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Posts posted by Emirazza

  1. Bryan Cranston. What can he do? Overly comedic in his TV comedies like King of queens, third rock from the sun and etc. And being overly serious in TV series like Flash and BB. And just good enough in some other TV shows and movies. Just a good actor. Nothing so great about him. He is not De Niro, Oldman or DDL. 

  2. There are plenty of great actors that never won an Oscar or only won when they were way older in life. I don't know why Leo is constantly singled out. The constant Oscar whoring surrounding DiCaprio makes me want him to lose 

    Only actor above Oldman is Peter O'Toole. But O'Toole had 8 Oscar nods, while Oldman has a single nod.  

  3. Yeah, nobody cares! Everyone is hoping Leo to win an Academy Award in near future, But not for Oldman. Why??? Am I the only one who thinks, Oldman is the greatest living actor? What do you think? Is he overrated? Is he overacting? Is he a talentless hack? What's wrong with him? Let's discuss!

    • Like 1
  4. Okay, maybe just a little bit.


    Someone forgot to tell Aaron Eckhart that he's making a shitty movie called I, Frankenstein.  I read an interview with him recently and you'd think that he was on the verge of curing cancer or that he was about to send a man to Pluto based on his findings.  He's way too serious and way too introspective about acting.  Sometimes actors need to be reminded that they memorize words and regurgitate them for a fucking living.  That attitude, that anger and that self importance comes off in this film as he plays Frankenstein with anger, bitterness, anger, bitterness, anger and bitterness.  I don't care if this is how it's written, it comes off all wrong.  He has one speed in this film, one face, one emotion, one reaction.  He's basically scowls and spits vitriol in every scene.  It's so baffling, so wrong and so moronic that it's like someone was afraid to tell Eckhart that he's not in a Christopher Nolan film.  He's in a Stuart Beattie film about Frankenstein.  As Warren Oates said in Stripes, "Lighten up, Aaron."


    The plot in this film is basically about angels who were created by the Archangel Michael so that they could fight demons on Earth.  This kind of sounds like the plot to Legion and even The Prophecy.  Miranda Otto plays the head of the angels,who are now in the form of Gargoyles.  She decides who lives, who dies and why.  Somehow these Gargoyles live in a giant palace in the middle of some city, I'm not sure what that city is but it looks like it could be in New York, London or maybe even somewhere in Australia seeing as this is an Australian production.  Now here's the funny part.  Although this takes place in modern times, it looks like it takes place in the 1800's.  All the city is CGI and it looks like something you see in a movie like From Hell.  I was literally waiting for Jack the Ripper to show up somewhere or to have horse and buggies appear or to have the streets lit by candle.  The production design for this was in a different century.  The only reason I knew we were in the 2000's is because it says that Adam (Frankenstein) has been alive for 200 years and because there's an I-phone and a computer in the film.  The rest of the film looks like it's in the 1800's.  It's the most bazaar decision I think I've seen in any film.


    Then you have the battles.  Jai Courtney plays the hot, buff angel who can fight but he dies in the middle of the film.  Somehow if you carve some angelic symbol into any kind of weapon, you can kill these demon fuckers.  But of course there are soooo many demons that the gargoyles can't handle them all, BUT!! Shitto is supposed to be the leader of the Gargoyles yet she is captured and held prisoner by some low life demon.  It would be like Bruce Lee being overtaken by a fat mall cop.  That's how much sense it makes.  She's the leader of the damn gargoyles and she was created by Michael, God's leader of the angels, and yet she gets taken over like she's a bitch.  It would have at least been better if she took off a helmet after being told that no man can escape from their clutches, and she says, "I'm no man!"  But nope, a simple knife is held to her throat and she cannot escape this.  It might have even been a knife you would use to spread butter on your sandwich.


    Also, apparently in this movie, no one lives in these giant cities because when bright balls of fire erupts in the middle of the night and beams of blinding light are taking the gargoyles to heaven when they die, no one in the city sees a thing or reacts to it.  Building blow up, balls of fire that look like they came out of the book of revelations engulf the city, gargoyles fly everywhere and yet there is not one person in the film who bats an eyelash or even mutters, "That's peculiar."  Nope, in this film, everything that happens just happens.  


    Another problem I had with the film is that I'm supposed to root for Frankenstein, but I'm not quite sure why.  He's a fucking asshole in this film.  He's ungrateful, moody, angry, mean, selfish, makes decisions that ends up screwing over the gargoyles and he ends up being stupid in the one part of the film that called for him to be, just so the damsel in distress plot could be furthered.  


    I, Frank is not the worst film I've ever seen, RIPD and the Artist and Citizen Kane are just some that are worse, but it's not far off.





    What a waste of your precious time to write such a long review for this shitty movie!  :P

  5. Someone Once Said...The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules! So, there are no rules here. But few guidelines. ;)  

     1. First of all, make a list of your 100 favorite movies that you think, are the greatest movies of all time.( Please rank every single movie from 1 to 100)


     2. Post here.


         Deadline for submissions is Sunday 2nd March 2014(Time - TBA)


    As soon as the submissions are closed, I'll start making the Final Presentation.


    This is how I'm gonna choose the final 100 movies: Simple, just ranking the movies that the majority of you have ranked in those specific ranks. 


     It will take 2-3 days to finish. So I'll come up with the results on 5th March.





    Well, Let's get Started!

  6. Directors (using scoring guide, in alpha order)

    1. Alfred Hitchcock


    Akira Kurosawa

    David Lean


    Howard Hawks

    Sergio Leone

    Sidney Lumet

    Michael Mann

    Hayao Miyazaki

    Martin Scorsese

    Steven Spielberg


    Alfonso Cuaron

    Joel & Ethan Coen

    Francis Ford Coppola

    Federico Fellini

    John Huston

    Elia Kazan

    Stanley Kubrick

    Quentin Tarantino

    Peter Weir

    Fred Zinnemann


    Paul Thomas Anderson

    Darren Aronofsky

    Ingmar Bergman

    Kathryn Bigelow

    Kenneth Branagh

    Mel Brooks

    James Cameron

    Frank Capra

    Michael Curtiz

    Frank Darabont

    Andrew Dominik

    Clint Eastwood

    David Fincher

    John Ford

    Milos Forman

    William Friedkin

    Terry Gilliam

    Peter Jackson

    Stanley Kramer

    Spike Lee

    Christopher Nolan

    Roman Polanski

    Sydney Pollack

    Otto Preminger

    Carol Reed

    Steven Soderbergh

    Oliver Stone

    John Sturges

    Orson Welles

    Billy Wilder


    Ben Affleck

    Woody Allen

    Robert Altman

    Wes Anderson

    Brad Bird

    Danny Boyle

    Tim Burton

    John Frankenheimer

    Paul Greengrass

    George Roy Hill

    Ron Howard

    Rian Johnson

    Spike Jonze

    Ang Lee

    Fernando Meirelles

    Sam Mendes

    Mike Nichols

    Alan J. Pakula

    Chan-Wook Park

    Alexander Payne

    Wolfgang Petersen

    Ivan Reitman

    Ridley Scott

    Edgar Wright

    Edward Zwick


    Cuaron better than Kubrick? You must be a member of the Academy! 

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