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Posts posted by Talkie

  1. There are some in Chicago, and I live about an hour from it. IDK how bad the storm will be when it reaches my area though.


    Best of luck, Blankments! I'm watching the Ravens-Bears game and its in a storm delay right now.  :o The NFL plays in all weather except tornadoes and hurricanes so this is extraordinary. My year in Chicagoland taught me that storms like that are nothing to play with. Stay safe!

  2. But Deadline isn't even Deadline anymore. I know they retain the name, but they're owned by Daily Variety.


    No, both Deadline and Variety are owned by Jay Penske/Penske Media. Penske acquired Deadline first, then bought out Variety last year.



  3. Yes Nikki! Get those Twitter hits.


    I just followed Nikki. Girlfriend is bringing it on Twitter the way she used to at Deadline. She claims that Harvey Weinstein spent the weekend feeding Deadline fake box office numbers. :lol: Her tagline says it all: "There. Will. Be. Showbiz. Blood." :shades: 


    I would not bet against Nikki's new site being bigger and better than Deadline. It would be hilarious if she manages to surpass her old site with her new one. Jay Penske should have gotten a non-compete clause in the contract when he bought the site. 

    • Like 1
  4. It deserves very much.


    It deserves very little, considering all of the two-bit blogs and no-name sites that are included in RT's scores. RT would be a lot more credible if it would separate the wheat from the critical chaff and dump all reviewers who aren't published on major sites. 


    (Not sending forth its chief editor to howl like stuck pig when one of WB's turkeys like POS MOS gets skewered by critics would be another step towards credibility for the site.)

  5. Pacific Rim. Arguably the worst marketed movie this year.


    This. WB and GdT spent far too much time and effort preaching to the geek choir instead of engaging the GA, which is the bulk of the audience. Footage and trailers were shown exclusively to conventioneers, when the studio should have been getting that material before the wider public. The silly viral marketing program centered mostly on posters of the robots and boring videos when it should have shown exciting clips from the film. The marketers basically acted as if they had a built-in fanbase instead of trying to generate real world buzz as opposed to Internet chatter. It was only when the studio realized about a month out that it had a bomb on its hand that they made a push, but it was too late by then. 

  6. I still find it funny that some people really blame STiD's marketing for its less than expected numbers only after the fact, its flat out revisionist history if you ask me.  Prior to release, there wasn't a negative peep about its trailers/marketing, they were basically met with songs of praise.  The 4 year wait after the first movie and its really, really sandwiched release date is what caused those numbers.  Reception wasn't shitty either.


    I totally agree with this. In the months prior to STD's release the reaction to the trailers here and on other geek sites was positively ecstatic. They were praised for supposedly showing how "epic" the film was going to be and Cumberbatch was singled out as looking like a strong villain. Personally, I never thought the trailers were as strong as others did. Had they clearly outlined the plot and identified Khan as the villain, it might have done better. 

  7. I've seen a documentary about the Essex, its disastrous attack on an angry, intelligent whale and the hideously tragic events that followed. The film should be intense if it hews to the real story. I wonder how graphic they will go with the events after they're cast adrift. My sympathies were with the whale to an extent, but that crew suffered for their sins and a whole lot of others. Life of Pi meets The Donner Party about sums it up.

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  8. So THE WORLD'S END is the best reviewed wide release this summer? Wow.


    Shouldn't they increase that 1400 theater count? This could be a huge crowd pleaser.



    TWE is at 93% on RT with just 57 reviews. Wait til it gets well over a hundred before counting those chickens. And it's not as if reviews count for much in terms of box office potential, as we know all too well. If they did, MOS would have tapped out under $100M and Fruitvale Station (94%, 135 reviews counted) would be raking in the cash. 

  9. I was talking about movies, and how it just never happens in them. Also look at the shitstrom that Cheerios commercial started.


    That Cheerios commercial is innocuous but the comments about it were vile. Anyone who needs proof of how much racism exists in this society should Google news stories about that ad and read the responses from the general public. It was like a digital Klan rally. 


    There have been a number of movies where a Black man was paired up wit a White woman for some plot-driven purpose, but the relationships were always kept strictly platonic no matter how close the characters became. That's the plot of a whole slew of Will Smith, Eddie Murphy and Denzel Washington films. It is such a common thing that it's expected.


    At least Black men don't always die in action movies anymore. That was the Jim Brown Rule: If you see a Black guy, you know he's gonna die. Usually near the end, saving the White hero and motivating him to seek revenge. Jim Brown was the Sean Bean of his day. :sadno:

    • Like 1
  10. So were the people who changed things. If white people had all the power, that means white people had to make the changes.At this point, it's just getting old to me. I get it already. But we've won that fight. Time to move on and start becoming one race like Martin Luther King wanted.


    We haven't won the fight. Not at all. Did you miss the George Zimmerman trial, the Supreme Court gutting the Voting Rights Act, states across the south moving to infringe on the rights of Blacks and other minorities to vote and the million and one other indicators that this country has much more work to do when it comes to racial discrimination? 


    As for whites making the changes, do you think this country would ever have changed if the Civil Rights Movement hadn't forced the issue? We'd still be living with Jim Crow laws like the fucking 50s if it really had been up to the majority of whites whether the laws changed or not. 


    Things have changed for the better, there's no doubt of that. In my own lifetime I've lived through cross burnings, an attempt to firebomb my family's home, assaults by racist thugs and a lot else besides. None of that would be tolerated now the way it was back then. One of my uncles was almost lynched for becoming engaged to a white woman 40 years ago; now two of my brothers are happily married to white wives, with nary a problem from the neighbors. All the changes are great, but Blacks and other minorities don't have the privilege of ignoring the problems that still remain. We can't have a colorblind society until discrimination and inequality no longer exist. 

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  11. I already explained in my spoiler.

    Mad because of the amount of time Mehserle got in prison. They already knew he dies...

    The number of people, particularly Black Americans, who don't know the full story behind that film is surprising to me. Maybe I just follow the news than most, but every detail of that case is etched into my mind.

    The video of Mehserle pulling his gun and deliberately shooting Grant as he lay helpless on the subway platform is something I will never forget. It took weeks of civil unrest to even convince the prosecutors to charge Mehserle with any crime, just as in the Zimmerman case. The lenient sentence given the officer was actually less of a surprise than the fact that he was even convicted at all. Most killer cops walk.


    ETA: The things that I wrote about are not "spoilers," they're facts, part of recent history. Calling that "spoilers" would be like editing posts about the Zimmerman trial in the event of a future movie to hide the verdict for fear of spoiling the film for someone. I suppose that when Jeremy Renner's upcoming Gary Webb biopic comes out we'll have to discuss the true events in Webb's life under spoiler tags, too. Spoiler:

    Webb dies in the end, supposedly committing suicide by shooting himself in the head



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