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Posts posted by Travod

  1. Mad Travod is the worst kind of fan boy. They like the property so much they start hating on everything else(like literally every post of his in other movies' threads is bashing them verging on troll behavior) but then you see his posts in the Mad Max thread and you have to wonder if he's even really a real Mad Max fan. He's the BKB of Mad Max fans.


    I'm sorry, who are you? The only problem is MM:FR has set the bar so high everything just looks like trash. Not my fault.



  2. Did you even look at the three GIFs I quoted? Were they supposed to use animatronics for those shots? How?



    Sorry, but that's pure nonsense. They used CGI to create dinosaurs. Just because you loved Mad Max doesn't mean every movie can be accomplished with minimal CGI use.



    I read that article a while ago, disagreed with a few of its points, but mostly with the way it applied them to a movie with incomplete CGI. They took shots from JW's first trailer and treated them as if they're examples of finished CGI. That's just silly.



    I mean this in a very diplomatic and polite way :




    Good day.





    Are you seriously using the parody gif to prove a point?



    LOL, you do realize this gif is edited, right?

    Somebody already linked a production video of Pratt riding that bike, so I don't know what more you want.



    That is why you fail.





    I bet you did.

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