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Posts posted by GiantCALBears

  1. There are too many what the hell is going on things here to name. Three that particularly stand out to me:Melissa McCarthy for Bridesmaids, what in the fucking hell?I'd normally understand Reznor being snubbed, he isn't really the Academy's cup of tea, but I'm baffled that they actually gave him Best Score last year for a soundtrack that sounds like shit compared to this one, and don't give this one any attention.And, Extremely Loud... I'm just going to leave that one alone.

    Agreed on all counts, wtf happened this year? I mean the movies were bad enough but Bridesmaids/ELIC over HP8? I mean come on that's a joke
  2. This is Hollywood's problem, a movie does well and we immediately say sequel and/or remake later... originality has become so down the priority list of not just the studios but us the consumers as well. Its laziness, and its sad with the technology and resources out there how much is squandered.Leave SW as it is, after TH comes out leave LOTR and HP as they are. We need SOME purity in the business, or at least that's how I view it.

  3. So far seen 36 in theaters, 49 overall. Have 7 left to see from this year. I usually end up seeing 50-60 overall and 40-50 of those in theaters. This year hasn't been any different for me than years past. Then again I'm a true movie fan. Seriously, people, if you're a movie fan and you have the time and money for it...go to the theater. But if you think watching a movie alone at home on a TV is better than watching it in a communal atmosphere with spirited crowd reactions, then I guess nothing can help you.

    You are far from the average consumer but yeah its cool but expensive to go that much.
  4. Question for all BOT users and maybe a thread can be created somewhere about how many movies have you seen this year compared to years previous. Personally I am at a decade's low in terms of seeing movies. Saw a ton at end of 2010 but none so far (maybe going to MI4 in IMax). Been busy with life doing a couple things but still not motivated because the projects haven't been worth the money overall from what I've been told. HP8, Moneyball, H&K3 were last 3 and I saw most of those matinee early which I never have done in past. So how many movies have you gone to see in comparison to years past?

  5. Absolute best case scenario for Alvin is Yogi Bear's multiplier, which would bring the movie towards 140 million. I'm expecting 120-130 million, half of the Squeakquel's admissions. Sherlock doesn't have a chance at 200m, if it's really lucky it'll recover next week and get past 160m.

    Unless Wednesday really surprises us, MI4 is poised to be the event movie of Christmas after a terrific launch this weekend and what feels like some great word of mouth. Dragon Tattoo's a wild card from my perspective. Tintin and Zoo will do more modest numbers. War Horse will do well but not huge or anything.

    about sums it up perfectly and a long long way until next Summer
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