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Master Scottb

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Posts posted by Master Scottb

  1. Batman 89 and Batman Returns.  The later in particular looks like a sound stage rather than a real city. 


    It might be dated now but I always liked the fact that Tim Burton made his own Gotham City rather then taking a real life city (ie New York, Chicago) and calling it Gotham City.

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  2. Stallone thought he had it all figured out. His films were failing at the box office so he would go back to his bread and butter and write a sequel where he becomes Rocky from 1976. He makes Rocky old and fragile. He makes him broke. He sends him back to the streets of Philadelphia. He gives him the same clothes and even gives him his hat back. The fans should love this.What a stupid idea!The problem with that notion is that Rocky grew into what he was. He started out with humble beginnings and he worked his way up into super-stardom. He got in better shape, he increased his wealth, he became the world champ. You can't take all that back and have Rocky go back to what he once was. It just doesn't work. I want to see him in the ring and fight. I want to see him take on all the larger than life people with eccentric personalities like Mr. T and Dolph. But instead we have a squalid Rocky, an impoverished one that is merely a pastiche of what he once was. And that just doesn't work. Once you build a character from scratch and make him larger that life, you cannot regress him and then have him fight in the streets. He has to be in the ring. He just has to be.


    Personally, I do not like the movie Rocky V. But, the idea of a multi-million dollar athlete being forced to retire due to injuries, and going broke due to excess spending and bad investments isn't too far fetched. I mean look at all the real life ex-athletes who went bankrupt after retirement.

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  3. Egon: There is something very important I forgot to tell you.

    Peter: What?

    Egon: Don't cross the streams

    Peter: Why?

    Egon: It would be bad.

    Peter: I am fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing, what do you mean, bad?

    Egon: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light. 

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  4. A great and highly quotable action flick.


    "What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?"

  5. 1. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    2. Goodfellas

    3. The Empire Strikes Back

    4. The Godfather

    5. Pulp Fiction

    6. Star Wars

    7. Back to the Future

    8. Once Upon a Time in the West

    9. The Godfather Part II

    10. Jaws

    11. Taxi Driver

    12. Dirty Harry

    13. The Breakfast Club

    14. Raiders of the Lost Ark

    15. Casino

    16. Return of the Jedi

    17. For A Few Dollars More

    18. The Silence of the Lambs

    19. Scarface

    20. Unforgiven

  6. I tried to watch one of those, it started with a pig being burned alive. It was disgusting, I stopped watching it in the very beginning.


    Me, my brother, and our friends used to rent these (and other similar titles) from a local mom-and-pop video store to see who could watch them without getting sick. 

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  7. I guess its not for everybody, but I always liked this movie. Its a fun movie that mixes a lot of action with some comedy. In many ways the politics in the movie's future are coming true. Take a look at what's going on in New York with Bloomberg trying to ban everything that is bad for you. The future society in Demolition Man is probably the society Mayor Bloomberg would like to see if he had his way. 

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