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Posts posted by Travod

  1. What I wonder is about the movies take on religion. Scorsese had pretty much stopped being contreversial after Goodfellas-Casino for almost 20 years. He made some really good or great movies (most notably Departed but others as well) but they weren't contreversial. Until the WOWS shitstorm showed that he still had it in him to be provocative. 


    The story of Silence doesn't sound anti-chirstian but we can't tell from a synopsis. I wonder if this will be Scorsese vs fanatic religious groups part 2.


    I mean it's based off of the book which is about the persecution of Jesuit priests in Japan. So.

    • Like 1
  2. Like I said, Disney is not in the business for movies. It really doesn't matter how much they spent on Tomorrowland. Last year only 14% of their revenue came from movies. So whatever they spent on Tomorrowland, they spent a lot more on Disneyland, and their TV empire, which is their biggest revenue earner.


    So ESPN, ABC, Disney Channel, Disney XD with Tele's Lab Rats, etc, are more of a priority to Disney than Tomorrowland is. Even though movies made them $7.2 billion last year, as a whole they made $48 billion, which is bigger than the GDP of many countries. So I reallyyyy don't think a $100M write off on Tomorrowland is going to have them crying too much in the long run. They still pretty much rule the world. Them, McDonalds, and Walmart... 


    There are also starving children in Africa. So what if movies don't make up too much of their revenue? It's still a flop and they've wasted money.

  3. Delightfully weird.


    I was actually a big fan of Hardy's Mad Max. Sure he mumbled and croaked a few lines, but I thought he was a worthy successor to the still superior Gibson. Furiosa of course stole the show. Easily Max's equal in terms of prowess if not better in some respects.


    And dat final sequence. whew.png


    Was on the edge of the seat my whole time




    Should have 45 minutes longer. Like, how did Max get all those guns and stuff when the truck was stuck in the mud? Needed a scene explaining that.


    He went to go kill the guy wearing the turban made of bullets. We heard an explosion, so he somehow made an explosion. GG.

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