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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. Seriously she did? (shrugs) Okay, so perhaps she's a shitty writer But shitty or not, we all need to make money somehow.
  2. That's because they generally have good taste in movies. I like them, they're pretty cool and I generally agree with them for the most part.
  3. I don't know why some are making fun of her for being fat or overweight. It's not like she wrote the script or had a say in it. She's just an actress trying to do her job and make money.
  4. This does NOT surprise me. I was sure someone would have came up with the idea.
  5. Seafood is my favorite. Lobster, steamers, little necks, crabs, squid..........
  6. Hey, even if it doesn't look the most appetizing, it could still taste delicous! The saying in my house, "Never yuck someone's yummy".
  7. I'm not going to type the rofl gif we have, because it wouldn't do it justice as to how much I almost peed myself laughing. Oh. And you boys are perverts.
  8. Japanese pizza or japanese food in general? My fav cuisine is Japanese food I love sushi.
  9. Yeah! Because I would think it would get soggy with all those toppings and sauces, so I'm really impressed about that (I love watching cooking channels about food). I want to chicago so bad just so I can try their pizza, even if I don't think it's my preferred style. Oh god. I can imagine one slice filling me up, those pans are deep, like waaaaay deep. It's as thick as a lasagna
  10. Chicago is most def known for their classic "deep dish" pizza. I can't help but think of them as pies when they are that thick. How does the bread hold up?
  11. It's just chicken with hot sauce, not overally complicated Cheese is just boring. This pizza around my neighborhood is good to (piezoni's). The smokey joe pizza is amazing:
  12. Isn't that what typically L.A. people eat? Tele's pizza is probably some weird multi-grain crust with avacado, humus, spinach, black pea mix.............
  13. How is bacon not simple? But you can have bacon on your pizza? It's not dairy (or are you a vegan because you don't like to eat anything animal related?)
  14. Of course I am! They are devine. How can you NOT find this sexy as all hell???
  15. MarGARrita's are where it's at :P Marghertias pizzas on the other hand are okay. This is sentence doesn't make sense to me.........if just doesn't. Bacon solves everything.
  16. Aaaw, just cheese. I would have went buffalo chicken. Now THAT, you could totally eat two ones and it be okay
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