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Eric Prime

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Everything posted by Eric Prime

  1. Moderation @thedude11 @Torontofan Yeah we're not doing this. None of this "people are trying to say I'm racistj because I don't like Disney" strawmanning, nor any of this transphobic "Trans people having beer is bad for business" rhetoric. You're both trying to derail the thread and make up a bunch of garbage that I'm not letting slide. Anybody who continues these idiotic conversations are getting threadbanned. That is all.
  2. The whole “these movies are unappealing” stuff doesn’t track IMO. The Lion King remake is the lamest, most shameful “we only made this to make money” movie ever, and it still opened higher than the first Spider-Verse’s entire run. If anything, the only movies that breakout are almost all of the same action spectacle ilk and audiences have the least diverse taste and interest in movies ever.
  3. Either way, your schtick has gotten old and unfunny. And I really suggest you don’t do this in case Barbie does make the bajillions you think it will. Or else. Your choice buddy boy.
  4. I mean everybody was expecting Mario to be a big hit. How big is subjective, but you act like people here expected it to do sub-100 and it’s honestly gotten kind of old.
  5. Not gonna lie, that Apple Vision Pro has been making me a bit too anxious when it comes to entertainment. I was scoffing at it earlier, and thought it looked too geeky and gimmicky. But then I was thinking to myself...people would probably really like having it as a way to watch movies. And Apple is good at selling unconventional stuff. And I'm already picturing a Toy Story sequel with Hanks and Allen's voices recreated through AI entirely done in VR headsets or some crap like that. Ready Player One was a documentary.
  6. Largely agree with this sentiment, though it's important to remember that 18-34 year olds are the biggest moviegoing demographic right now. If anything, people like my parents are the audience that's never going to come back to the theater, especially when they recently got a 4K TV set with a soundbar. Although I can see a good argument for kids younger than that seeing this as obsolete and weird, especially since taking kids to the movies has always been an annoying hassle. Which can definitely lead to bad repercussions down the road. I mean that demographic never goes to the movies? Moviegoing has generally skewed towards urban and metropolitan, and post-COVID, it's been skewing younger and more nonwhite than ever. The last few big movies have had it where Black or Hispanic viewers were the biggest demo. And obviously they aren't monoliths, but younger, minority groups generally don't skew conservative wackjob. I do think we are in a bad state with this "anti-woke" shit, and it has scary repercussions, but not really for box office IMO.
  7. That’s where you’re wrong. Elemental is about elements mixing. Nuclear bombs have mixed elements in them. Nuclear bombs will cause World War III one day. Stay woke
  8. In all seriousness, I feel the reason why HBO Max views were so low was because it was pushed by even WB as a film you had to see on the big screen. All the trailers empahasized giant landscpaes and that you had to see it in IMAX, or you were a chump that missed out on something incredible. And well, PLFs and big-screen spectacle is the biggest thing today. And since the film's release, Dune as a property has gotten a lot more attention and popularity, kind of like how the first Lord of the Rings movie got people invested in the greater series just like that. Anecdotal, but the movie made me read the original trilogy, and I don't think I was the only one who did this. Maybe I'm being blindsided here by my own biases, but I can see it going 200M+ domestically, and this film was already a huge smash overseas, so I can see nowhere but up. I do agree though that Meg 2 is the greatest threat.
  9. Yeah I'm hesitant on Cap 4 and Thunderbolts from a creative and "superhero fatigue" perspective, but I think if you just watch the movies, you should be fine. Thunderbolts is basically a Black Widow sequel and they'll probably have a monologue in the Cap 4 trailer where Sam's all "how can I be what Steve wanted me to be" and show that ending scene from Endgame to help make people remember what happened. The Marvels though? It's just an awkward as hell trailer if you aren't aware of what happens in the shows and know who the other two new heroes are. My dad loves watching Marvel movies because he likes seeing superheroes punch stuff for two hours. But the only three shows he watches are Mandalorian, Ted Lasso and reruns of The Big Bang Theory. There's nothing in The Marvels that would get him excited or care about what's going on. He's never gonna watch these shows. He has no idea why these people have their powers swapped. What's the hook for guys like him? It's dumb! Transmedia storytelling is dumb!
  10. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned and don't understand what kids today are into, but I think this whole transmedia, "tie in movies with TV shows and video games and comics" stuff that James Gunn and Papa Feige are doing will never work out. They may try it, and others likely will, but it will never work out. The Matrix did this back in the 2000s, and it just made the sequels confusing and weird, even if I am a touch more favorable towards them than others. And after two or so years of the Marvel Disney+ shows, the popularity and discussion feels like it's been getting smaller and smaller with every single show as even a lot of Marvel die-hards don't seem to care all that much. And frankly, they have made this whole saga feel awkard and disjointed. These are just all mediums that are way too different from one another to ever really click and connect IMO to create something wholly satisfying. Almost all the Marvel shows could have been turned into 2.5 hour movies and nothing would change. And honestly, I think that would only drive interest in movies and theatergoing down even harder. Why should I watch something that has elements from a TV show and video game I have no desire to see or play? That's way too insular and won't appeal to some casual GA member who just wants to have fun watching a movie. Even if a movie is written where you don't have to know what happened in a random TV show, it's still going to feel a little awkard, like you missed what happened on last night's homework assignment. Like the trailer for The Marvels is only going to matter if you are excited to see a character from a movie most people thought was fine, a random supporting character who appeared in a TV show for like 5 minutes, and the main character of another TV show that nobody watched. I don't think there's a big audience sector for that.
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