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Everything posted by GuardiaStar

  1. Waiting for numbers or whatever then I'll probably head on out. I'm pretty tired too anyway..
  2. It's a very intense movie, but I love the movie. And not because I think I should, it's because I do. People maybe hated the emphasis on Katniss or whatever but as I know it's an integral part of the story, and I absolutely loved scenes that were mostly about her, especially how the movie started. I just wanted to say I understand where people are coming from even if I don't agree with the negative criticism about this movie.
  3. To be honest, I was so happy when the movie had started. It was better than what I had even pictured the book to be. For me it was a treat seeing it on the screen. Trust me, if I hadn't liked it I wouldn't be talking about it. The story resonates me with on a personal level especially about Katniss's struggle. And me and some other people (not the ones I came with) clapped during one of Lawrence's best scene. She dominated the movie. I'm saddened that people are having the reactions to the movie as they do, and I feel like it's getting short handed big time.
  4. I can understand in a sense why people are having the reactions they are to this movie, especially negative. I can definitely see critics having a strong reaction to this movie, but overall I enjoyed it. I liked it in the fact it wasn't something I'm used to seeing. Done in such a way, even if it is the basis of the Hunger Games. But overall it's a brilliant portrayal or study of war and politics. People have found something to like about the movie. Personally I feel like this defines what the Hunger Games were in a new way, and that's not getting as much credit at all which is the only sad thing to me about this.
  5. I'm torn by the fact I won't be able to see Mockingjay again till next weekend :/
  6. People get all ansy about them, and unfortunately look to Twilight because of the whole YA franchise stereotyping which I see. I don't find anything wrong with love triangles, I just hate the comparison to Twilight
  7. For the record though there isn't a love triangle! Not like the overblown one in Twilight..Katniss is connected to both Peeta and Gale, but like water said they don't make a big thing out of it at all.
  8. Mmhmm, but um can't spoil but he's going to have a *cough* role in something anyway..
  9. I see what you mean. But they are both important to Katniss. Gale protected her family while she was away. She's also known him all her life. Both their fathers died in a mining accident, and she always hunted with him in the woods.
  10. ^This. In no way, is Hunger Games a franchise like Twilight.
  11. Sorry meant this as a reply to another thread, (THG) so nvm..
  12. People who've seen the movie what did you think about the ending?
  13. Are you, are you Coming to the tree They strung up a man They say who murdered three Strange things did happen here No stranger would it be If we met at midnight In the Hanging Tree
  14. That was a great scene. Yeah unfortunately it's unlikely..
  15. Solid facts? oh my God, bad reviews you're defining the movie by that? You're generalizing. Not every review is bad, while I won't deny there are bad reviews. But come on, seriously.
  16. It doesn't matter if you're less biased about this movie, doesn't mean you couldn't be biased about another movie hence lowball predictions.
  17. The fact is the predictions are lead by some sort of bias, even if you haven't seen the movie for some people.
  18. Nah, not really. Some people with low balling predictions when they haven't even seen the movie at all, and or trashing it.
  19. Some people are just against Mockingjay, and they haven't even seen the movie!
  20. Originally in the reviews when I had seen about the violence, it wasn't too much of a surprise and I don't know I've always felt the first one was the one most violent..but oh man they were right on the money about this one. Holy shit! One of my favorite scenes was the I also really like what they did with Coin, because some people may not have any idea what is COMING. I really liked her character which is probably a
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