pam and eric lol

  5. thanks for spoiler omario, truly thanks i need to go sleep but i don't want to go on wondering whether bill took that idiot blood or not , i thought he was going to die 2 episodes ago , what with all the flashbacks those always give me bad feelings, still i suppose it makes me happy to read that she didnt end up with eric either phew !


    and yes i guess we can all agree on general consensus about jessica and hoyt , at least it won't be a total clusterfuck of a finale ,right now i think i'm just relieved for it to be over , i'll never forgive them for messing up bill and sookie relationship no matter how shit went in the books , i don't care they were beautiful together !

  6. oh dear i love the campiness of the show but here i am just finished episode 8 and i wanna whack bill over the head for not wanting the cure just ugh ,

    i kinda remember now why i stop commenting here hardly anyone on this forum liked bill also i kinda decided to watch it marathon style last  2 seasons ,oh well i'm going to bed i'll watch the rest tomorrow ,i knew before i even watched i'd hate the end , right now i can just about imagine what will happen next pffff ....


    nevermind tara death was just dumb and ensuing v trip spirit journey  all of that over a hidden gun pffff

  7. i'm about to finally watch last season of trueblood   :blink: i know   -_- i'm positive i'll hate it


     i'm already in on episode 2   :blink:   :blink:   my eyes my eyes , oh that jason he just doesn't discriminate sexually in real life or fantasy man woman everybody is fair game !



    i forgot how campy this shit is, loving it ....in a its so bad its so good!


    its like the apocalypse....

  8. woah i'm never getting back the hours season 2 stole from me ! 


    it was a ho hum finale to an unexpected sophomore slump....i kept watching the time and i'm like whaaa why is there still 30mn left , you know those memes that say hoe don't do it / does something (stupid) anyway followed by oh my gawd bit well that's what was going through my mind then when dumb dumb ray just had to go see his kid and dumb dumb frank didnt think about a plan C  , maybe someone can meme both instances with screencaps of the episode 



    i'd rant more but the show isnt even deserving of that , i never got aroun to caring enough about it to be upset , oh yeah i will rant on behalf of mexican gangsters being portrayed as brainless thugs incapable of thinking ,just always lashing out violently , who wants to get in bed with people like them if that's how they do business 


    anyhoo can't wait to see what season 3 brings , seriously how do you go from 8hrs of wow dude did you see the shit that happened on TD last night to  8hrs of blah 


    what would u like to see next season setting ? i'm thinking Dallas something with cowboys , or better yet something with interpol so different location new york london and paris , maybe a murder in eskimo community that has far reaching  consequences 

  9. saw mi5 last night , i gotta say tom cruise sure seems to deliver solid action movies , no excess by the book good action , pretty tight stuff !


    also saw "le petit prince" i'd say its kinda like UP in the kid /old person connecting storyline , its an animation but not the kiddie US animation sort, it was way dense but probably due to the book it incorporated "le petit prince" by antoine de saint-exupery a philosophical tale ...maybe not as accessible as vice versa but miles better !

    • Like 3
  10. i know i'm late to the convo but mbj casting as the torch isnt a problem because he's black ,


    i'm black and my one frivolous problem with him apart from little characterization is that i don't find him attractive in the least he looks like a regular random black dude (i don't know him from anywhere else and if i have seen him he didnt blip on my radar)

    there are lots of black young'ish actors who are more sexy and good looking and oozing charms i don't discriminate in that area , if a guy is hot  sexy charming then he is hot etc no matter his skin color ! 


    this guy just didnt do anything for me , but i won't blame only him , no one in that cast was sexy good looking , i know some people like that mara chick but i find her blah ...

  11. can someone tell me what happened as if i was a 2 yrs old (linear explication) i get what happened that his murderers didnt have anything to do with russians but i'm failing to do connection because i'm confused as to what's going on ...


    bye bye birdie , agree kinda dumb how he wasnt more careful getting out , i would have like if nothing happened between 2 detectives for a change but i guess its one way to relieve tension and fear in a stressful situation !


    who was the black woman again ? how do they get off killing her if she's a big figure ...nevermind i think i remember him saying they use a gun of his 

  12. i'm just gonna copy paste what i wrote in numbers thread  but basically goes in same overall direction as previous reviews here 


    F4 was actually ok , a bit too serious , i guess i like my superheroes with a side dish of humour which original F4 had , everyone in it was like dreary oh so serious and tight , dunno it was still ok except for that doom guy (pff downgrade casting original was so hot ugh dude from nip/tuck and charmed) who came up with the visual concept for him   :huh: ?    the others powers came off ok ( not one of them was drool worthy ).


    so yeah ok good but extremely forgettable ! 

    giving this a B-
    i lol at one point when they went back to doom planet and i'm like you guys managed to land perfectly at same spot on some weird planet that looks unstable , reminded me of an episode of TOS they at least had excuse of having to make do with fx of the 60s
    thumbs down at the time jump....
  13. went to the cinema saw TED2 and FANTASTIC 4


    the first was hilarious , i had a good laugh , everyone was laughing in the theatre at same time i was like really tammy lynn a teddy bear  :rolleyes: still though ted and whalberg brotp is too cute ! entire show trying to one up each other ! they're like 2 kids 


    F4 was actually ok , a bit too serious , i guess i like my superheroes with a side dish of humour which original F4 had , everyone in it was like dreary oh so serious and tight , dunno it was still ok except for that doom guy (pff downgrade casting original was so hot ugh dude from nip/tuck and charmed) who came up with the visual concept for him  :huh: ?    the others powers came off ok ( not one of them was drool worthy ).


    so yeah ok good but extremely forgettable ! 

  14. i watched antman last night for the 2nd time  its really is a sweet little nugget  of a movie , we're so use to super heroes where everything is exaggerated and the stakes are high universal / galaxy scale so its a nice change of pace a super hero on a more human scale, where yes sure the avengers are battling aliens but the people on the ground are still going about their lives , and regular people can also become heroes with or without a suit 


    seriously michael pena HILARIOUS crowd loves him , paul rudd is just  GORGEOUS and funny and normal ...

    • Like 1
  15. i watched antman last night for the 2nd time  its really is a sweet little nugget  of a movie , we're so use to super heroes where everything is exaggerated and the stakes are high universal / galaxy scale so its a nice change of pace a super hero on a more human scale, where yes sure the avengers are battling aliens but the people on the ground are still going about their lives , and regular people can also become heroes with or without a suit 


    seriously michael pena HILARIOUS crowd loves him , paul rudd is just  GORGEOUS and funny and normal ...

    • Like 2
  16. why are you guy hating on jai courtney anyway ! you wanna know who sucks more ryan reynolds!!!


    so i saw pixels tonight and it was ok , you guys really had me thinking adam sandler went heavy handed on his sandlerism but nope it was ok , i laughed , crowd laughed , it was a silly movie but fun !


    i think i enjoyed it even more as a kid who grew up playing galaga, pacman and those other arcades games , i even stayed at the end enjoying the credits , sometimes i feel nostalgia for that time when i was a child and big problems weren't all that !


    then i had the grand idea of watching some movie with ryan reynolds called self/less   ugh i nearly got up and left but thn i thought i'd still have to wait for the train pff this was like watching the island

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