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Posts posted by Totem

  1. Excellent for both M3 and Prometheus. Decent hold for Avengers, okay for MIB3 and Snow White.What has me curious though, many here proclaimed that Avengers was headed towards a 630-650M domestic finish. Based on this weekend, that's not going to happen. It will still finish with an incredible total, but I wonder what drops people were predicting for it to finish in the 650M range?

    Well it should be holding better, around the 40% mark with such great WOM, but honestly it did break the OW record, the fact that it has been holding so well from there is amazing, it should still finish around 615-620m so I don't believe people overestimated drops by much if at all.
  2. PJ is cheap so he deserves cheap shots. It`s really sad how much he`s pandering to fanboys and bloggers in order to be liked when there`s only one way to get appreciation and love - make better movies than dire KK and absolutely abominable TLB. No amount of sucking up to Knowles and TORN will change that.

    There is a difference between being yourself/down to earth and 'pandering', PJ fighting the unions with all his might during pre production just proves how dedicated and passionate he is.
  3. 170M, not 175M, per BOM, and it will still easily cruise past double that worldwide. But when I said overperforming, I meant in relation to haterade campaign against it on the Internet. Not just the haters, but even the more professional analysts, like the BOM projection of 110 domestic, etc.

    OW the DH2/TRF3 flame wars, I use this word all the time.
  4. COME THE FUCK ON, Madagascar is a freaking family movie and has almost 1000 THEATERS more than Prometheus, so it's a logical result.If the Prometheus hate could stop, it would be nice. Incredible to see so many people incapable of letting go. The Futurist, or others, we get it that you don't like the movie, no need to RAMBLE on every fuc king time.I think MIB3 is a P.O.S, I said it once, and explained the reasons, and I stopped there, I didnt polluate the whole forum with it.Incredible to be this dense......

    Well it was split 50-50 in the thread I created, alot of people had Prometheus winning, so I guess alot of logic goes out the window when people want animation to fail and a R rated epic to succeed.
  5. Let's be honest here: The HANGOVER 2 sucked.. No 2 ways about it.. It was the same thing all over again with a different location.. How on earth are they going to make the HANGOVER 3 not a rehash of the other 2???? Sometimes, some things are better left well enough alone..

    Regardless it is still a massive cash cow.
  6. Oh and IMAX melbourne are having a midnight session too (though you have to see all 3 batman films from 6pm-3am to see it), they have a 3am session for people who only want to see TDKR alone. As long as Village have midnights (I believe we are), then i'll be going to VMAX :)

    I am hoping to do the 3 session batman at IMAX Melbourne, can't wait!
  7. Nolan captured the hearts and minds of fans because he`s talented AND has integrity. He doesn`t try to make fans love him by posting vlogs of the same fucking thing shot from different angle over and over. Fans feel when someone is too eager to please and when someone stands his ground, which is why they choose Nolan although he doesn`t give them incentives, freebes and shit.

    Sick of the PJ cheap shots. PJ wants to involve his fans more into his work, if you don't want to watch it you don't have to, I think it is pretty cool of him to go out of his way and do vlogs.
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