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Eric Prime

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Everything posted by Eric Prime

  1. http://akvalley.pythonanywhere.com/static/Fandango_track.txt
  2. Anyway, the STX panel is about to start in 15 minutes. I'll try to post in as many live tweets as I can. btw the CinemaCon hashtag on Twitter right now is basically nothing but those "Release the Snyder Cut" goobers. The tweets during the WB panel are gonna be fun.
  3. https://deadline.com/2019/04/streaming-vs-moviegoing-study-nrg-deadline-movie-ticket-prices-box-office-1202586605/
  4. Well, akvalley still hasn't updated yet. But at least I have my theater's presales. In just a few hours (I don't know how many): Avengers Endgame 1246 3016 41.31% Wow. And the day is still young, so it'll probably sell at least half of my theater's tickets by the end of the day.
  5. Sorry, but I don't look at previews. I'm more of a "full weekend" kind of guy. Somebody like @TalismanRing can likely answer that question better than I can.
  6. btw the list on akvalley's been frozen for hours, and it's giving me so much anxiety
  7. I don't pay attention to preview multipliers or IM or any of that shiz. But I guess that seems fine? The one monkey wrench is this being a King adaptation. I don't think Sematary's as big as his other novels, but how much does King's fanbase will come in on Thursday/Friday to frontload the movie?
  8. I didn't know Henry Golding was in Endgame. This movie's really got it all
  9. It only just started a few minutes ago. Considering they tally tickets by hours, they don't have anything to tally yet. Can you please be patient?
  10. I just got the notification on my phone. To quote the fat Italian jumpman himself, "let's-a go!"
  11. Fandango App Monday Tues Wed Thursday A Quiet Place 2,177 4,003 10,665 SW: Solo 13,688 15,855 28,533 Hereditary 659 1,178 3,181 Incredibles 2 20,872 23,430 39,337 Jurassic World 2 9,310 12,761 23,266 Antman & The Wasp 6,613 5,990 11,108 The Nun 2,082 5,938 13,806 28,881 BlackkKlansman 432 682 1,934 5,017 Predator 1,295 2,476 4,545 13,063 White Boy Rick 136 567 1,458 4,587 Venom 13,602 13,818 20,867 31,569 First Man 654 909 3,610 7,586 Fantastic Beasts 8,956 14,238 21,861 31,880 Widows 310 868 2,219 4,179 The Mule 791 1,779 3,882 6,235 Spider-Verse 3,715 5,208 9,858 19,972 Aquaman 8,502 9,671 15,063 Bumblebee 1,553 1,817 3,157 Upside 394 1,431 3,669 8,602 Glass 3,106 3,978 6,478 17,810 How to Train Your Dragon 3 3,724 6,674 12,935 21,313 Shazam 5,099 Pet Sematary 2,115 The Best of Enemies 251 Shazam Comps: 37% of Solo (31.4M) 24% of Incredibles 2 (44.6M) 55% of Jurassic World 2 (81.1M) 77% of Ant-Man 2 (58.4M) 37% of Venom (30.1M) 57% of Fantastic Beasts 2 (35.4M) 137% of Spider-Verse (48.5M) 60% of Aquaman (40.7M) 333% of Bumblebee (72M) 137% of Dragon 3 (75.3M) It's a tad all over the place, but admittedly my comps are kinda all over the place. I'd say Incredibles/Ant-Man/Spider-Verse/Aquaman are the best comps here. Hopefully the Ant-Man comp comes into fruition. Pet Sematary Comps: 97% of A Quiet Place (48.8M) 321% of Hereditary (43.6M) 101% of The Nun (54.7M) 163% of The Predator (40.2M) 68% of Glass (27.5M) This one is pretty consistent, but that Glass comp does give me a bit of pause. Either way, even if the King brand might inflate things a bit, this is off to a great start Best of Enemies Comps: 58% of BlacKkKlansman (6.3M) 185% of White Boy Rick (16.3M) 38% of First Man (6.1M) 81% of Widows (10M) 32% of The Mule (5.5M) 64% of The Upside (13M) Well, if it looks like a single-digit opener, talks like a single-digit opener, and acts like a single-digit opener...
  12. btw I ain't got no time to watch the remaining seasons of GOT. I finished at around season 3, and I don't really have the time nor the urge to finish the remaining five. Maybe once the whole series wraps up I'll finish the show up.
  13. Things could change due to Disney, but Fox has almost always had at least two movies in December (2014-2017 had three, although stuff like Revenant, Hidden Figures and The Post were limited debuts). 2018 was an exception, but that was due to Bohemian being pushed up and Alita pushed back. 2019 was also supposed to have two, but Death on the Nile was pushed to 2020 due to filming delays. I don't see why West Side doesn't at least debut limited on Christmas Day 2020, regardless of Avatar 2.
  14. Well, after eleven hours, it already beat out Truth or Dare's full day of presales. It should also at least come close to AQP's #s. But of course, it's a bit unfair to compare two original horrors with a King adaptation, so keep that stuff in mind.
  15. See I don't know if this is photoshopepd or not. I looked at Andy's Instagram and I can't find any post that confirms this
  16. They could just recast him for the Chinese dub/version. It's not like he's dressing up as a bird.
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