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Carlos Martinez

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Everything posted by Carlos Martinez

  1. I´m not a hater, that is a fact, Thor 2 sold less because it was markted as a total Thor spin-off (no other avengers and not Rs). Cap 1 only grossed 370 WW. in the new movie The GA was more attracted to it because of the good marketing targeting the Avengers fans and more Bj, IMO.
  2. Cap2 sucess is only driven because of how big the Avengers was. and this Cap2 movie was sold as a direct sequel to the avengers (nick fury, black widow and the helicar all on the trailers and posters) so , without that two thing cap2 will be a mess like the first one
  3. AJT and E O are going to be more popular thanks to THE AVENGERS AOU , bring them back is actually a good Idea.
  4. so Godzilla is basicaly dead now. The good news is that it could be a hit in japan . Still has 160M and his PB is locked . Xmen will fall at the same speed as godzilla.
  5. yeah! J.J. wiil have to do an oscar worth movie to bring back the masses in order to do the original BO number .IMO. X-Men F is still bleeding for the wolwerine and the last stand.
  6. that happens when you kill a franchise slowly by releasing shitty spin offs and sequels , the new one is good t.
  7. so , it could get less than 90m 3 day. 105M 4 day seems the max at this point. Godzilla is still the king baby.
  8. I purposefully avoided most of the promotional stuff, because I didn't want to be spoiled. Still a great film, just not what I thought(or actually hoped) it was. also: since the last stand every movie in the x-men franchise is crap (FC not)
  9. so that´s why disney have 1 super big flop per year ?, John Carter . the lone ranger, mars needs moms , etc.
  10. I can see the new batman/superman movie doing easily the TDR numbers, Especially with the addition of 3D and IMAX 3D . Not to mention the buzz the trailer will be hitin´
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