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Posts posted by Talkie

  1. Cavill barely spoke during the movie and when he did he felt quite wooden.  ;)  :P


    After the first few MOS trailers featured narration by Costner & Crowe but very little dialog from Cavill I suspected that he wasn't going to give a great performance, and indeed he didn't. He wasn't awful by any means, just very stiff and lacking any screen presence. Cavill benefited immensely from the fact that his handsome, chiseled-jawed perfection gave him the instant appearance of the character and caused people to look beyond his limitations as an actor. 

  2. Look dude, you don't like Bay, that's fine.  I get it.  Many people do.  And no he doesn't have more relatable characters than John Hughes, but then again, no one does.  As for Tarantino and Coens, those are not relatable characters.  They are so blatantly over the top and that's fine.  


    Bay is entertaining.  He can do something that very few others can and that's make his films humourous, thrilling, action packed and has characters that people like.  If he had one film that did well, it might be a fluke, but with a myriad of films, it's not a fluke. Even PH for as shitty as people say it was, made 200 million in 2001.  You know who hasn't had a 200 million dollar film or even a 100 million dollar film?  Del Toro.


    Bay wipes the floor with GDT.  GDT should go to Bay for lessons on how to make a film that people want to see.


    Now this I agree with. It's actually objectively proven via box office receipts that Bay makes films that people want to see. They are obviously entertaining to the masses or else they wouldn't earn nearly as much as they do. As for the Bay vs. del Toro argument, there really isn't any contest as to whose films people want to see more, whether GdT's fans like that or not. 

    • Like 3
  3. Worker's rights: that was corrupt neo-con carpetbaggers abusing the poor - not true conservatives. Many businessmen with conservative principles treated their employees with respect.




    That is utter bullshit on many levels, but I'll address just one: The neo-con movement is a very recent thing, having arisen in the post-9/11 political climate of the early aughts. Therefore there were no neo-cons back in the early 20th Century when the workers' rights movement spread. It was true conservatives and industrialists who opposed workers' attempts to gain rights, often by violent means.


    The rest of your screed is just as nonsensical, but you should take that ahistorical crap over to the politics section. It does not belong here.

  4. I cannot believe the amount of whining the impending flop that is Pacific Rim has caused here. Was there this much whining when this forum labeled The Hobbit "Floppit"? The damn film made over a billion dollars and peeps here still call it a flop, for fuck's sake. I also remember quite a few here setting up shop in the Iron Man 3 thread trying to sow doom and gloom, but there wasn't a thread about that. People criticizing films isn't the end of the world. 


    This place encourages that sort of trolling anyway. I would have thought posters here would have thicker skin about these things.

  5. Cloudy with meatballs was a suprisingly good film! I dreaded seeing the film, and when I saw it it was very good, better than DM perhaps.

    I found Cloudy With A Chance very good, too, maybe because I had low expectations going in based on the trailers. It was definitely better than DM, in my opinion. I'm looking forward to the sequel because the trailers are funny.


    I prefer Dreamworks animation to Pixar because the former manage to be brilliantly hilarious while hitting emotional notes without being obvious about it. Shrek and Megamind are my favorites but most of the others are great, too. The Kung Fu Panda series suffered a bit from Pixar-like heavy-handedness when it came to the "moral of the story" and heartstring-tugging elements.

  6. The box office seems to be against traditional heroes. MoS, a nice guy superhero is great but underperforms. WHD, an old-fashioned DIE HARD movie flops hard. LR an even more traditional hero is flopping around. 


    BTW I was at a screening of MoS, and some of the audience actually cheered when Zod's army beat up the US army and went "Oh no!" (followed by a burst of Minions' giggles) when Zod dies in the hands of Supe. I mean I am not a sentimental guy but the world may be truly f-ed-up.


    You have to take into account the fact that TLR is an outright bad movie and MOS isn't exactly a great one. (It isn't even good, IMO.) Their quality naturally affects their box office performance. 

    • Like 3
  7. I know black people, ok just 3-4, that will correct you if you say they are African-American. 

    They and several generations were born in America and for equality sake they are as American as anyone.

    One even said it's insulting, Africa is full of dictators, disease, degenerates and he's not associated with that legacy. I was even pointed to a statement Whoopie Goldberg made. May be part of what formed that thought.


    I'm Black, not African-American.


    I'm Black and that's how I self-identify most readily. It's not a matter of rejecting the  "African" designation, but more a matter of embracing cultural and national identity. For my parents and grandparents, "Colored" or "Negro" was the accepted word. It changed through generations and for very good reason in some cases. I just find the term African American rather redundant and unnecessary, though I use it sometimes because it's so common. 


    A few months ago I found my maternal grandfather in the 1900 census, with "Color or Race" given as B. That's fine by me.  :)

    • Like 1
  8. #1 biggest thing is his rationalist philosophy and how "I can only be sure that I exist because I think." That's just so self-important. Just because you know that you think you exist; how does that make any sense? 


    That was not pretentious. Descartes' Meditations On First Philosophy represented an incredible breakthrough in Rationalism. He was the first modern philosopher to fully analyze and explicate Rationalist epistemology, defining the limits of our knowledge and perception of reality. In the cogito, Descartes explored the fact that....


    Oh, what the hell. This is a film forum, not a graduate seminar on philosophy. (Everyone who warned me that degree would be useless was right, but I'd do it again tomorrow.) Go watch The Matrix again. That has more to do with Descartes' Meditations than the postmodernist tripe that the Wachowskis claimed as inspiration. 

  9. The only writer of genre films I can think of who's worse than Goyer and Lindelof is Zac Penn, He is a complete hack whose work is routinely tossed out or completely rewritten, yet has managed to get credits on several films without a word of his being spoken. Case in point: The Avengers. Joss Whedon took one look at Penn's screenplay and pitched in the garbage before doing a page one rewrite. But Penn got credit for the story under WA rules. Ed Norton rewrote Penn's TIH script on the fly but again Penn took credit. Whedon is usually professionally neutral when talking about others in the biz, but the one time I heard him discussing Penn's Avengers script his voice was dripping with disgust.  

  10. I'm stunned at MOS. Unless it jumps massively today, 50 mill is gone and it will have a 60% drop.  That sucks no matter how you look at it. 


    I owe tele and filmnerdjamie an apology.  I was so sure it would hit 50.  I was wrong and they were right.


    Green Lantern had a 66% drop in its second weekend, off terrible WOM. MOS can't do that badly (can it?) but I think WOM and lack of re-watchability is definitely hurting it. 

    • Like 3
  11. Uh oh here comes the MOS panic


    Not panic. More like shock. Though I shouldn't be surprised since I've said for a while that MOS's legs would be affected severely by MU & WWZ.


    It's nice to see WWZ doing so well after all the bad PR and supposed turmoil. I don't plan on seeing it myself (I hate zombies!) but I'm happy for Pitt that it didn't tank the way so many predicted. MU I knew would be a monster, who didn't? It's Pixar, duh! Those films aren't my cup of tea necessarily, but the kids are out of school and parents need something innocuous to feed their little minds. 

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