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Eric Wilson

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Everything posted by Eric Wilson

  1. The entire Super Bowl was full of "remember that" for the early 2000s. The half-time show, the Austin Powers parody, that Sopranos car ad, the crypto ads were basically like all those dot-com ads. It feels weird to be pandered to like this. Maybe that's what 90s kids felt back in the day.
  2. Sight unseen, I think the 2010 Nutcracker fits better as a stoner cult classic. You have Rat Nazis, Nathan Lane as Albert Einstein, and this Eldritch nightmare I think weed is the only way you can handle looking at such a demonic beast like this.
  3. The Batman Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-1 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 3 217 9859 39778 24.79% Total Sellouts Added Today: 1 Total Seats Sold Today: 1,127 Comp 1.917x of Black Widow T-1 (25.31M) 3.044x of Shang-Chi T-1 (26.79M) 3.309x of Venom 2 T-1 (38.39M) 2.699x of Eternals T-1 (25.64M) 0.376x of Spider-Man: NWH T-1 (18.81M) Adjusted Comp 0.511x of Star Wars: TROS T-1 (20.45M)
  4. I finished with a Japanese movie tonight as well oddly enough. This may shock some of you, but Rashomon is a good movie!
  5. I always get Jacob Elordi mixed up with the guy who plays Ned in the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies. Dude's also named Jacob, but has a totally different last name.
  6. Oh yeah. The other thing about the last Game of Thrones season while it was happening was the day after every episode, my parents wouldn't stop raving about how good the show was and how they didn't understand why people had a problem with it. I honestly think they are the only two people in the entire planet who actually liked the final season, and that's kind of adorable to me. Hope they don't end up on Twitter and get flamed by the weirdo Game of Thrones fanboys.
  7. Euphoria S2 brings me back memories when the last Game of Thrones season dropped. I have yet to watch a single episode of that show (read the first book, which was a pretty good page-turner), and yet my entire timeline was full of people complaining about the show and the characters and all the writing decisions being made. I still have no idea what the plot for the last season was and what happened, outside of Daenerys doing stuff with a dragon I guess. It was the most bizarre, out of the loop experience ever, because I had no say in the discourse and had no idea what people were mad about. Euphoria's even worse in that regard, because I at least know the basics of the GOT cast because of the first book and overall cultural osmosis. I know one character in Euphoria is named Rue...I think...is that Zendaya's character? (this is rhetorical, please do not answer this. i really, truly do not care about this show)
  8. This is probably a case of the usual "gay but not really" thing, where the gay relationships are merely implied and barely noticeable to most people and/or is something you can easily edit out so homophobic countries can play it.
  9. Moderation Guys, can we not do the whole “Snyder fans gonna be wildin lol” stuff? We don’t do this kind of stuff anymore
  10. Why did they list The Mule as "La Mule" and not do it with Irishman or Parasite or whatever?
  11. The Batman Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-2 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 2 217 8732 39778 21.95% Total Seats Sold Today: 937 Comp 2.037x of Black Widow T-2 (26.89M) 3.324x of Shang-Chi T-2 (29.25M) 4.037x of Venom 2 T-2 (46.83M) 2.784x of Eternals T-2 (26.45M) 0.370x of Spider-Man: NWH T-2 (18.53M) Adjusted Comp 0.478x of Star Wars: TROS T-2 (19.13M) I'm sure people will put up the warning signs here, but I think this is just more a coming down to Earth deal than anything else, and still indicates positive things IMO
  12. The Second Part isn't anything amazing, but it's a fun time. Has a lot of clever and funny visuals and dialogue that carries it through, and a cute message about sibling love that I liked. There's also a cameo appearance that's so out of left field and hilarious that I can't spoil it.
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