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Eric Prime

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Posts posted by Eric Prime

  1. Spoiler

    Yesterday's Theater Numbers

    Wednesday 11/1 (Movie, Tickets Sold, Seat Total, Percentage)

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 29 113 25.66%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 113  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 37 452 8.19%


    Thursday 11/2

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 2 96 2.08%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 0 96  
    Bad Moms 2 6:30 33 71 46.48%
    Bad Moms 2 9:30 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 35 334 10.48%
    Thor 3 7:00 78 113 69.03%
    Thor 3 10:25 37 113 32.74%
    Thor 3 Total 115 226 50.88%


    Friday 11/3

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 58 102 56.86%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 58 408 14.22%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 3 113 2.65%
    Thor 3 3:15 13 113 11.50%
    Thor 3 6:40 85 113 75.22%
    Thor 3 10:05 21 113 18.58%
    Thor 3 Total 122 452 26.99%


    Saturday 11/4

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 15 102 14.71%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 33 102 32.35%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 48 408 11.76%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 26 113 23.01%
    Thor 3 3:15 50 113 44.25%
    Thor 3 6:40 73 113 64.60%
    Thor 3 10:05 12 113 10.62%
    Thor 3 Total 161 452 35.62%


    Sunday 11/5

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 5 102 4.90%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 9 102 8.82%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 17 102 16.67%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 31 408 7.60%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 18 113 15.93%
    Thor 3 3:15 49 113 43.36%
    Thor 3 6:40 19 113 16.81%
    Thor 3 10:05 0 113  
    Thor 3 Total 86 452 19.03%


    Thursday 11/16

    Justice League 6 23 113 20.35%
    Justice League 9:10 6 113 5.31%
    Justice League Total 29 226 12.83%
    Wonder 7 3 71 4.23%
    Wonder 10:05 0 71  
    Wonder Total 3 142 2.11%


    Friday 11/17

    Justice League 10 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 0 113  
    Justice League 7:30 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 8 565 1.42%
    Wonder 12:20 0 96  
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 6 96 6.25%
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 6 384 1.56%


    Saturday 11/18

    Justice League 10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 8 113 7.08%
    Justice League 7:30 8 113 7.08%
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 18 565 3.19%


    Wonder hasn't sold anything on this date


    Sunday 11/19

    Justice League 10 0 113  
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 6 113 5.31%
    Justice League 7:30 0 113  
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 6 565 1.06%
    Wonder 12:20 11 96 11.46%
    Wonder 3:25 4 96 4.17%
    Wonder 6:30 0 96  
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 15 384 3.91%


    Thursday 12/14

    Star Wars Fan Event 6 102 102 93.14%
    Star Wars 7 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 3D 7:30 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8 77 96 80.21%
    Star Wars 10:35 79 102 77.45%
    Star Wars 11:05 68 113 60.18%
    Star Wars Total 541 628 86.15%


    Friday 12/15

    Star Wars 11 34 102 33.33%
    Star Wars 11:45 33 113 29.20%
    Star Wars 1 3 102 2.94%
    Star Wars 2:40 65 102 63.73%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 39 113 34.51%
    Star Wars 4:40 37 102 36.27%
    Star Wars 6:20 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 7 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8:20 67 102 65.69%
    Star Wars 9:55 71 102 69.61%
    Star Wars 10:35 43 113 38.05%
    Star Wars Total 607 1166 52.06%


    Saturday 12/16

    Star Wars 9:20 5 102 4.90%
    Star Wars 11 73 102 71.57%
    Star Wars 11:45 81 113 71.68%
    Star Wars 1 47 102 46.08%
    Star Wars 2:40 83 102 81.37%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 48 113 42.48%
    Star Wars 4:40 33 102 32.35%
    Star Wars 6:20 78 102 76.47%
    Star Wars 7 84 113 74.34%
    Star Wars 8:20 12 102 11.76%
    Star Wars 9:55 36 102 35.29%
    Star Wars 10:35 2 113 1.77%
    Star Wars Total 582 1268 45.90%


    Sunday 12/17

    Star Wars 9:20 13 102 12.75%
    Star Wars 11 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 11:45 59 113 52.21%
    Star Wars 1 31 102 30.39%
    Star Wars 2:40 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 49 113 43.36%
    Star Wars 4:40 6 102 5.88%
    Star Wars 6:20 70 102 68.63%
    Star Wars 7 45 113 39.82%
    Star Wars 8:20 0 102  
    Star Wars 9:55 7 102 6.86%
    Star Wars 10:35 0 113  
    Star Wars Total 404 1268 31.86%




    Bad Moms 2 209 2010 10.40%
    Thor 3 484 1582 19.22%
    Justice League 61 1921 3.18%
    Wonder 24 1294 1.85%
    Star Wars 2134 4330 49.28%


    Thursday Update


    Wednesday 11/1

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 36 113 31.86%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 113  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 44 452 9.73%


    Thursday 11/2

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 2 96 2.08%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 3 96 3.13%
    Bad Moms 2 6:30 33 71 46.48%
    Bad Moms 2 9:30 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 38 334 11.38%
    Thor 3 7:00 78 113 69.03%
    Thor 3 10:25 39 113 34.51%
    Thor 3 Total 117 226 51.77%


    Friday 11/3

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 58 102 56.86%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 58 408 14.22%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 3 113 2.65%
    Thor 3 3:15 13 113 11.50%
    Thor 3 6:40 89 113 78.76%
    Thor 3 10:05 23 113 20.35%
    Thor 3 Total 128 452 28.32%


    Saturday 11/4

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 15 102 14.71%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 38 102 37.25%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 53 408 12.99%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 26 113 23.01%
    Thor 3 3:15 55 113 48.67%
    Thor 3 6:40 75 113 66.37%
    Thor 3 10:05 13 113 11.50%
    Thor 3 Total 169 452 37.39%


    Sunday 11/5

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 5 102 4.90%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 9 102 8.82%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 17 102 16.67%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 31 408 7.60%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 18 113 15.93%
    Thor 3 3:15 51 113 45.13%
    Thor 3 6:40 27 113 23.89%
    Thor 3 10:05 0 113  
    Thor 3 Total 96 452 21.24%


    Thursday 11/16

    Justice League 6 35 113 30.97%
    Justice League 9:10 22 113 19.47%
    Justice League Total 57 226 25.22%
    Wonder 7 3 71 4.23%
    Wonder 10:05 0 71  
    Wonder Total 3 142 2.11%


    Friday 11/17

    Justice League 10 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 21 113 18.58%
    Justice League 7:30 24 113 21.24%
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 49 565 8.67%
    Wonder 12:20 0 96  
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 6 96 6.25%
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 6 384 1.56%


    Saturday 11/18

    Justice League 10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 4:20 29 113 25.66%
    Justice League 7:30 18 113 15.93%
    Justice League 10:35 3 113 2.65%
    Justice League Total 54 565 9.56%


    Wonder hasn't sold anything yet.


    Sunday 11/19

    Justice League 10 0 113  
    Justice League 3D 1:10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 4:20 11 113 9.73%
    Justice League 7:30 2 113  
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 15 565 2.65%
    Wonder 12:20 11 96 11.46%
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 0 96  
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 11 384 2.86%


    Thursday 12/14

    Star Wars Fan Event 6 102 102 93.14%
    Star Wars 7 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 3D 7:30 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8 77 96 80.21%
    Star Wars 10:35 79 102 77.45%
    Star Wars 11:05 68 113 60.18%
    Star Wars Total 541 628 86.15%


    Friday 12/15

    Star Wars 11 34 102 33.33%
    Star Wars 11:45 33 113 29.20%
    Star Wars 1 3 102 2.94%
    Star Wars 2:40 65 102 63.73%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 39 113 34.51%
    Star Wars 4:40 39 102 38.24%
    Star Wars 6:20 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 7 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8:20 67 102 65.69%
    Star Wars 9:55 71 102 69.61%
    Star Wars 10:35 48 113 42.48%
    Star Wars Total 614 1166 52.66%


    Saturday 12/16

    Star Wars 9:20 5 102 4.90%
    Star Wars 11 73 102 71.57%
    Star Wars 11:45 81 113 71.68%
    Star Wars 1 47 102 46.08%
    Star Wars 2:40 83 102 81.37%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 48 113 42.48%
    Star Wars 4:40 33 102 32.35%
    Star Wars 6:20 75 102 73.53%
    Star Wars 7 84 113 74.34%
    Star Wars 8:20 22 102 21.57%
    Star Wars 9:55 36 102 35.29%
    Star Wars 10:35 2 113 1.77%
    Star Wars Total 589 1268 46.45%


    Sunday 12/17

    Star Wars 9:20 13 102 12.75%
    Star Wars 11 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 11:45 59 113 52.21%
    Star Wars 1 31 102 30.39%
    Star Wars 2:40 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 49 113 43.36%
    Star Wars 4:40 6 102 5.88%
    Star Wars 6:20 70 102 68.63%
    Star Wars 7 52 113 46.02%
    Star Wars 8:20 0 102  
    Star Wars 9:55 7 102 6.86%
    Star Wars 10:35 0 113  
    Star Wars Total 411 1268 32.41%



    Bad Moms 2 224 2010 11.14%
    Thor 3 510 1582 32.24%
    Justice League 175 1921 9.11%
    Wonder 20 1294 1.55%
    Star Wars 2155 4330 49.77%


    JL seems to be at a much better number now. Bad Moms and Thor got a decent boost too.


    • Like 3
  2. Wednesday Update w/ Justice League Tickets


    Wednesday 11/1 (Movie, Tickets Sold, Seat Total, Percentage)

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 4 113 3.54%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 29 113 25.66%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 113  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 37 452 8.19%


    Thursday 11/2

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 2 96 2.08%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 0 96  
    Bad Moms 2 6:30 33 71 46.48%
    Bad Moms 2 9:30 0 71  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 35 334 10.48%
    Thor 3 7:00 78 113 69.03%
    Thor 3 10:25 37 113 32.74%
    Thor 3 Total 115 226 50.88%


    Friday 11/3

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 58 102 56.86%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 58 408 14.22%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 3 113 2.65%
    Thor 3 3:15 13 113 11.50%
    Thor 3 6:40 85 113 75.22%
    Thor 3 10:05 21 113 18.58%
    Thor 3 Total 122 452 26.99%


    Saturday 11/4

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 15 102 14.71%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 33 102 32.35%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 48 408 11.76%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 26 113 23.01%
    Thor 3 3:15 50 113 44.25%
    Thor 3 6:40 73 113 64.60%
    Thor 3 10:05 12 113 10.62%
    Thor 3 Total 161 452 35.62%


    Sunday 11/5

    Bad Moms 2 1:30 5 102 4.90%
    Bad Moms 2 4:30 9 102 8.82%
    Bad Moms 2 7:20 17 102 16.67%
    Bad Moms 2 10:20 0 102  
    Bad Moms 2 Total 31 408 7.60%
    Thor 3 3D 11:50 18 113 15.93%
    Thor 3 3:15 49 113 43.36%
    Thor 3 6:40 19 113 16.81%
    Thor 3 10:05 0 113  
    Thor 3 Total 86 452 19.03%


    Thursday 11/16

    Justice League 6 23 113 20.35%
    Justice League 9:10 6 113 5.31%
    Justice League Total 29 226 12.83%
    Wonder 7 3 71 4.23%
    Wonder 10:05 0 71  
    Wonder Total 3 142 2.11%


    Friday 11/17

    Justice League 10 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 0 113  
    Justice League 7:30 4 113 3.54%
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 8 565 1.42%
    Wonder 12:20 0 96  
    Wonder 3:25 0 96  
    Wonder 6:30 6 96 6.25%
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 6 384 1.56%


    Saturday 11/18

    Justice League 10 2 113 1.77%
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 8 113 7.08%
    Justice League 7:30 8 113 7.08%
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 18 565 3.19%


    Wonder hasn't sold anything on this date


    Sunday 11/19

    Justice League 10 0 113  
    Justice League 3D 1:10 0 113  
    Justice League 4:20 6 113 5.31%
    Justice League 7:30 0 113  
    Justice League 10:35 0 113  
    Justice League Total 6 565 1.06%
    Wonder 12:20 11 96 11.46%
    Wonder 3:25 4 96 4.17%
    Wonder 6:30 0 96  
    Wonder 9:35 0 96  
    Wonder Total 15 384 3.91%


    Thursday 12/14

    Star Wars Fan Event 6 102 102 93.14%
    Star Wars 7 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 3D 7:30 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8 77 96 80.21%
    Star Wars 10:35 79 102 77.45%
    Star Wars 11:05 68 113 60.18%
    Star Wars Total 541 628 86.15%


    Friday 12/15

    Star Wars 11 34 102 33.33%
    Star Wars 11:45 33 113 29.20%
    Star Wars 1 3 102 2.94%
    Star Wars 2:40 65 102 63.73%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 39 113 34.51%
    Star Wars 4:40 37 102 36.27%
    Star Wars 6:20 102 102 100.00%
    Star Wars 7 113 113 100.00%
    Star Wars 8:20 67 102 65.69%
    Star Wars 9:55 71 102 69.61%
    Star Wars 10:35 43 113 38.05%
    Star Wars Total 607 1166 52.06%


    Saturday 12/16

    Star Wars 9:20 5 102 4.90%
    Star Wars 11 73 102 71.57%
    Star Wars 11:45 81 113 71.68%
    Star Wars 1 47 102 46.08%
    Star Wars 2:40 83 102 81.37%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 48 113 42.48%
    Star Wars 4:40 33 102 32.35%
    Star Wars 6:20 78 102 76.47%
    Star Wars 7 84 113 74.34%
    Star Wars 8:20 12 102 11.76%
    Star Wars 9:55 36 102 35.29%
    Star Wars 10:35 2 113 1.77%
    Star Wars Total 582 1268 45.90%


    Sunday 12/17

    Star Wars 9:20 13 102 12.75%
    Star Wars 11 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 11:45 59 113 52.21%
    Star Wars 1 31 102 30.39%
    Star Wars 2:40 62 102 60.78%
    Star Wars 3D 3:25 49 113 43.36%
    Star Wars 4:40 6 102 5.88%
    Star Wars 6:20 70 102 68.63%
    Star Wars 7 45 113 39.82%
    Star Wars 8:20 0 102  
    Star Wars 9:55 7 102 6.86%
    Star Wars 10:35 0 113  
    Star Wars Total 404 1268 31.86%



    Bad Moms 2 209 2010 10.40%
    Thor 3 484 1582 19.22%
    Justice League 61 1921 3.18%
    Wonder 24 1294 1.85%
    Star Wars 2134 4330 49.28%


    All in all, Bad Moms seems to be doing pretty decent, and Thor looks pretty good. Justice League looks a little low, but it's only the first day, and I'm sure sales will ramp up in the next few days (Or maybe my university is in a Marvel biased area. After all, Marshall was shown at my theater instead of Professor Marston. :thinking:)

    • Like 3
  3. 36 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

    Good GOD, Jumanji's second trailer views are absolutely abysmal. The trailer on Sony's channel only has 500k views after more than a month, and Zero Media's upload only has 630k views. Meanwhile, a goddamn combination of trailers one and two on FilmSelect has 2.8M views :winomg: 



    On The Rock's YouTube channel (Yes, he has a YouTube channel), his upload of the Jumanji trailer is at 1.4 million. It's still not very good, especially compared to the first Jumanji trailer (pretty sure it's at 16M views), but it's still not completely terrible (although now maybe it isn't quite a lock at $100M as most people, myself included, thought)

    • Like 1
  4. 58 minutes ago, AJG said:

    This man Tyrese ain’t gonna be back for Fast 9.


    Aparently he beat his daughter so bad she couldn’t sit down. The ex-wife took out a restraining order. The child is 10, that’s old enough to fully communicate what happened. There ain’t no getting around this.


    So this man Tyrese decided to fly this over his daughters school:



    This behaviour is of a man unhinged. Who in their right mind would do this? I was fucking mortified reading all that. The shit’s disturbing.


    I think I'm about to barf after reading all of this.

  5. 1 minute ago, WrathOfHan said:

    My plan was to see Snowman today and OTB tomorrow but that ain't happening. Maybe I could do Snowman, get dinner, then OTB tomorrow. Idk.

    Or you can just see the movie that's good and skip the movie that's bad. I know that sounds wild, but it makes the most sense to me.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 hours ago, CJohn said:

    How is this happening?

    Rothman: Everyone, Ghostbusters didn't work out, and 21 Jump Street is pretty much finished. What other franchises do we have left to exploit and generate money off of?


    Jessie: How about a Dragon Tatoo sequel?


    Rothman: We're already doing that.


    James: Charlie's Angels?


    Rothman: We're already doing that.


    Butch (sarcastically): Let's do Spider-Man again.


    Rothman: Brilliant Butch! People love our Homecoming movie, so let's make more Spider-Man movies.


    Cassidy: Sir, we are, but we're forced to be with Marvel Studios in order to make them.


    Rothman: Well, let's just make Spider-Man movies without Marvel Studios. We'll take the scripts for those spinoff movies we have lying around, and make a shared Spider-Man universe without Spider-Man being in the movies. That'll make us all the money!

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    Time to get MoviePass, bro. It's sure to come in handy with awards season coming up.

    But like...it's probably going to get a price increase in the next month or so since the company's losing money on it (also, my main issue isn't really price, but transportation. The only way I can go to a movie theater at school is to take an Uber, which will cost around $20 to go both to the theater and back to school, and at home, I share one car with my sisters, who use it to go to work, so that leads to very little time for me to use the car to drive to one of the theaters near our house)

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