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Eric Prime

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Posts posted by Eric Prime

  1. My theater's first showing for Bad Moms 2 starts in a half-hour, so this is what the Wednesday looks like at the moment. I'll do the other days, as well as all the other movies I look at tickets for later.


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 7 113 6.19%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 66 113 58.41%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 113  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 77 452 17.04%
  2. Yesterday's tickets and showtimes


    Wednesday 11/1


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 51 113 45.13%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 113  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 59 452 13.05%


    Thursday 11/2


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 6 96 2.08%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 3 96 3.13%
    Bad Moms 2 6:30 38 71 53.52%
    Bad Moms 2 9:30 2 71 2.82%
    Bad Moms 2 Total 49 334 14.67%
    Thor 3 7:00 75 113 66.37%
    Thor 3 10:25 55 113 48.67%
    Thor 3 Total 130 226 57.52%


    Friday 11/3


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 77 102 75.49%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 14 102 13.73%
    Bad Moms 2 Total 91 408 22.30%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 3 113 2.65%
    Thor 3 3:15 25 113 22.12%
    Thor 3 6:40 113 113 100.00%
    Thor 3 10:05 57 113 50.44%
    Thor 3 Total 198 452 43.81%


    Saturday 11/4


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 1 102 0.98%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 16 102 15.69%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 63 102 61.76%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 80 408 19.61%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 32 113 28.32%
    Thor 3 3:15 62 113 54.87%
    Thor 3 6:40 113 113 100.00%
    Thor 3 10:05 34 113 30.09%
    Thor 3 Total 241 452 53.32%


    Sunday 11/5


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 7 102 4.90%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 24 102 23.53%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 23 102 22.55%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 54 408 13.24%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 22 113 19.47%
    Thor 3 3:15 67 113 59.29%
    Thor 3 6:40 55 113 48.67%
    Thor 3 10:05 0 113  
    Thor 3 Total 144 452 31.86%


    Thursday 11/9


    Orient Express 7 4 71 5.63%
    Orient Express 10:05 2 71 2.82%
    Orient Express Total 6 142


    Daddy's Home 2 has sold nothing.


    Friday 11/10


    Daddy's Home 2 1:40 2 102 1.96%
    Daddy's Home 2 4:35 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 7:30 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 10:30 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 Total 2 408 0.49%
    Orient Express 12:10 0 96  
    Orient Express 3:20 0 96  
    Orient Express 6:30 0 96  
    Orient Express 9:40 6 96 6.25%
    Orient Express Total 6 384 1.56%


    11/11 and 11/12 have sold nothing for either movies


    Thursday 11/16


    Justice League 6 58 113 51.33%
    Justice League 9:10 31 113 27.43%
    Justice League Total 89 226 39.38%
    Wonder 7 3 71 4.23%
    Wonder 10:05 0 71  
    Wonder Total 3 142 2.11%


    Friday 11/17



    Justice League 10 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 25 113 22.12%
    Justice League 7:30 60 113 53.10%
    Justice League 10:35 6 113 5.31%
    Justice League Total 91 565 16.11%
    Wonder 12:20 0 96  
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 14 96 14.58%
    Wonder 9:40 0 96  
    Wonder Total 14 384 3.65%


    Saturday 11/18


    Justice League 10 7 113 6.19%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 4:20 39 113 34.51%
    Justice League 7:30 31 113 27.43%
    Justice League 10:35 3 113 2.65%
    Justice League Total 84 565 14.87%

    Wonder has sold nothing on this day.

    Sunday 11/19


    Justice League 10 3 113 2.65%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 4:20 28 113 24.78%
    Justice League 7:30 6 113 5.31%
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 39 565 6.90%
    Wonder 12:20 11 96 11.46%
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 0 96  
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 11 384 2.86%


    Thursday 12/14


    Star Wars Fan Event 6 102 102 93.14%
    Star Wars 7 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 3D 7:30 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8 77 96 80.21%
    Star Wars 10:35 79 102 77.45%
    Star Wars 11:05 68 113 60.18%
    Star Wars Total 541 628 86.15%


    Friday 12/15


    Star Wars 11 34 102 33.33%
    Star Wars 11:45 33 113 29.20%
    Star Wars 1 15 102 14.71%
    Star Wars 2:40 67 102 63.73%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 39 113 34.51%
    Star Wars 4:40 50 102 49.02%
    Star Wars 6:20 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 7 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8:20 67 102 65.69%
    Star Wars 9:55 71 102 69.61%
    Star Wars 10:35 50 113 44.25%
    Star Wars Total 641 1166 54.97%


    Saturday 12/16


    Star Wars 9:20 10 102 9.80%
    Star Wars 11 73 102 71.57%
    Star Wars 11:45 81 113 71.68%
    Star Wars 1 50 102 49.02%
    Star Wars 2:40 102 102 81.37%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 48 113 42.48%
    Star Wars 4:40 40 102 39.22%
    Star Wars 6:20 75 102 73.53%
    Star Wars 7 84 113 74.34%
    Star Wars 8:20 24 102 23.53%
    Star Wars 9:55 36 102 35.29%
    Star Wars 10:35 2 113 1.77%
    Star Wars Total 625 1268 49.29%


    Sunday 12/17


    Star Wars 9:20 17 102 16.67%
    Star Wars 11 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 11:45 59 113 52.21%
    Star Wars 1 35 102 34.31%
    Star Wars 2:40 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 49 113 43.36%
    Star Wars 4:40 10 102 9.80%
    Star Wars 6:20 70 102 68.63%
    Star Wars 7 52 113 46.02%
    Star Wars 8:20 0 102  
    Star Wars 9:55 7 102 6.86%
    Star Wars 10:35 0 113  
    Star Wars Total 423 1268 33.36%




    Bad Moms 2 333 2010 16.57%
    Thor 3 713 1582 45.07%
    Daddy's Home 2 4 1366 0.29%
    Orient Express 12 1294 0.93%
    Justice League 303 1921 15.77%
    Wonder 28 1294 2.16%
    Star Wars 2230 4330 51.50%




    Wednesday 11/1

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 6 113 5.31%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 60 113 53.10%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 113  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 70 452 15.49%


    Thursday 11/2

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 6 96 2.08%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 3 96 3.13%
    Bad Moms 2 6:30 43 71 60.56%
    Bad Moms 2 9:30 2 71 2.82%
    Bad Moms 2 Total 54 334 16.17%
    Thor 3 7:00 78 113 69.03%
    Thor 3 8:45 7 71 9.86%
    Thor 3 3D 9:15 0 71  
    Thor 3 10:25 60 113 53.10%
    Thor 3 Total 145 368 39.40%


    Friday 11/3

    Bad Moms 2 11:30 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 2:50 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 6:15 12 71 16.90%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 102 102 100.00%
    Bad Moms 2 9:30 7 71 9.86%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 9 102 8.82%
    Bad Moms 2 Total 130 692 18.79%
    Thor 3 11 4 102 3.92%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 3 113 2.65%
    Thor 3 12:30 1 96 1.04%
    Thor 3 2:10 0 102  
    Thor 3 3:15 30 113 26.55%
    Thor 3 4 4 102 3.92%
    Thor 3 5:30 0 102  
    Thor 3 6:40 113 113 100.00%
    Thor 3 7:45 44 96 45.83%
    Thor 3 8:55 6 102 5.88%
    Thor 3 10:05 61 113 53.98%
    Thor 3 11:20 2 71 2.82%
    Thor 3 Total 268 914 29.32%


    Saturday 11/4

    Bad Moms 2 10 1 71 1.41%
    Bad Moms 2 11:30 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 1:30 3 102 2.94%
    Bad Moms 2 2:50 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 18 102 17.65%
    Bad Moms 2 6:15 2 71 2.82%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 65 102 63.73%
    Bad Moms 2 9:30 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 80 763 10.48%
    Thor 3 10:15 5 102 4.90%
    Thor 3 10:45 4 102 3.92%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 36 113 31.86%
    Thor 3 12:30 9 96 9.38%
    Thor 3 2:10 6 102 5.88%
    Thor 3 3:15 65 113 57.52%
    Thor 3 4 10 96 10.42%
    Thor 3 5:30 19 102 18.63%
    Thor 3 6:40 113 113 100.00%
    Thor 3 7:45 12 96 12.50%
    Thor 3 8:55 0 102  
    Thor 3 10:05 38 113 33.63%
    Thor 3 11:20 0 71  
    Thor 3 Total 317 1321 24.00%


    Sunday 11/5

    Bad Moms 2 10 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 11:30 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 1:30 7 102 4.90%
    Bad Moms 2 2:50 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 24 102 23.53%
    Bad Moms 2 6:15 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 23 102 22.55%
    Bad Moms 2 9:30 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 54 763 7.08%
    Thor 3 10:15 11 102 10.78%
    Thor 3 10:45 0 102  
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 22 113 19.47%
    Thor 3 12:30 0 96  
    Thor 3 2:10 15 102 14.71%
    Thor 3 3:15 69 113 61.06%
    Thor 3 4 7 96 7.29%
    Thor 3 5:30 2 102 1.96%
    Thor 3 6:40 55 113 48.67%
    Thor 3 7:45 0 96  
    Thor 3 8:55 2 102 1.96%
    Thor 3 10:05 0 113  
    Thor 3 Total 183 1250 14.64%


    Thursday 11/9

    Orient Express 7 4 71 5.63%
    Orient Express 10:05 2 71 2.82%
    Orient Express Total 6 142 4.23%

    Daddy's Home has sold nothing.


    Friday 11/10

    Daddy's Home 2 1:40 2 102 1.96%
    Daddy's Home 2 4:35 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 7:30 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 10:30 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 Total 2 408 0.49%
    Orient Express 12:10 3 96 3.13%
    Orient Express 3:20 0 96  
    Orient Express 6:30 0 96  
    Orient Express 9:40 6 96 6.25%
    Orient Express Total 9 384 2.34%


    Saturday 11/11

    Daddy's Home 2 1:40 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 4:35 2 102 1.96%
    Daddy's Home 2 7:30 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 10:30 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 Total 2 408 0.49%
    Orient Express 12:10 0 96  
    Orient Express 3:20 0 96  
    Orient Express 6:30 2 96 2.08%
    Orient Express 9:40 0 96  
    Orient Express Total 2 384 0.52%


    Sunday 11/12

    Orient Express 12:10 0 96  
    Orient Express 3:20 2 96 2.08%
    Orient Express 6:30 0 96  
    Orient Express 9:40 0 96  
    Orient Express Total 2 384 0.52%

    Daddy's Home has sold nothing.


    Thursday 11/16

    Justice League 6 58 113 51.33%
    Justice League 9:10 31 113 27.43%
    Justice League Total 89 226 39.38%
    Wonder 7 3 71 4.23%
    Wonder 10:05 0 71  
    Wonder Total 3 142 2.11%


    Friday 11/17

    Justice League 10 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 27 113 23.89%
    Justice League 7:30 71 113 62.83%
    Justice League 10:35 8 113 7.08%
    Justice League Total 110 565 19.47%
    Wonder 12:20 0 96  
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 20 96 20.83%
    Wonder 9:40 0 96  
    Wonder Total 20 384 5.21%


    Saturday 11/18

    Justice League 10 7 113 6.19%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 4:20 47 113 41.59%
    Justice League 7:30 33 113 29.20%
    Justice League 10:35 3 113 2.65%
    Justice League Total 94 565 16.64%
    Wonder 12:20 0 96  
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 5 96 5.21%
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 5 384 1.30%


    Sunday 11/19

    Justice League 10 3 113 2.65%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 4:20 37 113 32.74%
    Justice League 7:30 6 113 5.31%
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 48 565 8.50%
    Wonder 12:20 13 96 13.54%
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 0 96  
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 13 384 3.39%


    Thursday 12/14

    Star Wars Fan Event 6 102 102 93.14%
    Star Wars 7 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 3D 7:30 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8 77 96 80.21%
    Star Wars 10:35 79 102 77.45%
    Star Wars 11:05 72 113 63.72%
    Star Wars Total 545 628 86.78%


    Friday 12/15

    Star Wars 11 34 102 33.33%
    Star Wars 11:45 33 113 29.20%
    Star Wars 1 15 102 14.71%
    Star Wars 2:40 67 102 63.73%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 39 113 34.51%
    Star Wars 4:40 50 102 49.02%
    Star Wars 6:20 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 7 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8:20 67 102 65.69%
    Star Wars 9:55 71 102 69.61%
    Star Wars 10:35 50 113 44.25%
    Star Wars Total 641 1166 54.97%


    Saturday 12/16

    Star Wars 9:20 10 102 9.80%
    Star Wars 11 75 102 73.53%
    Star Wars 11:45 81 113 71.68%
    Star Wars 1 50 102 49.02%
    Star Wars 2:40 102 102 81.37%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 48 113 42.48%
    Star Wars 4:40 40 102 39.22%
    Star Wars 6:20 75 102 73.53%
    Star Wars 7 84 113 74.34%
    Star Wars 8:20 24 102 23.53%
    Star Wars 9:55 36 102 35.29%
    Star Wars 10:35 2 113 1.77%
    Star Wars Total 627 1268 49.45%


    Sunday 12/16

    Star Wars 9:20 17 102 16.67%
    Star Wars 11 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 11:45 59 113 52.21%
    Star Wars 1 35 102 34.31%
    Star Wars 2:40 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 49 113 43.36%
    Star Wars 4:40 10 102 9.80%
    Star Wars 6:20 70 102 68.63%
    Star Wars 7 52 113 46.02%
    Star Wars 8:20 0 102  
    Star Wars 9:55 7 102 6.86%
    Star Wars 10:35 0 113  
    Star Wars Total 423 1268 33.36%


    Overall Total:

    Bad Moms 2 388 3004 12.92%
    Thor 3 913 3853 23.70%
    Daddy's Home 2 4 1366 0.29%
    Orient Express 19 1294 1.47%
    Justice League 303 1921 15.77%
    Wonder 41 1294 3.17%
    Star Wars 2236 4330 51.64%


    Both Thor and Bad Moms got a bunch more showtimes in, since the rest of the returnees will make diddly squat, and again, both are doing well relative to expectations. Wonder also saw a big boost in tickets sold, thanks to a group or two buying tickets.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  3. http://deadline.com/2017/10/a-bad-moms-christmas-kristen-bell-mila-kunis-suzanne-todd-comedy-box-office-renaissance-1202197732/



    This coming weekend, STXfilms’ sequel A Bad Moms Christmas is hoping to restore its genre’s commercial viability. In an effort to build up momentum heading into a weekend where Disney/Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok is poised to make $100M-$120M, STXfilms is opening A Bad Moms Christmas on Wednesday with tracking pegging the pic at $17M over three-days and $25M over five days. By comparison, Bad Moms made $30.6M in its first five days against Universal’s Jason Bourne. A Bad Moms Christmas is looking forward to getting a boost from Thanksgiving and December audiences as holiday comedies that launch in November have historically reaped a 4x to 5.5x multiple theatrically, with an even richer ancillary life.


  4. 3 hours ago, filmlover said:

    I wonder if Sony will pull this from AFI in light of the recent Spacey stuff. Movie clearly now has major marketing hurdles.



    "An AFI spokesperson tells The Hollywood Reporter that the festival's schedule is locked and that there won't be any changes."


    Box office wise however, this movie's dead.

  5. Last Thursday's Tickets Sold


    Wednesday 11/1


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 36 113 31.86%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 113  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 44 452 9.73%


    Thursday 11/2


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 2 96 2.08%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 3 96 3.13%
    Bad Moms 2 6:30 33 71 46.48%
    Bad Moms 2 9:30 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 38 334 11.38%
    Thor 3 7:00 78 113 69.03%
    Thor 3 10:25 39 113 34.51%
    Thor 3 Total 117 226 51.77%


    Friday 11/3


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 58 102 56.86%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 58 408 14.22%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 3 113 2.65%
    Thor 3 3:15 13 113 11.50%
    Thor 3 6:40 89 113 78.76%
    Thor 3 10:05 23 113 20.35%
    Thor 3 Total 128 452 28.32%


    Saturday 11/4


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 15 102 14.71%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 38 102 37.25%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 53 408 12.99%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 26 113 23.01%
    Thor 3 3:15 55 113 48.67%
    Thor 3 6:40 75 113 66.37%
    Thor 3 10:05 13 113 11.50%
    Thor 3 Total 169 452 37.39%


    Sunday 11/5


    Bad Moms 2 1:30 5 102 4.90%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 9 102 8.82%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 17 102 16.67%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 31 408 7.60%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 18 113 15.93%
    Thor 3 3:15 51 113 45.13%
    Thor 3 6:40 27 113 23.89%
    Thor 3 10:05 0 113  
    Thor 3 Total 96 452 21.24%


    Thursday 11/16


    Justice League 6 35 113 30.97%
    Justice League 9:10 22 113 19.47%
    Justice League Total 57 226 25.22%
    Wonder 7 3 71 4.23%
    Wonder 10:05 0 71  
    Wonder Total 3 142 2.11%


    Friday 11/17


    Justice League 10 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 21 113 18.58%
    Justice League 7:30 24 113 21.24%
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 49 565 8.67%
    Wonder 12:20 0 96  
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 6 96 6.25%
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 6 384 1.56%


    Saturday 11/18


    Justice League 10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 4:20 29 113 25.66%
    Justice League 7:30 18 113 15.93%
    Justice League 10:35 3 113 2.65%
    Justice League Total 54 565 9.56%


    Wonder hasn't sold anything yet.


    Sunday 11/19


    Justice League 10 0 113  
    Justice League 3D 1:10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 4:20 11 113 9.73%
    Justice League 7:30 2 113  
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 15 565 2.65%
    Wonder 12:20 11 96 11.46%
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 0 96  
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 11 384 2.86%


    Thursday 12/14


    Star Wars Fan Event 6 102 102 93.14%
    Star Wars 7 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 3D 7:30 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8 77 96 80.21%
    Star Wars 10:35 79 102 77.45%
    Star Wars 11:05 68 113 60.18%
    Star Wars Total 541 628 86.15%


    Friday 12/15


    Star Wars 11 34 102 33.33%
    Star Wars 11:45 33 113 29.20%
    Star Wars 1 3 102 2.94%
    Star Wars 2:40 65 102 63.73%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 39 113 34.51%
    Star Wars 4:40 39 102 38.24%
    Star Wars 6:20 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 7 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8:20 67 102 65.69%
    Star Wars 9:55 71 102 69.61%
    Star Wars 10:35 48 113 42.48%
    Star Wars Total 614 1166 52.66%


    Saturday 12/16


    Star Wars 9:20 5 102 4.90%
    Star Wars 11 73 102 71.57%
    Star Wars 11:45 81 113 71.68%
    Star Wars 1 47 102 46.08%
    Star Wars 2:40 83 102 81.37%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 48 113 42.48%
    Star Wars 4:40 33 102 32.35%
    Star Wars 6:20 75 102 73.53%
    Star Wars 7 84 113 74.34%
    Star Wars 8:20 22 102 21.57%
    Star Wars 9:55 36 102 35.29%
    Star Wars 10:35 2 113 1.77%
    Star Wars Total 589 1268 46.45%


    Sunday 12/17


    Star Wars 9:20 13 102 12.75%
    Star Wars 11 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 11:45 59 113 52.21%
    Star Wars 1 31 102 30.39%
    Star Wars 2:40 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 49 113 43.36%
    Star Wars 4:40 6 102 5.88%
    Star Wars 6:20 70 102 68.63%
    Star Wars 7 52 113 46.02%
    Star Wars 8:20 0 102  
    Star Wars 9:55 7 102 6.86%
    Star Wars 10:35 0 113  
    Star Wars Total 411 1268 32.41%




    Bad Moms 2 224 2010 11.14%
    Thor 3 510 1582 32.24%
    Justice League 175 1921 9.11%
    Wonder 20 1294 1.55%
    Star Wars 2155 4330 49.77%




    Wednesday 11/1

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 51 113 45.13%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 113  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 59 452 13.05%


    Thursday 11/2

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 6 96 2.08%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 3 96 3.13%
    Bad Moms 2 6:30 38 71 53.52%
    Bad Moms 2 9:30 2 71 2.82%
    Bad Moms 2 Total 49 334 14.67%
    Thor 3 7:00 75 113 66.37%
    Thor 3 10:25 55 113 48.67%
    Thor 3 Total 130 226 57.52%


    Friday 11/3

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 77 102 75.49%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 14 102 13.73%
    Bad Moms 2 Total 91 408 22.30%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 3 113 2.65%
    Thor 3 3:15 25 113 22.12%
    Thor 3 6:40 113 113 100.00%
    Thor 3 10:05 57 113 50.44%
    Thor 3 Total 198 452 43.81%


    Saturday 11/4

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 1 102 0.98%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 16 102 15.69%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 63 102 61.76%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 80 408 19.61%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 32 113 28.32%
    Thor 3 3:15 62 113 54.87%
    Thor 3 6:40 113 113 100.00%
    Thor 3 10:05 34 113 30.09%
    Thor 3 Total 241 452 53.32%


    Sunday 11/5

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 7 102 4.90%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 24 102 23.53%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 23 102 22.55%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 54 408 13.24%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 22 113 19.47%
    Thor 3 3:15 67 113 59.29%
    Thor 3 6:40 55 113 48.67%
    Thor 3 10:05 0 113  
    Thor 3 Total 144 452 31.86%


    Thursday 11/9

    Orient Express 7 4 71 5.63%
    Orient Express 10:05 2 71 2.82%
    Orient Express Total 6 142


    Daddy's Home 2 has sold nothing.


    Friday 11/10

    Daddy's Home 2 1:40 2 102 1.96%
    Daddy's Home 2 4:35 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 7:30 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 10:30 0 102  
    Daddy's Home 2 Total 2 408 0.49%
    Orient Express 12:10 0 96  
    Orient Express 3:20 0 96  
    Orient Express 6:30 0 96  
    Orient Express 9:40 6 96 6.25%
    Orient Express Total 6 384 1.56%


    11/11 and 11/12 have sold nothing for either movies


    Thursday 11/16

    Justice League 6 58 113 51.33%
    Justice League 9:10 31 113 27.43%
    Justice League Total 89 226 39.38%
    Wonder 7 3 71 4.23%
    Wonder 10:05 0 71  
    Wonder Total 3 142 2.11%


    Friday 11/17

    Justice League 10 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 25 113 22.12%
    Justice League 7:30 60 113 53.10%
    Justice League 10:35 6 113 5.31%
    Justice League Total 91 565 16.11%
    Wonder 12:20 0 96  
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 14 96 14.58%
    Wonder 9:40 0 96  
    Wonder Total 14 384 3.65%


    Saturday 11/18

    Justice League 10 7 113 6.19%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 4:20 39 113 34.51%
    Justice League 7:30 31 113 27.43%
    Justice League 10:35 3 113 2.65%
    Justice League Total 84 565 14.87%

    Wonder has sold nothing on this day.

    Sunday 11/19

    Justice League 10 3 113 2.65%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 4:20 28 113 24.78%
    Justice League 7:30 6 113 5.31%
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 39 565 6.90%
    Wonder 12:20 11 96 11.46%
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 0 96  
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 11 384 2.86%


    Thursday 12/14

    Star Wars Fan Event 6 102 102 93.14%
    Star Wars 7 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 3D 7:30 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8 77 96 80.21%
    Star Wars 10:35 79 102 77.45%
    Star Wars 11:05 68 113 60.18%
    Star Wars Total 541 628 86.15%


    Friday 12/15

    Star Wars 11 34 102 33.33%
    Star Wars 11:45 33 113 29.20%
    Star Wars 1 15 102 14.71%
    Star Wars 2:40 67 102 63.73%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 39 113 34.51%
    Star Wars 4:40 50 102 49.02%
    Star Wars 6:20 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 7 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8:20 67 102 65.69%
    Star Wars 9:55 71 102 69.61%
    Star Wars 10:35 50 113 44.25%
    Star Wars Total 641 1166 54.97%


    Saturday 12/16

    Star Wars 9:20 10 102 9.80%
    Star Wars 11 73 102 71.57%
    Star Wars 11:45 81 113 71.68%
    Star Wars 1 50 102 49.02%
    Star Wars 2:40 102 102 81.37%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 48 113 42.48%
    Star Wars 4:40 40 102 39.22%
    Star Wars 6:20 75 102 73.53%
    Star Wars 7 84 113 74.34%
    Star Wars 8:20 24 102 23.53%
    Star Wars 9:55 36 102 35.29%
    Star Wars 10:35 2 113 1.77%
    Star Wars Total 625 1268 49.29%


    Sunday 12/17

    Star Wars 9:20 17 102 16.67%
    Star Wars 11 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 11:45 59 113 52.21%
    Star Wars 1 35 102 34.31%
    Star Wars 2:40 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 49 113 43.36%
    Star Wars 4:40 10 102 9.80%
    Star Wars 6:20 70 102 68.63%
    Star Wars 7 52 113 46.02%
    Star Wars 8:20 0 102  
    Star Wars 9:55 7 102 6.86%
    Star Wars 10:35 0 113  
    Star Wars Total 423 1268 33.36%



    Bad Moms 2 333 2010 16.57%
    Thor 3 713 1582 45.07%
    Daddy's Home 2 4 1366 0.29%
    Orient Express 12 1294 0.93%
    Justice League 303 1921 15.77%
    Wonder 28 1294 2.16%
    Star Wars 2230 4330 51.50%


    Daddy and Express were added this past Friday, but neither are really presales-driven, so it's best not to dwell too hard on it. Thor is currently at 2 sellouts, while Star Wars is at 6.

    • Like 6
  6. Think I figured out why the trailer's coming so soon. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/behind-screen/dunkirk-could-launch-a-70mm-film-presentation-renaissance-1021854



    Other [films shown in the 70mm format]  include Murder on the Orient Express, which Fox is slated to open on Nov. 10, and The Nutcracker and the Four Realms, which Disney has slated for a Nov. 2, 2018 release. 



    • Like 3
  7. With one more week until Lady Bird (and to a lesser extent Last Flag) starts the Oscar box office season, here's just one more look at where I think the race is heading. Again, if I don't mention a movie, you can assume that I think it's dead.


    Big Sick: I don't see it as a Best Picture nominee. The competition is super fierce, and the film seems too small to really make huge noise. But Supporting Actress and Original Screenplay seem really good.


    Blade Runner 2049: I would be more confident if its box office was more impressive, but I think Adapted Screenplay and Director are pretty likely.


    Call Me By Your Name: Picture, Adapted Screenplay, and Actor are locks (hush Jake). Director is pretty likely Supporting Actor is iffy, but I think both Hammer and Stuhlbarg will find a way in, thanks to their performances and the strength of the film itself.


    Darkest Hour: Oldman's locked for the win. Picture and Screenplay are likely, and I feel Kristen Scott Thomas could ride on the film's coattails for Supporting Actress. The category's weak, and I'm sure she has at least one decent scene to make her a possibility.


    Disaster Artist: Franco and Adapted Screenplay will be the only noms.


    Dunkirk: Picture and Director are locks, but that's really about it.


    Florida Project: DaFoe's still an easy nominee, but I'm now even less certain on the film. Box office is only okay thus far, and Prince has been moved to a competitve Actress field, and Director's the only other non-Picture nominee I can see the movie turn up in. Lady Bird still seems like a safer bet. I do have it as an alt though, if Lady Bird or I, Tonya disappoint at the box office.


    Get Out: Everyday, this movie looks stronger and stronger. Original Screenplay and Picture are locks, and I think Kaluuya has a really strong chance for a Best Actor nomination. The Academy isn't against non-showy performances in the past (see Casey Affleck), and the film itself has garnered acclaim and box office, to the point where it's still talked about and I'd assume every Academy member has already seen it. Add on strong chances for nominations at the Globes and BAFTAs, and an empty Best Actor field (Stronger bombed, Breathe did even worse, Roman Israel probably can't reverse its previous reception, and Tom Hanks has been snubbed many times in the past couple of years), I think Kaluuya can ride on the movie's coattails. Peele? Not as much, but I can see a scenario where he gets in for Director.


    I, Tonya: Actress? Lock for nomination. Supporting Actress? Lock for win. Picture? Not confident, but I can see it as a lower-tier nominee.


    Lady Bird: Orignal Screenplay? Likely Actress? Very likely. Supporting Actress? Lock for nomination. Picture? Not as confident as I was before, but it definitely has the potential.


    Last Flag Flying: Adapted Screenplay's weak, so maybe this can find a way in there, but that's about it.


    Molly's Game: Actress? It's Chastain vs. Ronan vs. Dench for the last spot. Adapted Screenplay's a lock though.


    Shape of Water: Picture, Director, Actress, and Supporting Actress are guarantees. Screenplay's super likely too. In terms of Supporting Actor, between Shannon and Jenkins, I'm going with Shannon, if only because he's a bigger name, but I wouldn't be shocked if Jenkins beats him.


    Three Billboards: I think this will sweep the night. Wins in Picture, Actress, Supporting Actor, and Original Screenplay, with a Director nomination.


    Victoria & Abdul: Dench has a good shot, thanks to her film's box office, but I'm more partial to Chastain or Ronan.


    The nominees:


    Best Picture:

    1. Three Billboards

    2. Call Me By Your Name

    3. The Shape of Water

    4. Dunkirk

    5. Get Out

    6. The Post

    7. Darkest Hour

    8. I, Tonya

    9. Lady Bird

    ALT: The Florida Project


    Best Director:

    1. Christopher Nolan, Dunkirk

    2. Guillermo del Toro, Shape of Water

    3. Martin McDonagh, Three Billboards

    4. Luca Guadaningo, CMBYN

    5. Denis Villenuve, Blade Runner 2049

    ALT: Steven Spielberg, The Post


    Best Actor:

    1. Gary Oldman, Darkest Hour

    2. Timothee Chalamet, CMBYN

    3. Daniel Day-Lewis, Phantom Thread

    4. James Franco, The Disaster Artist

    5. Tom Hanks, The Post

    ALT: Daniel Kaluuya, Get Out


    Best Actress:

    1. Frances McDormand, Three Billboards

    2. Margot Robbie, I, Tonya

    3. Sally Hawkins, The Shape of Water

    4. Meryl Streep, The Post

    5. Jessica Chastain, Molly's Game

    ALT: Saorise Ronan, Lady Bird


    Best Supporting Actor:

    1. Sam Rockwell, Three Billboards

    2. Willem DaFoe, The Florida Project

    3. Michael Stuhlbarg, CMBYN

    4. Michael Shannon, The Shape of Water

    5. Armie Hammer, CMBYN

    ALT: Richard Jenkins, The Shape of Water


    Best Supporting Actress:

    1. Allison Janney, I, Tonya

    2. Laurie Metcalf, Lady Bird

    3. Octavia Spencer, The Shape of Water

    4. Holly Hunter, The Big Sick

    5. Kristen Scott Thomas, Darkest Hour

    ALT: Mellissa Leo, Notivate


    Best Original Screenplay:

    1. Three Billboards

    2. Get Out

    3. The Shape of Water

    4. Lady Bird

    5. The Big Sick

    ALT: Darkest Hour


    Best Adapted Screenplay:

    1. Call Me By Your Name

    2. Molly's Game

    3. The Disaster Artist

    4. The Post

    5. Last Flag Flying

    ALT: Mudbound

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